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Results 17801-17830 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
By the request of the Legislative Council and house of Representatives of this Territory—I have the honor to enclose you their Resolutions, “Conserning the Indian Lands Claimed in the County of St. Gennevieve and Cape Gerredou.” From the partial reference to the Recorder Books at this place, it would appear that the Showonees and Delawars, by virtue of a permission from the Baron Carondelet...
I have received to day, by the way of England, the enclosed papers from Canton in China, which I lay before your Excellency in compliance with the request to that effect—Subscribing myself your faithful and obedient servant RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML). The enclosure was Daniel Stansbury and others to JM , ca. March 1815 ( PJM-PS, Robert A. Rutland et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison:...
I have been 4. of the last 5. months absent from home, which must apologise for this very tardy acknolegement of your favor of Nov. 14. I learn with much satisfaction the enlargement by the Philosophical society of the scope of their institution, by the establishment of a standing committee for History, the moral sciences and general literature. I have always thought that we were too much...
Your favor of the 7 th after being a fortnight on the road, reached this the last night. on the subject of the statue of Gen l Washington which the legislature of N. Carolina has ordered to be procured, and set up in their capitol, I shall willingly give you my best information and opinions. 1. Your first enquiry is whether one worthy the character it is to represent, and the state which...
The letters to D r Jackson & mr Appleton received with yours of the 16 th shall be forwarded by the first opportunity, of which, many, frequently offer. you will settle the question between m r Short and me, whenever it may be most convenient to yourself & the arbitrators. my attendance is altogether unnecessary. I will instruct a m r York who has succeeded
Your last Letter was indeed flattering to me. eminently as you are gifted with the talent of writing your approbation must afford the greatest pleasure and exite encouragement. It has often been to me a source of wonder how you can write to so many in one family, and yet never appear at a loss for subjects; but you possess the talent of giving interest even to trifles and the easy course of...
“Fifth day the 21—I called on the President, found him polite, affable, & friendly, as usual. While he was in conversation with me, a servant announced the minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Spain —he bid the servant request the minister to wait in another room—when our conversation was finished and I rose to take leave, he invited me to return and take pot-luck with him at 3...
Your favor of Dec. 18. was exactly a month on it’s way to this place; and I have to thank you for the elegant and philosophical lines communicated by the Nestor of our revolution . whether the style or sentiment be considered, they were well worthy the trouble of being copied and communicated by his pen. nor am I less thankful for the happy translation of them. it adds another to the rare...
I Have Been for a Long While Anxiously Expecting Answers to Several Letters of Mine Which I principaly Atribute to the distance from Monticelo to the Sea port places where opportunities are to Be found— But as the departure of M r Gallatin Cannot fail to Be known to You I Hope He May Be the Bearer of Your dispatches. the Situation of Europe is too Comprehensive, the Events of Last Year Have...
In answering the letter of a Northern correspondent lately, I indulged in a tirade against a pamphlet recently published in his quarter. on revising my letter however, I thought it unsafe to commit my self so far to a stranger. I struck out the passage therefore, yet I think the pamphlet of such a character as ought not to be unknown, or unnoticed by the people of the United States . it is the...
In the Order of Time, I have passed over a Tragical Event, which excited much interest, and contributed largely, to render the Sovereignty of Parliament odious, detestable and horrible to the People. And I can consionscously add, accellerated the Catastrophy of the fifth of March 1770. In 1769 a little before the Recall of Governor Bernard, The British Frigate, The Rose Sent a Lieutenant, a...
In viewing our last Papers we find it very Distressing news for us to be obliged to move of[f] of the Public lands—which will Distress Not less then 500 families—in order for your Honour to be in possession of our Distress Situation I thought Proper to inform you we are at least 300 Milds from any State the news Reached us two late to Purchase lands on the tombigbee—and all that is worth...
I almost blush at my own presumption when I take the liberty of addressing you upon the present occasion. There is not a man in America, who has more uniformly than myself felt a confidence in the principles and wisdom of the national executive: and if a knowledge of local circumstances, induce me to become a humble petitioner in behalf of thousands around me; I trust it will be ascribed to...
Your favor of the 8 th is just now recieved, informing me of the reciept of a box of garden & flower seeds from mr Baker of Tarra gona for me. I do not think I can better dispose of them than by asking from the Botanical garden of New York their a ccept ance of them. perhaps there may be among them something worthy their notice and I am happy in an occasion of shewing my willingness to be...
The ice of our river has at length broke up, which enables us to get off this day 3. or 4. loads of flour, which, the tide being good, will be with you nearly as soon as this letter. the boatmen will call on you for their pay @ 3/6 per barrel. mr Yancey some weeks ago informed me that such was the press of tob o going from Lynchburg , that flour could not then be got down under 15/ a barrel, &...
