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Results 176401-176430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
176401[Diary entry: 19 February 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 19th. Thermometer at 25 in the Morning—40 at Noon And 38 at Night. Morning clear with the wind, tho’ not much of it at West & Cool tho’ it thawed a good deal in the middle of the day. Visited the Plantations in the Neck and at Muddy hole. At the first the Men were getting & preparing for fencing. The Women, some were grubbing and others throwing down old fences in order to erect them a...
I have received the Letter you did me the honor to write me, this morning, and shall be very happy to receive you tomorrow at twelve O Clock, according to your proposal. With great respect and Sincere / Esteem I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, / your most obedient and very / humble servant MWiW .
I shoud have taken a much earlier opportunity of replying to yours from Mount Vernon, but Mrs Mercer’s extreme indisposition (and I have attended to the business) woud have rendered any arrangement to the completion of which her concurrence was so essential, altogether precarious—he[r] re-establishment altho’ slow has been pretty certain for 10 days past, but in that time, I have had to...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully transmits to the President of the United States, a Letter from the Commissioner of the Revenue dated the 20th. instant covering a proposal made by a Theodore Lincoln for building a Light House upon Cape Cod in the State of Massachusetts. It is the opinion of the Secretary, that all circumstances considered, it will be for the Interest of the United...
I have recd. your favor of the 3d. instant. My last acknowledged your preceding one. The successful use of the Despatches in kindling a flame among the people, and of the flame in extending taxes armies & prerogative, are solemn lessons which I hope will have their proper effect when the infatuation of the moment is over. The management of foreign relations appears to be the most susceptible...
I shall want to procure about 250 Bushels of Buck Wheat, in addition to what I now have, to sow the ensuing spring & summer—and will thank you to inform me (as soon as may be after receiving this) upon what terms I could obtain the above quantity in Philadelphia, and what would be the freight of it round here, that I may know precisely the cost of it—and determine, upon the receipt of your...
Your favor of February 8th. was duly received and I regret that it has not been sooner acknowledged. But such was and has since been the decrepit state of my health, that I have been obliged to avoid as much as possible the use of the pen. Being at present partially relieved from a supervening malady under which I have for a considerable time been particularly suffering I avail myself of the...
FC (Virginia State Library). Resolved that the Delegates representing this State in Congress be instructed to take proper Steps for procuring and transmitting to the Executive of this State copies of all Accounts and Vouchers relative to disbursements and Contracts made with the Individuals of this State by any person acting under the authority of Congress in order that a proper inquiry may be...
I inclosed to you, a few days ago a letter from Docr. Bache stating the complaints of Mrs. Jones, agst. the proceedings of the District Attorney at N. O. I have just recd. & inclose one from Mrs. Trist which is more full on the same subject. I am aware, that the business may lie, rather with the Controler, than with you; but it is not amiss that it should be under your view also. As Grymes’...
176410[Diary entry: 26 August 1773] (Washington Papers)
26. Wind fresh from the Eastward all day. About Noon it set in to Raining & continued to do so more or less all day.
I received yesterday a letter from Mr. D. Hylton informing me that he has compleated the sale of my Elkhill lands to Doctor Taylor and Banks. He says ‘he has taken their bonds jointly and severally backed with the Greenbriar lands, all which patents with the several bonds are now in my possession, subject to your orders. In the mortgage or deed of trust for the Greenbriar lands, you have the...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 1, 1795. “I have this day received from Mr. Francis the enclosed papers contg. his estimates … in case it should be deemed expedient to make an Importation for the use of the war Department…. It is the Agent Mr. Francis’s opinion, that considerable Importations may be made to advantage from Great Britain & Ireland partly for Credit.” LC , RG 75,...
I thank you My Dear Sir for your letter of the 5th instant which was received yesterday. The measure you mention has been attempted but without much hope of success. Yet our friends are today in good spirits. The accounts from the Northward, apparently authentic, give us strong hope of still having a majority ⟨in⟩ our Legislature. But be this as it may, our welfare depends absolutely on a...
I had this day the honor to receive your favr. with the enclosures I had sent you. My services were not tendered from any “fondness” or “familiarity” with scenes of successfull warfare might have inspired me with: But from an Idea perhaps foolishly immagined that I might be servissable at a critical juncture which I have been induced to beleive more from the testimonials I have produced than...
Please to accept of my Grateful Acknowledgments for your attention to my request, I received your note yestaday and unfortunately find that your Excellency and my self do not cord in oppenion altogeather. And Sir lest you Should Suppose me Inconsistent, I use the freedom to inform you why, I have not call’d on the secretary of state according to your recommendation. my Reasons Sir are these....
