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Results 17671-17720 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
17671 Maury, Thomas Walker Jefferson, Thomas Thomas W. Maury to Thomas Jefferson, 18 February 1812 1812-02-18 Excuse if you please, the liberty I take, in introducing to your acquaintance the Bearer Robert...
17672 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 12 May … 1792-05-12 Boston, May 12, 1792. “I have received your Letter of the 2d. instant. The manner in which you...
17673 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 3 June … 1781-06-03 Your Excellency’s Letter of the 24th Ulto hath been duly received, previous thereto Congress had...
17674 Jefferson, Thomas Notes on a Cabinet Meeting, 22 October 1808 1808-10-22 Oct. 22. Present the 4. Secretaries. Intruders on the new purchase South of Tenissee. 2. on the...
17675 Nelson, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Nelson, 2 January 1777 1777-01-02 Colo. Zane delivered your Letters to me in this Town, and as I had it not in my power to execute...
17676 From Benjamin Franklin to William Franklin, 25 August … 1766-08-25 Extract: reprinted from [Jared Sparks, ed.,] A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
17677 Washington, George Hancock, John George Washington to John Hancock, 7 October 1777 1777-10-07 Near Pennypackers Mill [ Pennsylvania ] October 7, 1777 . Reports American losses at Germantown...
17678 Jaquett, Peter Washington, George To George Washington from Peter Jaquett, 14 March 1791 1791-03-14 I feel my self much hurt by the unfair manner in which I have been represented in Major Andersons...
17679 Washington, George [Diary entry: 20 November 1788] 1788-11-20 Thursday 20th. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning 56 at Noon and 56 at Night. A very heavy fog—and...
17680 Franklin, Benjamin Logan, James From Benjamin Franklin to James Logan, 7 March 1748 1748-03-07 MS not found; abstracted in Worthington C. Ford, comp., List of the Benjamin Franklin Papers in...
17681 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-09-23 The situation of our affairs in this Quarter calls for every aid, and for every effort. Genl Howe...
17682 Washington, George General Orders, 30 January 1777 1777-01-30 The Commissary General, and his Assistants in every department of the Army, are to be...
17683 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 October 1772] 1772-10-19 19. Warm & pleasant with but little Wind. In the Eveng. a black Cloud with thunder & Lightning...
17684 Phillips, Zalegman Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Zalegman Phillips, 1 October … 1803-10-01 I take the liberty to solicit the appointment of Commissioner of Bankrupts for the District of...
17685 Madison, Robert Lewis Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Lewis Madison, 13 February … 1814-02-13 I now write you a few lines by J. Cooper who intends remaining in Washington a few days. I can...
17686 Washington, George [Diary entry: 15 May 1770] 1770-05-15 15. About 10 hands at Work to day on the Race.
17687 McDowell, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John McDowell, 14 February … 1800-02-14 I received your favour this morning by post in which you mention that feathers of a good quallity...
17688 Madison, James Washington, George From James Madison to George Washington, 5 November … 1788-11-05 The inclosed memorandum was put into my hands by Mr. St. John the French Consul. He is a very...
17689 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 28 … 1795-10-28 I have seen with pleasure your reply to the calm observer. I believe it is as far as you ought to...
17690 Adams, John Rush, Richard From John Adams to Richard Rush, 1 June 1814 1814-06-01 I long to See the narrative of Dr Rush’s Life. I hope it will be printed. The Anecdote relative...
17691 Pickering, Timothy Adams, John To John Adams from Timothy Pickering, 25 January 1799 1799-01-25 The Secretary of State has the honor to inclose a letter received yesterday from Mr. King, our...
17692 Franklin, Benjamin Rocquette, Jacques, Elsevier, T. A., & Rocquette … From Benjamin Franklin to Rocquette, Elsevier & … 1779-10-04 Copy: Library of Congress I have receiv’d lately two Pacquets thro’ your hands, the last with...
17693 Hamilton, Alexander Seton, William From Alexander Hamilton to William Seton, 15 August … 1791-08-15 Inclosed is a resolution of the Trustees of the Sinking Fund appropriating a certain sum for the...
17694 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 6 November … 1780-11-06 I have received your several favo⟨rs of the 18th 30th⟩ and 31st Ulto. I congratulate you upon...
