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Results 17701-17750 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have duly received your favor of Jan. 24. and accord ing to the request have inclosed to mr...
I have received your kind letter of the 23d of January, and I thank you for the pamphlets...
I have received your kind Letter of the 23d of January and I thank you for the Pamphlets enclosed...
It is represented that the lands in the Michigan Territory designated by law towards satisfying...
As I have been from the commencenment of this late War with great Britain & the U. States your...
I have duly recieved your favor of Jan. ___ informing me of your intention to publish the result...
I have duly recieved your favor of Jan. 10. covering a diploma of the Agricultural society of...
Your favours of November and January have not been acknowledged. The Politiques de Pous les...
I rec d . ^by the^ last mail the circular Letter of ^the^ 17 Jan y last ^ult^ from the Presid t ....
By this days mail, I Send you the 7 & 8 Vol s of the Edinb g Review—since our last settlement x p...
1816. Jan. 30 Jan. 31. Feb. 3 Feb. 4. Observed altitude Jan 30 error of instrum t  68–28–30...
J’ai reçu le 4 mai 1814, par M r Warden , votre trés aimable lettre du 29 9bre 1813; j’y ai...
Your favor of Oct. 9. arrived here during a two months absence from home, to which I returned a...
Your letter covering that of Gen l Scott is recieved, and his is now returned. I am very thankful...
I write to address your dignity, with a confidence to meet your approbation under a contemplation...
A. Lyon Member of the House of Representatives will do himself the pleasure to wait on the...
The Post Master General has had the goodness to favour us with an extract of a letter from W.P....
Your favor of the 24 th Ult. was a week on it’s way to me, and this is our first subsequent mail...
I know not what to say of your Letter of the 11th of Jan. but that it is one of the most...
I have received several Epistles in prose and verse, written to console me for my heavy loss, but...
I nominate, John Page Junr, of New Hampshire to be principal assessor of the 5th Collection...
In a late paper I saw that there had been a Bill reported for incorporating an invalid Force; and...
As you about proceeding to Washington I have thought it my duty to draw up, a Statement of the...
I know not what to Say of your Letter of the 11 th of Jan. but that it is one of the most...
Your favors of the 23 d & 24 th ult. were a week coming to us. I instantly inclosed to you the...
At head you will be pleased to find your account which I hope will may be found correct—if so...
Thomas Jefferson Esq r To W m Duane D r 1815 March To Translation of a Work of Destutt Tracy...
I recd. yours several days ago. Having recd. no information on the subject of it for a long time,...
Our friend and fellow citizen, John Montgomery Sr having expressed an intention of forming a...
The petition of Thomas W Holden respectfully sheweth That your petitioner was indicted at the...
§ From João, Prince Regent of Portugal. 1 February 1816, Palace of Rio de Janeiro. Dom João by...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Nov. 29. from which I learn, with much mortification (of the...
La bienveillance que vous m’avez temoignée dans les deux lettres que vous avez eu la bonté de...
Projet de Petition et Memoire Sur l’utilité de la culture de la vigne. Par J. D—— ———— Les...
After I had sealed my letter of yesterday , a mail arrived, bringing me one from mr Cathalan ,...
with out the privilege of a personal acquantance with you and being at the same time sory, to...
A list of the taxable property of the subscriber in Albemarle Feb. 1. 1816. 5. white tythes . 74....
It is long since I have written to you. the reason has been that from one of your letters I...
date Merid. Alt. by circle same halved merid. Alt. from horizon difference ⊕ error of instrum.  ...
We the Subscribers recommend Monsieur Francis I. Berier of the City of New-York to the...
To their Father the president and the Congress of the United States now sitting in Council on the...
Although I caused a Copy of your portrait to be taken for the purpose of having an engraving...
The Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 4th inst: requesting the President to cause...
The Memorial of the Officers of the Army of the U. States in the 8th Military Department...
I wrote you a long letter on the 14 th inst. and as it went by Duplicates one thro’ mr Vaughan of...
Your letters of the 23 d and 24 th come to hand just in the moment of the return of our mail. I...
On the 16 th inst. I took the liberty, thro’ the office of the Secretary of State , of asking a...
Immediately on the rec t of your esteem d favo’r of the 20th Current I proceeded to search for...
M r Dabney Terril , of the state of Kentucky , a relation of mine being desirous to go to Europe...
I wrote you a long letter on the 14 th inst. and as it went by duplicates thro good channels, I...