Paris, 20 Apr. 1789 . Acting on TJ’s advice, he discussed his plan to set up a soap manufactory at Boston with Mr. Parker, who has been most charming and has written himself for all possible information on the subject. Many people think the establishment would succeed well and would be an advantage to the country. Consequently, Thiery hopes that he may have TJ’s protection and recommendation....
LS : American Philosophical Society Your agreable favour of the 21st feb. past I duly received. The reason of my Silence Was, that gen. roberdeau’s letter, you have been So good as to Send me, has been mislaid, and I could not find it Sooner. Here I send it inclosed according to your desire. Pray give me leave to use this opportunity for myself, and pay you my compliment on the hapy Success of...
Your Excellency will receive herewith enclosed two Acts of Congress of the 12. & 24. Instant making farther Provision for the Army in their present difficult Situation, more especially the Officers and Widows of Officers that have fallen, or may hereafter die in the Service. Congress have now under Consideration the Subject of Depreciation, in order to settle a just Scale of Depreciation for...
For this purpose, I waited on a very influential member of the American administration, who informed me that the fact was much as it had been communicated to the public, and that Mr. Genêt’s conduct was a direct violation of a formal compact, originally entered into with Mr. Ternant and subsequently confirmed by himself both in conversation and in writing, and on the faith of which the last...
I had the honor of writing you on the 26. Ultimo by the way of Bordeaux, covering duplicates of my dispatches of the 10th of the same month; as I likewise then inclos’d you copy of a letter I had receiv’d from the american Consul at Naples, relative to the hostile Conduct of the Dey of Algiers towards our Commerce. I now again inclose you Copy of the Circular letter from Naples No. 1. in order...
It will not be in my power to arm the whole at this place without delaying too much time, and therefore must beg your Excellency to direct 200 stand to meet us at Hanover court house to which place the Baron has ordered me for further directions. There will also be wanting 300 cartouch boxes. Tr ( NHi ); captioned: “Extract from Genl Weedons Letter to the Governor, dated feb: 28.” Enclosed in...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Bennet presents his Comp[limen]ts to Doctor Franklin and returns him many thanks for the Honor of his very obliging Present which he esteems infinitely. The writer and date are equally conjectural. The Bennet to whom we have assigned the note was an F.R.S. and a co-sponsor, with BF , of the nomination of William Hewson to the Society in December, 1769;...
The Day before I had the honor of receiving Your Excellency’s Letter of the 8th instant, I had sent you a Copy of the Resolutions of Congress, wherein was the number of Men which each state is to furnish for next Campaign If, as I hope, the Officers are not included, & if the Number of Men to be Employed out of the Line of Battalions, does not Exceed the proportion, our Army will be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the Pleasure to inform you that the 6 Waggons are just arriv’d, and I suppose all right, tho’ I have not yet had time to examine the Contents. Here are 10 Lehi People buzzing me in both Ears while I write, so can only add my Thanks for your Care and Readiness to serve the Province, and am, Dear Sir, Your most obedient Servant Our Compliments to Mr....
The most important facts in the History of my fathers Life will be found in one or another of the enclosed discourses, of which I forward to you those of Mr Knapp and Mr Webster, at your desire, and those of Mr Everett, Mr Cushing and Mr Sprague, for such use as Mr Wirt may be disposed to make of them—There are perhaps in all of them some errors of detail, but none of material importance—I...
The inclosed Resolutions of Congress came to my hand this instant, and as they are essentially necessary for your Government I have sent them immediately by Express. The first four Resolves are absolute and therefore you are obliged to insist upon the terms therein directed. But do not let the last embarrass you or impede your Business. I have so perfect a reliance upon your judgment and upon...
With rapture of Joy I embrace an Opportunity of addressing a few Lines to the greatest Man of Our age; to the father of his Country, to the most worthy & most amiable friend to Humanity, whom long ago the silent sentiments of my heart most respectfully revered. Mr Koenig, a Native of this City, now a merchant residing at Baltimore, having, during his stay in this place, requested of me a...
I have just arrived here without knowing that I was honored with the appointment of Surveyor of the Southern District. I received Mr. Grangers first letter suggesting the probability of my appointment and stating that it was the presidents wish that I should reach this place as soon as possible: but I was not so fortunate as to receive his after letters requesting me to repair to the town of...
I beg leave to refer you to my Letters of the 17 th. and 20 th. Instant to the American Ministers. I had very early applied to Ramsden one of the most celebrated opticians in London for the Spectacles which you desired me to procure for you he was dilatory in finishing them and occasioned the loss of an excellent opportunity for transmission, they came to me just as I was leaving London in...
Since my arrival at this place, where I came at the request of Congress, to settle some matters relative to the ensuing Campaign I have received your Letter of the 18th from Williamsburg, & think I stand indebted to you for another, which came to hand sometime ago, in New York. I am very glad to find that the Virginia Convention have passed so noble a vote, with so much unanimity —things have...