Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 1 January 1795

From Tench Coxe1

Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 1, 1795. “I have this day received from Mr. Francis2 the enclosed papers contg. his estimates … in case it should be deemed expedient to make an Importation for the use of the war Department…. It is the Agent Mr. Francis’s opinion, that considerable Importations may be made to advantage from Great Britain & Ireland partly for Credit.”

LC, RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives.

1Coxe was commissioner of the revenue. On April 4, 1794, H had made Coxe responsible within the Treasury Department for procuring military, naval, and Indian supplies. See H to Coxe, April 4, 1794.

2Tench Francis was agent for fortifying the port of Philadelphia and agent for purchasing War Department supplies. See Coxe to H, April 16, May 14, 1794. On December 29, 1794, H transferred the management of supplies for the naval armament from Coxe to Francis. See H to Coxe, December 29, 1794.

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