James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Thomas Burns, 6 February 1816

From Thomas Burns

U.S. Ship Independence Boston Feby 6th 1816

Honorable Sir

As I have been from the commencenment of this late War with great Britain & the U. States your petitioner humbly prayeth, that your excellencys favor in granting me my discharge as I have a Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters in Baltimore whom I have not seen these 8 years past and as your humble petitioner wishes very to see them, which I hope your excellency considers on the ever Memorable action of 11 September 1814, on Lake Champlain in which I was one1 the surviving Heroes who gained and ended this last difference and dispute against our enemies, hoping your Honors excellency will pay some attention to your Humble petitioners request, which will be ever thankfully and gratefully received by your ever obediant & Humble Petitioner

Thomas Burns 2

RC (DNA: RG 45, Misc. Letters Received). Marked on cover “Answd.”

1Burns evidently omitted the word “of” here.

2JM apparently granted this request (see Benjamin W Crowninshield to William Bainbridge, 14 Feb. 1816 [DNA: RG 45, Letters Sent by the Secretary of the Navy to Officers]).

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