Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Rankin, 20 July 1805

To His Excellencey Thos Jefferson
President of the United States

The humble Petition of Robert Rankin

Humbly Sheweth

That Your unfortunate Petitioner has been Confined in the Gaol of Alexandria Since the 20th day of March 1804 on a fine, which he is unable to pay, and has no hopes of Relief from his present Confinement, but from the Clemencey of Your Excellencey, Your Petitioner is far advanced in Years, having Served in the Revolutionary War during the entire of it, in the fifth Maryland line, Therefore hopes Your Excellencey will extend Mercey to him, and Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray

Robert Rankin

July 20th 1805 

The Undersigned Judges being Satisfied that the Petitioner Robert Rankin is unable to Pay his fine And, in Consideration of his long imprisonment and his having received the other part of the Sentence do respectfully recommend to the President of the United States to Grant the Prayer of his Petition

W Kilty

W. Cranch

July 25. 05.

Let a pardon issue

Th: Jefferson

DNA: RG 59—GPR—General Pardon Records.

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