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Results 176401-176450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
17640127 Tuesday (Adams Papers)
Att my Uncles. Rev. Nathan Webb (1705–1772) , who in 1731 had married Ruth, a younger sister of Deacon John Adams of Braintree. Webb, who graduated at Harvard in 1725, was settled as the first minister at Uxbridge, Mass., in the year of his marriage and enjoyed a pastorate there of over forty years ( Sibley-Shipton, Harvard Graduates John Langdon Sibley and Clifford K. Shipton, Biographical...
176402[Diary entry: 9 March 1771] (Washington Papers)
9. Finished Ditto for Mr. Marcus Stephenson—who was to be the bearer of them. Mr. Dick & the two Mr. Nurses dined at my Brothers today. Marcus Stephenson of Frederick County was a half brother of William Crawford. Mr. Dick is probably Charles Dick of Fredericksburg, who owned land on Patterson’s Creek in Hampshire County ( Va. Gaz. , P&D, 17 Oct. 1771). the two mr. nurses : James Nourse...
This Indenture made this twelfth day of October in the year eighteen hundred and twenty five, between James Madison of the county of Orange of the one part and Charles Scott and Francis K. Cowherd of the sd. county of the other part, witnesseth that the said James Madison for and in consideration of one dollar to him in hand paid before the ensealing of these presents the receipt whereof is...
176404[Diary entry: 6 June 1771] (Washington Papers)
6. Mr. Campbell went away after Breakfast, & Jacky Custis returnd to Annapolis. Mrs. Washington Patcy Custis & myself Dined at Belvoir. Jacky’s departure from home had been briefly delayed so that his laundry could be done. He returned to school with £2 8s. Virginia currency to use as personal pocket money and £50 Maryland currency from which the bills for his inoculation and living expenses...
176405[Diary entry: 18 May 1785] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 18th. Mercury at 60 in the Morning—68 at Noon and 72 at Night. Wind Southerly in the forenoon and Westerly afterwards. The forepart of the day was very warm. In the Evening it turned much Cooler. Finished Planting Corn at Muddy hole. Rid to Alexandria to enter myself security for Doctr. Stuarts administration of Mr. Custis’s Estate. At the same time exchanged Deeds in Court with Mr....
176406[Diary entry: 5 August 1771] (Washington Papers)
5th. Began to Sow Wheat at Doeg Run, Steepd in Brine.
Having unfortunately for myself, been brought into a very disagreeable situation, on account of Letters of Administration taken out by a certain John Delabar on the effects of a certain Ephraim Goodanough, who, it since appears, is still living. I beg leave to mention that I am ready to refund the money to the Treasury or to the proper owner or his order, and if it can be of any service to the...
17640822d. (Adams Papers)
I attended to hear the debates in convention again, this forenoon. Mr. Langdon began by making a motion that the Convention should adjourn to some future day: But said he would waive his motion if any gentleman had further observations to make upon the System. Mr. Atherton, the leader of the opposition rose, and in a speech of more than an hour recapitulated every objection that he could...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that the public Treasurer may continue in office, without re-election, until the end of the session of General Assembly next after one year from the time of his appointment shall have expired. On his first election, before he shall have power to act, he shall give bond to the Governor, with sureties, to be approved by the Council of State, in the penalty...
176410General Orders, 10 October 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the Trenches tomorrow Major General Baron Steuben Brigadr Generals Wayne and Gist Baron Steuben’s Division will mount in the Trenches tomorrow. That a want of materials may not cause an interruption to the present operations the Corps here after mentioned are directed (agreeably to the 33d article of the regulations for the service of the Siege) to prepare the proportions now assigned them...
176411[Diary entry: 28 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear & something warmer still. Wind Southerly.
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 78, IX, 503). In Charles Thomson’s hand. Resolved, That Charles Fleming and Forster Webb Esquires be and hereby are appointed Commissioners on the part of the United States either of them to indorse the bills that shall be emitted by the State of Virginia pursuant to the resolution of Congress of the 18th March last Preceding this word in the printed journal is the phrase,...
176413[Diary entry: 25 August 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 25th. Dined at the Club and spent the evening at home.
176414[Diary entry: 7 October 1798] (Washington Papers)
7. Morning Mer. 58. Wind brisk & thro’ the whole day at No. Wt. with clouds & appearances of Rain. M. 64 at Night. Mr. B. Washington & Captn. Blackburn went away after Breakft.
