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Results 17671-17720 of 184,431 sorted by author
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
17671 American Commissioners The American Commissioners: Memorandum for the French … 1777-11-23 DS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Archivo General de Simancas; DS (draft ):...
17672 American Commissioners Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de [The American Commissioners]: Memorandum [for … 1777-03-28 AD : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Harvard University Library On the 19th...
17673 American Commissioners Merckle, John Philip The American Commissioners to John Philip Merckle, 9 … 1777-10-09 Copy: Connecticut Historical Society We have recd. several letters from you written in a menacing...
17674 American Commissioners Dubbeldemuts, Franco The American Commissioners to Franco and Adrianus … 1777-11-10 AL (draft): Library of Congress We had the honor of receiving in due time your Letters of the...
17675 American Commissioners The American Commissioners: Certificate for a … 1777-08-29 DS and draft: American Philosophical Society To all Persons in Authority in any of the United...
17676 American Gentlemen in France Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from American Gentlemen in France … 1780-03-01 LS : Yale University Library; draft and transcript: National Archives The Glory acquired to the...
17677 American Iron Company Enclosure: [Conditions of the Sales of the Lands], [25 … 1796-06-25 The Conditions of the Sales of the Lands belonging to the Am Iron Compy on the 10. 11 & 18...
17678 American Merchant Captains American Commissioners Petition to the American Commissioners from American … 1778-04-09 DS : American Philosophical Society To their Excellencies the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the...
17679 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 30 … 1783-08-30 The American Ministers Plenipotentiary for making Peace with great Britain, present their...
17680 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 29 … 1783-06-29 Propositions made to M r Hartley for the Definitive Treaty— 1 st To omit in the Definitive...
17681 American Peace Commissioners Oswald, Richard American Peace Commissioners to Richard Oswald, 7 … 1782-11-07 In answer to the letter you did us the honor to write on the 4 th . ins t . we beg leave to...
17682 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 5 … 1783-09-05 We have received the Letter which you did us the Honour to write yesterday. Your friendly...
17683 American Peace Commissioners Fitzherbert, Alleyne American Peace Commissioners to Alleyne Fitzherbert … 1783-02-20 We have rec d . the Letter ^ w h ^ you did us the Honor to write on the 18 th . Inst, together...
17684 American Peace Commissioners David Hartley American Peace Commissioners’ Answers to David … 1783-06-29 To the 1 st . This Matter has been already regulated in the 5 & 6 th . Articles of the...
17685 American Peace Commissioners Bariatinskii, Ivan Sergeevich The American Peace Commissioners to Ivan Sergeevich … 1783-07-01 To their Excellencies The Prince Bariatinskoy, and M r De Markoff Ministers Plenipotentiary from...
17686 American Peace Commissioners Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … American Peace Commissioners to Lafayette, 27 November … 1782-11-27 We have rec d . the Letter you did us the Honor to write on the 25 th . Inst. Our Country has had...
17687 American Peace Commissioners Livingston, Robert R. The American Peace Commissioners to Robert R. … 1783-07-18 We have had the honour of receiving by Capt. Barney your two Letters of the 25 th: of March and...
17688 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 17 … 1783-07-17 We have the honour to inform you that we have just received from Congress their Ratification in...
17689 American Peace Commissioners Livingston, Robert R. American Peace Commissioners to the Secretary for … 1783-07-18 We have had the honour of receiving by Capt. Barney your two Letters of the 25 th . of March & 21...
17690 American Peace Commissioners Dana, Francis American Peace Commissioners to Francis Dana, 12 … 1782-12-12 We have the Honour to congratulate you, on the Signature of the preliminary Treaty of Peace,...
17691 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 29 … 1783-06-29 Answers to M r Hartley’s six Propositions for the definitive Treaty To the 1 st This Matter has...
17692 American Peace Commissioners Livingston, Robert R. American Peace Commissioners to the Secretary for … 1783-07-27 The Definitive Treaties between the late belligerent Powers are none of them yet compleated. Ours...
17693 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David The American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 7 … 1783-09-07 We have the Honour of transmitting herewith inclosed an Extract of a Resolution of Congress of...
17694 American Peace Commissioners Laurens, Henry American Peace Commissioners to Henry Laurens, c. 24 … 1783-08-24 We have rec d . your Letter of the 9 Aug t . last Inst. and entirely approve of the Packets...
17695 American Peace Commissioners Boudinot, Elias American Peace Commissioners to the President of … 1783-09-10 On the third Instant, Definitive Treaties ^ were concluded, ^ between all the late belligerent...
