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Results 17791-17800 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I this moment receive your favor of the 15 th and have but another left to get this into the mail of the neighboring village before it’s departure, so as to be with you within the time of grace given me by your letter. I thank you for thinking of me on the receipt of your Teneriffe, which tho of a place whose wines are not generally of high estimation, yet I know there are some crops of it of...
I will pay to your order in Town, or remit $150 the sum due you, on account of the Bridge , as you may direct. Your friends here evinced a high degree of affliction at a report of your death, by way of Lynchburg , stated in an extract of a letter from some merchant in that place fortunately a letter of yours, to a house in this Town, of the same date was conclusive evidence to the contrary—It...
Having for more than a year devoted much of my time to an inquiry relating to war—that terrible scourge of guilty nations—I am desirous of having the fruits of my inquiries examined by men whose talents, situations and prospects will enable them to judge impartially. The Rev. Mr Norton informed me that you had condescended to read my writings on some other Subjects. This has excited a hope...
I know you will be glad to see my handwriting, and more so, when I tell you that I have rode out to day as far as the meeting house, and feel the better for it; Sunday night slept very little, and that much disturbed. last night was much easier and slept natural sleep—am very weak— this morg’ Mail brought a Letter from mrs Buckana for you, and Letters from N york from abroad, one from mr A to...
Mr Espie, the President of the College at St Foy in this department, has sent me the packet accompanying this, to be forwarded to you. He has the reputation of a man of great science, and litterature, and being a great admirer of our institutions, he intends I am told dedicating one of his works to you. If you should think proper to reply to his letter, I will take care that it reaches him....
Attached to your person from principle, & a grateful sense of the honors, & favours, at different times conferred on me, it is with reluctance, that I venture to intrude for a moment, amidst your more important concerns. My duty however, as a member of the mil. Staff here, appears to require, that I afford information of affairs in my own province, which may be of consequence to Government,...
It was from D r Bancroft’s letter I understood that your brother would come to this country in the Spring, and that suggested the idea that the little commission I mentioned might not be inconvenient to him. but as you are so kind as to undertake the having it executed, I will avail my self of it your goodness to procure for me the two or three works, which having been originally printed at...
I wrote you by the last mail , that the bills respecting the Central College , and Capt: Miller ’s claim, had just reached the Senate : and that the former was objected to in two points: 1 st because it gives to the Trustees of the College the power of determining the time at which the act of 22 d Dec r 1796 . shall be carried into execution in albemarle , and 2
I had the honour of addressing a letter to you by my friend Mr. Robertson who left Paris some six weeks since on his return to the U. States and who will be better able to give an account of the wonderful devolopements of the few preceding months than, perhaps, any other American then in Europe. France is at present in that precise condition which was foreseen by every friend to her...
I nominate John Taylor, of Mississippi Territory, to be a member of the Legislative Council of the same Territory, in the place of Thomas Barnes, resigned. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 14B–A1). In John Payne Todd’s hand, signed by JM . The Senate approved the nomination on 23 Jan. 1816 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings, Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of...