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Results 17801-17810 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I seize a few Minutes before the Post sets out to send You a little Information. Manley took two Prizes last Saturday, a large Ship of more than 300 Tons with a Cargo of Coals (chiefly) a large Quantity of Porter, some Wine and 40 live Hogs—destin’d for the beseiged Troops at Boston. The Captain found Means to throw overboard every material Letter. The other Capture was a large Brig from...
Since my last I have not A Scrip from you. Whether you Intend by withholding the Encouragement you used to give to get rid of the Trouble of my many long and Tedious Letters I don’t know. However I am determined to write this once more at least not out of Spite, and malice, but to rectify some Errors I find I Committed in my last and to remove any Impressions of despondency the Temper I wrote...
17803General Orders, 11 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Majors of Brigade, to be more exact, in obliging the Adjutants to deliver to them every saturday, at Orderly time, an exact return signed by the Commanding Officers of the new establish’d Regiments, of the Number of men, weekly inlisted in each of those Regiments; The Majors of Brigade will for the future, be answerable for any neglect in executing this order. To reward and encourage...
Letter not found: to William Bartlett, 11 Dec. 1775. On this date Bartlett wrote to GW : “I acknolidge the Favour of yours of this date.”
I acknolidge the Favour of yours of this date concerning the Ship Concords Cargo and Shall forward it to Head Quts. as fast as Possible but the Roads being Very bad the Teamers think the Price Stipulated by Our General Court is not Sufficient Desire Your Excellency would inform me weather you will allow them any more or not The Porter togeather with the Other Arcticles mentioned by your...
I beg Leave to inclose Your Excellency the Petition of the Committee of Corrispondence of this Town where they set fourth the Sutiation of it in a Very Clear Light & Pray Your Excellency would hear and Answer the same if you in your Grate Wisdom think it Necessary. Those Valuable Prizes brought in here are much Exposed as we have nothing to Defend them with—Our Herbour is as Safe as any can be...
The Petition of us the Subscribers Humbly Sheweth That as the Highand of Minesterael Creuelty hath brought us into a most unnatural War with our mother Country by which means the Town of Beverly is much Exposed to their most unnatural Savage Like Creuelty. the Town Lying more then four miles on the Sea coast and a grate part of that way Conveiniant for Landing, the Inhabitents of this Town...
I do myself the Honor to address this Letter to you by Mr Penet, and another French Gentleman who arrived here last Night in Capt. Rhodes from Cape Francois, who was dispatched some Time since from this Place for Powder. Mr Penet comes extremely well recommended to our Committee for providing Powder from a Merchant of Character at the Cape. He hath Proposals to make for supplying the United...
Captain Manly of the Lee Armed Schooner has taken & sent into Beverly, two prizes Since I Last wrote you (which was the 7th instant) one of them is the ship Jenny, Captain Forster who Left London late in October, he has, very unfortunatly, thrown all his paper over board; is not yet arrived at Camp, if he does, before I close this, I will Let you Know what information I get from him; his...
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 11 Dec. 1775. On 25 Dec. GW wrote to Reed : “your favours of the 7th, & 11th as also the 8th are come to hand.”