17696 American Peace Commissioners President of Congress The American Peace Commissioners to the President of … 1783-09-10 On the third Instant, Definitive Treaties were concluded, between all the late belligerent...
17697 American Peace Commissioners Hartley, David American Peace Commissioners to David Hartley, 17 July … 1783-07-17 We have the honour to inform you that we have just received from Congress their Ratification in...
17698 American Peace Commissioners Livingston, Robert R. American Peace Commissioners to the Secretary for … 1782-12-14 We have the honour to congratulate Congress on the Signature of the Preliminaries of a Peace...
17699 Jefferson, Thomas Congress American Philosophical Society Memorial to U.S. … 1800-01-07 To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States. The Memorial of...
17700 American Philosophical Society Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from American Philosophical … 1806-01-03 The wishes of the American Philosophical Society have been again unanimously expressed that you...
17701 American Philosophical Society Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the American Philosophical … 1797-01-07 We have the Pleasure of informing You, that, at the annual Election of Officers of the American...
17702 American Philosophical Society Madison, James Election to the American Philosophical Society, 21 … 1785-01-21 21 January 1785 . JM was nominated twice by Jefferson in 1784 for membership in this society (...
17703 American Philosophical Society Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from the American Philosophical … 1781-02-07 The American Philosophic society on the 5th of January last held their first annual election...
17704 American Philosophical Society Washington, George To George Washington from American Philosophical … 1783-12-12 The American Philosophical Society, which boasts the name of your Excellency in the list of their...
17705 American Philosophical Society Election to American Philosophical Society, [14 … 1791-02-14 To all Persons to whom These Presents shall come, Greeting. The American Philosophical Society...
17706 American Philosophical Society Washington, George To George Washington from the American Philosophical … 1796-12-12 The American Philosophical Society, desirous of expressing due Regard for Preeminence in Science...
17707 American Philosophical Society Jefferson, Thomas American Philosophical Society to Thomas Jefferson, 20 … 1815-01-20 The American Philosophical Society , after having, at Several periods, withstood your...
17708 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Peter S. Du Ponceau to Thomas Jefferson, 1 March 1819 1819-03-01 I am ordered by the Historical Committee to inform you that they have caused to be transmitted to...
17709 American Prisoners at Dinan American Commissioners American Prisoners in Dinan to the American … 1778-10-21 ALS : American Philosophical Society We the under Subscribed Persons having Received Your kind...
17710 American Prisoners at Dinan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the American Prisoners at … 1778-11-15 ALS : American Philosophical Society The Petition of the under Subscribed Americans Confined in...
17711 American Prisoners of War Madison, James To James Madison from American Prisoners of War, 24 … 1813-07-24 24 July 1813 , “ Nassau Prison Ship, Chatham (England) .” “We Conceive ourselves in duty bound...
17712 American Prisoners of War Madison, James To James Madison from American Prisoners of War, 20 … 1813-07-20 20 July 1813 , “ On Board H M Prison Ships in Chatham. ” “This comes from prisoner of war that...
17713 American Prisoners of War at Nassau Madison, James To James Madison from American Prisoners of War at … 1812-08-01 The Petition of the undersigned Citizens of the United States of America, in Confinement as...
17714 American Prisoners of War in Barbados Madison, James To James Madison from American Prisoners of War in … 1813-04-25 From a long and tedious Imprisonment patience exausted & health Impaird we have taken the liberty...
17715 Lynch, Dominick Jefferson, Thomas Dominick Lynch to Thomas Jefferson, 14 June 1817 1817-06-14 “ The American Society for the Encouragement of Domestic manufactures ,” instituted in this city,...
17716 American Spectator Adams, John To John Adams from American Spectator, 28 September … 1797-09-28 The American Spectator desires the President of the United States to accept of this little...
17717 American Traders Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from American Traders in … 1787-05-03 We the Proprietors, and masters of different Vessells belonging to the united states of America...
17718 “Americanus” [Americanus], [15 October 1792] 1792-10-15 [Philadelphia] Gazette of the United States , October 20, 1792. Although Philip Marsh has stated...
17719 “Americanus” Madison, James To James Madison from “Americanus,” 10 January 1814 1814-01-10 Prompted by an unfeigned desire to promote the welfare of our common country, I presume...
17720 Americanus Madison, James To James Madison from Americanus, 26 April 1816 1816-04-26 “If the system already devised, has not produced all the effects which were expected from it, new...