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Results 17791-17820 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It has long been the Art of the Enemies of America to sow ^ the Seeds of ^ Dissensions among us...
177921775. Decr. 10. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Rode from Bristol to Trenton, breakfasted, rode to Princetown, and dined with a Captain Flahaven,...
I received your obliging favour by Mrs. Morgan, with the papers, and the other articles you sent...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I find that Gates has sent you a copy of my letter; I hope...
ALS : Amherst College Library I am told that the Congress have determined to raise four more...
17796General Orders, 10 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The General has great pleasure in thanking Colonel Bridge and the Officers of the 27th Regt (who...
I this moment received from Mr Thomas Crafts the Letter you have Inclosed, from which It will...
I recieved no letter last post from you I suppose you did not write. Jennifer Adams has made...
De rebus novis, ita est. One of our armed vessels has taken an English storeship coming with all...
My Dear Mrs. Adams has Disappointed Me so often that I think I will no more promise myself the...
I seize a few Minutes before the Post sets out to send You a little Information. Manley took two...
Since my last I have not A Scrip from you. Whether you Intend by withholding the Encouragement...
17803General Orders, 11 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Majors of Brigade, to be more exact, in obliging the Adjutants to deliver to them every...
Letter not found: to William Bartlett, 11 Dec. 1775. On this date Bartlett wrote to GW : “I...
I acknolidge the Favour of yours of this date concerning the Ship Concords Cargo and Shall...
I beg Leave to inclose Your Excellency the Petition of the Committee of Corrispondence of this...
The Petition of us the Subscribers Humbly Sheweth That as the Highand of Minesterael Creuelty...
I do myself the Honor to address this Letter to you by Mr Penet, and another French Gentleman who...
Captain Manly of the Lee Armed Schooner has taken & sent into Beverly, two prizes Since I Last...
Letter not found: from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Reed, 11 Dec. 1775. On 25 Dec. GW wrote to Reed...
At the request of the Board I am to acquaint your Excellency, that in consequence of a Letter,...
the prisoners which will be deliverd you with this haveing been tried by a Court Martial & deemd...
In a Letter which I have receiv’d from Mr Lund Washington dated the 24th Ulto are these Words—“I...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 11 Dec. 1775. On 30 Dec. Lund Washington wrote to GW :...
ALS : Maine Historical Society By this Conveyance we have the Pleasure of transmitting to you...
Copy: Library of Congress; letterpress copy: Yale University Library I have just received through...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By not being inform’d in proper time I have miss’d several...
17818General Orders, 12 December 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Continental Congress having been pleased to appoint Henry Knox Esqr. Colonel of...
—M ay it please your E xcellency : Colonel Otis , the younger, the author of the letter to your...
In pursuance of your Excellency’s command I have carefully inquired into the state of the genl...