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Results 17791-17800 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It has long been the Art of the Enemies of America to sow ^ the Seeds of ^ Dissensions among us and thereby weaken that Union on which our Salvation from Tyranny depends. For this Purpose Jealousies have ^ been ^ endeavoured to be excited, and false Reports, wicked Slanders and insidious Misrepresentations been so industriously formed and propagated Well knowing that while the People reposed...
177921775. Decr. 10. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bristol to Trenton, breakfasted, rode to Princetown, and dined with a Captain Flahaven, in Ld. Sterlings Regiment, who has been express to Congress from his Lordship. Flahaven’s Father lives in this Province. He has lived in Maryland. Says that the Virginia Convention granting the Scotch Petition to be neutral has done all the Mischief and been the Support of Lord Dunmore. He says...
I received your obliging favour by Mrs. Morgan, with the papers, and the other articles you sent which were very acceptable to me. As they are not to be purchased here, I shall be very choise of them. I have according to your desire been upon a visit to Mrs. Morgan, who keeps at Major Miflins. I had received a Message from Mrs. Mifflin some time agone desireing I would visit her. My Pappa who...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I find that Gates has sent you a copy of my letter; I hope that is correct as I am desirous it shou’d be printed, on condition it meets with your approbation. The other too (Ld. Thanet) you may likewise publish, but I cou’d wish that his Lordship’s name shou’d be omitted and that the title shou’d be General Lee’s letter to a noble Lord. We are all here a...
ALS : Amherst College Library I am told that the Congress have determined to raise four more Battalians in the Province. And as a member of the committee of Safety have been applyed to by several Gent who will be glad to enter into the Service. Among others Mr: Thomas Hartly of York Town a Gent of the Law of distinguished Zeal in the Cause he is generally known to the Genl: [Gentlemen] who are...
17796General Orders, 10 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The General has great pleasure in thanking Colonel Bridge and the Officers of the 27th Regt (who from a peculiarity of circumstances, or want of vacancies, have no appointment in the new-established Army) for their polite address to him; he considers the assurances which they have given, of their determination to continue in service (if required) until the new Regiments are compleated, in a...
I this moment received from Mr Thomas Crafts the Letter you have Inclosed, from which It will appear, that some of the people who came out of Boston were Infected with the small pox—As this disorder should It spread may prove very disastrous & fatal to our army & the Country around it, I should hope that you will have such necessary steps taken as will prevent the infection’s being further...
I recieved no letter last post from you I suppose you did not write. Jennifer Adams has made Deeds for his Land to you—Dr Craik was here on thursday last he says he thinks unless the Land is Rented to Adams, it will not be rented at all, unless it is Rented for little or nothing, as yet I cannot tell what I shall do with it, if I find it cannot be rented to Advantage, perhaps I may let Adams...
De rebus novis, ita est. One of our armed vessels has taken an English storeship coming with all the implements of war (except powder) to Boston. She is worth about £30,000 sterling as General Washington informs us, and the stores are adapted to his wants as perfectly as if he had sent the invoice. They have also taken two small provision vessels from Ireland to Boston; a forty gun ship blew...
My Dear Mrs. Adams has Disappointed Me so often that I think I will no more promise myself the pleasure of A Visit. But I think I will put in A Double Claim for Letters, both by way of Compensation for the Failure of her Company, And to Attone for her Husbands Deficiency. However I know his Work is Arduous and that He has Many Correspondents to answer, so I Believe it is best I should Run him...