I was much pleased to learn you had set up business in Richmond in the mercantile way, and I sincerely wish you success in it. it will be an easier life than that of a camp, and a happier one. my dealings are chiefly of course in this place, yet there have been often occasions in which I have wished for some mercantile connection in Richmond , for supplies of things not to be had here, or at...
Of the last five months I have been absent four from home which must apologise for so very late an acknolegement of your favor of Nov. 22. and I wish the delay could be compensated by the matter of the answer. but an unfortunate accident puts that out of my power. during the course of my public life, and from a very early period of it, I omitted no opportunity of procuring vocabularies of the...
Your favour of the fifth, and Judge Sewalls Letter to his son Samuel, have convinced me that No Parson Hull existed. Doctor and President Hoar, who was the Guest of Hull the Coiner deceived me. This Hoar lies buried within half a Mile of me, under a Monument and a long Inscription much obscured by Age. He was connected with Hulls and Quincys so nearly that they buried him here. But why Should...
The late proclamation of the President, to remove by force all setlers upon the public lands, who are found residing thereon after a certain day in March next, I fear, if enforced, will cause great individual distress, and but little public benefit. Perhaps in the South, some measure of this character may be necessary, to prevent lawless intruders from forming combinations prejudicial to the...
I feel myself impelled by a sence of duty towards a number of Citizens of the Illinois Territory to remonstrate against the execution of the late proclamation issued by the President to remove setlers upon the public lands after the day in March next—should this order be inforced it ⟨wi⟩ll in the above Territory be distressing to many Citizens and not beneficial to the interest of the...
My last inquiry respecting the good Gen l K. was of the 18 th Nov r last . since when, nothing has transpired with me, to direct, in what mode I should proceed, in Order to transmit him Via London , or Amsterdam —a further Remittance in Course of a M o or two—I have already Interest on hand, to the Amo t of $1130 65/
At the date of your letter of Dec. 1. I was in Bedford , & since my return so many letters, accumulated during my absence, have been pressing for answers, that this is the first moment I have been able to ae attend to the subject of yours. while mr Girardin was in this neighborhood writing his continuation of Burke ’s history, I had suggested to him a proper notice of the establishment of the...
Samuel Tucker Esquire, a Member of our Massachusetts Legislature has a Petition to Government for Justice or customary favour to meritorious Officers which will be explained before the proper Judges. I cannot refuse his request to certify what I know of his Character and History. My Acquaintance with him commenced early in the Year 1776 when he was first appointed to a Command in the Navy in...
I Abigail Adams wife to the Honble: John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, by and with his consent, do dispose of the following property. First, that injustice may not be supposed to be done to my Sons, I have conveyed to John Quincy Adams by Deed, all my right and title in the farm given me by my Unckle Norton Quincy valued at $2200, and to my Son Thomas Boylston Adams, all my part,...
Having been attacked this morning with a dangerous Complaint, I have requested Louisa to write you a few lines enclosing a Note, The disposition of which, I wrote you my request, in my last Letter dated December 1815—which Letter, and note, I deliver to Louisa Smith—to keep untill your return— MHi : Adams Papers.
The accompanying extract from the occurrences at Fort Jackson, in August 1814 during the negociation of a Treaty with the Indians, shews that the friendly Creeks wishing to give to General Jackson, Benjamin Hawkins and others a national mark of their gratitude and regard, conveyed to them respectively a donation of land, with a request that the grant might be duly confirmed by the Government...
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à Votre Excellence un petit Mémoire Sur la Question qui occupe actuellement le Congrès relativement aux Manufactures. Je tâcherai d’engager Mr. Patterson, ou Mr. Guillemer, ou Mr Duane à le traduire en Anglais. Dans l’un des deux premiers cas, je le ferais imprimer. Dans l’autre, il Serait naturellement placé au Journal du Traducteur. Je fais très peu de progrès dans...
Having this day Read your Proclamation respecting the People setld on Publick Land, it is said their that they are uninformed or eavil disposed people may it pleas your Excelencey this is a rong representation but they are generally poor people and at this time a very distrssed set of people as ever I saw of whome your presant oretor make one of the number the staple Comodity of our Country is...
I beg permission to address this letter directly to the President; its contents will be my apology. I have been informed thro. a friend at washington, that some person or persons there, at the instigation of my Enemy here, are meditating an attempt to prejudice the mind of the President against my official conduct, to effect my removal from office, & to open a vacancy for a favorite of that...
§ From James Brown. 18 January 1816. “Mr Brown” accepts JM ’s “polite invitation for Saturday next.” RC ( PHi ). 1 p. Unsigned; in hand of James Brown, senator from Louisiana.