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Results 17791-17800 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Your favor of 4 Oclock yesterday afternoon came to my hands this morning. The suggestions contained in it, I had before heard from New York; but thank you nevertheless for your attention, & communication of them. I have no idea of the Convention Troops being rescued by the detachment from N. Yk but if it shd take Post at the nearest navigation to their cantonmt it would countenance desertion,...
The General has received your Billet per horseman. He thanks you for your intelligence and begs you will continue to advise him of what passes. If the enemy are really gone, try to get some of the inhabitants, on whom, you can depend to pass the Delaware, to watch their motions and convey intelligence. Caution should be used by you all in entering the city, before you are very certain how...
I have received your two letters of this date, and thank you for the intelligence which they contain. you will be so good as to take every means in your power for discovering, in what manner the enemy have conducted themselves since you wrote—whether they continue to hover about the neighborhood of Haddonfield—or if they have made a decisive move, in what direction they have marched—early and...
[ New Brunswick, New Jersey, July 5, 1778. The description in the dealer’s catalogue reads: “… introducing the Marquis de Vienne, whom Hamilton had met through Lafayette. ‘Though a young man, he has been a long time in service.… I am not well acquainted with his pretensions in our service, but as I dare say they will be reasonable, I shall request you will give him your interest.’” Letter not...
LS and transcript: National Archives; press copy of LS and transcript: Library of Congress Inclos’d is a Copy of my last, which went by the English Pacquet. I heard after I wrote it, that the French Pacquet putting back by contrary Winds, Mr. Thaxter had an Opportunity of getting on board her and that She sail’d the 26th. of September. The mentioned new Commission is not yet come to hand. Mr....
With equal emotions of pleasure & gratitude I received your very polite Letter of the 11th ulto from Elizabeth-town, the late acknowledgment of which is owing to the interruption of the post, & a visit to my aged Mother; the last of which engaged me several days, & from which I only returned yesterday. The private congratulations of freindship, upon my safe return to a peaceful abode, & the...
The Committee appointed to confer with the Supreme Executive Council of this state, respecting the practicability of taking effectual measures for supporting the public authority, violated by the mutinous behaviour of a body of armed soldiers, who surrounded the place where Congress and the Executive Council of this state were assembled on saturday last in a hostile and menacing manner—not...
I do myself the honor to transmit to your Excellency the Copy of a Letter I have received from Sir Guy Carleton, informing me of his having ordered the evacuation of Penobscot. With great respect I have the honor to be Sir Your Excellencys Most Obedient humble Servt DNA : Papers of the Continental Congress.
I have had the Honor this morning to receive your Excellency’s favor of the 1st of July—with the Resolution of Congress directing Major Genl Howe, with the Troops, to proceed to Philadelphia. My Letters of the 24th & 25th of June to your Excellency do not appear to have been acknowledged by you, I hope they have been received. With great Regard & Respect I have the Honor to be Your...
I should not have under taken at this time to Address myself, through Your Excellency, to Congress, on the present state of our Military & Political Affairs (which are so blended as scarcely to admit of seperation in the discussion) did I not apprehend my silence might perhaps be construed into remissness of my Official duties, or inattention to the public interests; and that some...