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Results 17791-17840 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I this moment receive your favor of the 15 th and have but another left to get this into the mail...
I will pay to your order in Town, or remit $150 the sum due you, on account of the Bridge , as...
Having for more than a year devoted much of my time to an inquiry relating to war—that terrible...
I know you will be glad to see my handwriting, and more so, when I tell you that I have rode out...
Mr Espie, the President of the College at St Foy in this department, has sent me the packet...
Attached to your person from principle, & a grateful sense of the honors, & favours, at different...
It was from D r Bancroft’s letter I understood that your brother would come to this country in...
I wrote you by the last mail , that the bills respecting the Central College , and Capt: Miller...
I had the honour of addressing a letter to you by my friend Mr. Robertson who left Paris some six...
I nominate John Taylor, of Mississippi Territory, to be a member of the Legislative Council of...
By the request of the Legislative Council and house of Representatives of this Territory—I have...
I have received to day, by the way of England, the enclosed papers from Canton in China, which I...
I have been 4. of the last 5. months absent from home, which must apologise for this very tardy...
Your favor of the 7 th after being a fortnight on the road, reached this the last night. on the...
The letters to D r Jackson & mr Appleton received with yours of the 16 th shall be forwarded by...
Your last Letter was indeed flattering to me. eminently as you are gifted with the talent of...
“Fifth day the 21—I called on the President, found him polite, affable, & friendly, as usual....
Your favor of Dec. 18. was exactly a month on it’s way to this place; and I have to thank you for...
I Have Been for a Long While Anxiously Expecting Answers to Several Letters of Mine Which I...
In answering the letter of a Northern correspondent lately, I indulged in a tirade against a...
In the Order of Time, I have passed over a Tragical Event, which excited much interest, and...
In viewing our last Papers we find it very Distressing news for us to be obliged to move of[f] of...
I almost blush at my own presumption when I take the liberty of addressing you upon the present...
Your favor of the 8 th is just now recieved, informing me of the reciept of a box of garden &...
The ice of our river has at length broke up, which enables us to get off this day 3. or 4. loads...
I was much pleased to learn you had set up business in Richmond in the mercantile way, and I...
Of the last five months I have been absent four from home which must apologise for so very late...
Your favour of the fifth, and Judge Sewalls Letter to his son Samuel, have convinced me that No...
The late proclamation of the President, to remove by force all setlers upon the public lands, who...
I feel myself impelled by a sence of duty towards a number of Citizens of the Illinois Territory...
My last inquiry respecting the good Gen l K. was of the 18 th Nov r last . since when, nothing...
At the date of your letter of Dec. 1. I was in Bedford , & since my return so many letters,...
Samuel Tucker Esquire, a Member of our Massachusetts Legislature has a Petition to Government for...
I Abigail Adams wife to the Honble: John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, by and with...
Having been attacked this morning with a dangerous Complaint, I have requested Louisa to write...
The accompanying extract from the occurrences at Fort Jackson, in August 1814 during the...
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à Votre Excellence un petit Mémoire Sur la Question qui occupe...
Having this day Read your Proclamation respecting the People setld on Publick Land, it is said...
I beg permission to address this letter directly to the President; its contents will be my...
§ From James Brown. 18 January 1816. “Mr Brown” accepts JM ’s “polite invitation for Saturday...
Your esteemed Letter to me on the subject of our mutual misfortunes hangs under glass in my...
I had this honor on the 6 th instant , informing you, to have Shipped on board the Rolley (...
His Excellency Samuel Adams late Governor of Massachusetts was born in Boston in 1722. His first...
I nominate, John M. Forbes of Newyork, to be Consul General for Denmark, his consulate to embrace...
§ From Erick Bollmann. 17 January 1816, Philadelphia. “I have the Honor of transmitting to your...
Although I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with you, I take the liberty of...
I at length have the pleasure to announce to you the passage thro the House of Delegates of our...
the petition of M r Miller has passed our body agreeable to the prayer & I have Spoken to M r...
Reposing especial Trust and confidence in your Integrity, Prudence and ability I have nominated...
The circumstances are well known which have heretofore prevented these Provinces from...