James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Elbert Anderson, 12 October 1823

From Elbert Anderson

Westchester N.Y. Oct 12. 1823.

Dear sir,

I enclose you a new system of cultivation &c. by Major Genl. A. Beatson.1 I have partially tried the burnt clay in cheap & temporary Kilns, and have succeeded beyond my expectations. I have likewise tried the Scarifier—plate 1. […] and it produces a fine tilt [sic] for small seeds &c. With Great respect I am, sir, Your […]

E. Anderson⟩

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. Damaged by removal of seal.

1Alexander Beatson, A New System of Cultivation, without Lime, or Dung, or Summer Fallows, as Practiced at Knowle-Farm, in the County of Sussex (London, 1820).

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