17695 Clavière, Étienne New-York Manumission Society Étienne Clavière for the Société des Amis des Noirs to … 1788-04-29 La Société établie à Paris, à l’instar de celle d’Angleterre et d’Amérique, pour opérer...
17696 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Lafayette, 2 … 1781-03-02 Your Letters of the 25th and 26th are Both Come Yesterday to Hand, which Shows that the Expresses...
17697 Gibson, George Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel George Gibson, 23 … 1779-01-23 The Assembly of Virginia in their late Act passed for the reinlistment of their Troops have not...
17698 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 March 1796] 1796-03-31 31. Clear and warm but little Wind & that Easterly.
17699 Washington, George Boudinot, Elias From George Washington to Elias Boudinot, 1 April 1777 1777-04-01 I am authorizd by Congress to appoint a Commissary of Prisoners —The pay will, I expect, be about...
17700 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 21 June … 1793-06-21 Considerations, relative both to the public Interest and to my own delicacy, have brought me,...
17701 Hamilton, Alexander Read, James (d. 1813) From Alexander Hamilton to James Read, 21 April 1800 1800-04-21 It has been communicated to me that Lieutenant Ross remains in this city, while there is no...
17702 Washington, George [Diary entry: 24 May 1780] 1780-05-24 24. Clear Morning with but little wind, but pretty fresh afterwards and from the Eastward.
17703 Washington, George General Orders, 1 August 1776 1776-08-01 It is with great concern, the General understands, that Jealousies &c: are arisen among the...
17704 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 7 July 1789 1789-07-07 The Cherokees. This Nation of Indians consisting of separate Towns or villages are seated...
17705 Taylor, Lemuel Madison, James To James Madison from Lemuel Taylor, 29 May 1812 … 1812-05-29 29 May 1812, Baltimore. Encloses a letter received from the supercargo of his ship, the Ploughboy...
17706 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 January 1772] 1772-01-21 21. Ground hard froze. Weather clear and very pleasant without any Wind.
17707 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 26 January … 1824-01-26 Agreeable to the request contained in yours of the 23 d now before me, have this day remit d...
17708 Southall, Valentine Wood Jefferson, Thomas Valentine W. Southall to Thomas Jefferson, 19 July 1819 1819-07-19 With the expectation that I should meet you in this place, where I’ve been for two or three days,...
17709 Franklin, Benjamin Le Baron, —— From Benjamin Franklin to Le Baron, [20 November 1778] 1778-11-20 Copy: American Philosophical Society I thank you for your readiness to serve Capt. Prince. His...
17710 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from George Washington, [24 April … 1794-04-24 Pay to the Secretary of State in pursuance of the Act providing for the relief of such of the...
17711 Franklin, Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Franklin, 17 May 1771 1771-05-17 ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received your kind favour of the 5 febr. and am verry Glad...
17712 Washington, George [Diary entry: 10 August 1770] 1770-08-10 10. Something warmer with but little wind.
17713 Hamilton, Alexander Howell, Joseph, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Joseph Howell, Junior, 22 … 1790-04-22 Inclosed you will receive a petition of John Wyley late a Captain in Colonel Jacksons Regiment in...
17714 Washington, George Committee at Headquarters From George Washington to the Committee at … 1780-06-12 I have received information which though not official—I deem authentic, that some of the states...
17715 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 24 September 1810 1810-09-24 The Hague, June 15, 1782—Wrote to Secretary Livingston. “This morning, I made a visit to the...
17716 Thomson, Charles Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Charles Thomson, 10 December … 1758-12-10 MS not found; reprinted from extract in [Charles Thomson], An Enquiry into the Causes of the...
17717 Washington, George Laurens, Henry From George Washington to Henry Laurens, 3–4 August … 1778-08-03 I do myself the honor of transmitting to Congress a copy of a Letter from General Knox, and of...
17718 Madison, James Leonard, Jonathan James Madison to Jonathan Leonard, 28 April 1829 1829-04-28 I have duly recd. yours of the 10th. instant, with a Copy of "the History of Dedham".[dagger]...
17719 Washington, George Alexander, William Lord Stirling From George Washington to William Lord Stirling … 1781-12-25 I have the pleasure of Your Lordships favor of the 13th. If the accounts which General Schuyler...
17720 Harrison, Robert Hanson Hancock, John Lieutenant Colonel Robert Hanson Harrison to John … 1776-09-12 His Excellency being called from Head Quarters to day on business of Importance which prevents...