176415[Diary entry: 18 March 1769] (Washington Papers)
18. Lowering with a little rain in the afternn. Wind southwardly and Evening clear.
176416[Diary entry: 15 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
15. Rid to Muddy hole Doeg run and Mill & returnd to Dinner.
176417General Orders, 20 May 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Sentries at all the batteries, where Cannon are placed, are to be increased to the number the Brigadier finds necessary; and they are all to be doubled at night: They are not to suffer any person whatever (excepting the rounds, or Officer of the guard) to go into the Batteries at night; nor is any person whatever, but the Generals, or Field Officers of the Army, and officers and men of the...
176418Editorial Note (Washington Papers)
Congress’s presentation of “An Act for an apportionment of Representatives among the several States according to the first enumeration” to Washington for his approbation on 26 Mar. 1792 set the scene for the first presidential veto in U.S. history. Recognizing the controversial nature of the bill, which increased the U.S. House of Representatives to 120 members, gave the size of each state’s...
176419[Diary entry: 26 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
26. Went up to Alexa. to meet the Indt. Company. Mr. Hepburn came home with me & Mr. Loyd I found there. William Hepburn, of Alexandria, owned a ropewalk from which GW had bought rope for refitting his brig Farmer ( HEADS OF FAMILIES, VA Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: Virginia; Records of the State Enumerations, 1782 to 1785 . 1908. Reprint....
176420[Diary entry: 23 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
23. Day moderate with but little Wind but that Northwardly in the Morning—Southwardly afterwds.
James Dunlop. A merchant of good character, not much understanding, in good circumstances, clear of debt, but a tool to U.F. Thos. Beall of Geo. A man clear of debt, of good estate, and character, of no understanding, and a tool to F. & S. John Laird A merchant of fair character, exceeding good understanding, of considerable property clear of Debt, and a tool to no man. These men reside in...
176422[May 20. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 20. Wednesday. 1778. I wrote the following Letter Your Favour of the 26 of April I duely received, and it is with the utmost pleasure, that I am able to inform you, that an Officer of the name of De Fleury, whom I suppose to be your Son, having never heard of more than one of that name, is in the American Army under General Washington, to whom he has recommended himself, by his signal...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 19, IV, 369). Written by JM. Resolved That the several public Ministers of the U. States in Europe be informed that the care & management of all monies which have been or may be obtained in Europe by loans or otherwise, having been committed to the Superintendant of Finance, to be disposed of by him according to appropriations of the U. States in Congress, it is the...
176424[Diary entry: 12 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
12. Breakfasted at Wm. Carr Lanes & arrived at home about 3 Oclock in the Afternoon.
Your Excellency will have received I make no doubt, a Copy of an Act of Congress of the 9th Instant, ascertaining the Quotas of non commissioned Officers and privates to be furnished by the Respective States for the ensuing Campaign, and directing all the Men in any of the additional corps—the Guards—artillery and Horse—and the Regimented artificers in the department⟨s⟩ of the Quarter Master...
176426[Diary entry: 15 May 1765] (Washington Papers)
15. Sowed Do. at head of the Swamp Muddy H.
The Senate amended the residence bill by substituting for the Susquehanna site a district adjoining Philadelphia, including Germantown. Mr. Madison . However different our sentiments, with respect to the place most proper for the seat of the federal government, I presume we shall all agree, that a right decision is of great importance; and that a satisfactory decision is of equal moment to the...
176428[Diary entry: 20 May 1771] (Washington Papers)
20. Wind still Southerly and Warm with great appearances of Rain but none fell here. In the afternoon the Wind blew very fresh from the Southwest.
MS (Morristown National Historical Park, Morristown, N.J.). Recd fm. Loan of the Honble Jas Madison Six hundred Dollars. JM and Mercer were in Princeton on 11 October ( JCC Worthington Chauncey Ford et al ., eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (34 vols.; Washington, 1904–37). , XXV, 670–71). The “Dollars” were probably either the currency of Pennsylvania or New Jersey. In a...
176430[Diary entry: 24 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
24. Wind at No. Wt. in the morning—at noon 28 and at Night 22. Clear all day & afterno[o]n the wind was Southerly. Mr. Jno. Hopkins & Mr. Hodgden came to dinner. mr. jno. hopkins : probably John Hopkins (c.1757–1827), commissioner of continental loans for the state of Virginia (1780–c.1794) and a merchant and banker of Richmond. In 1806, after moving to Alexandria, Hopkins married Cornelia Lee...
176431[Diary entry: 9 August 1795] (Washington Papers)
9. Still very warm with clouds.
1764324 Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
A charming warm Day. Dined at Coll. Chandler’s with Mr. Pain, Abel Willard and Ebenr. Thayer. Drank Tea at Mr. Timothy Paines and supp’d and spent the Eve at Major Chandlers with the same Company, very gaily.
Although in Tazewell’s hand, Edmund Randolph told Jefferson this bill (along with the Resolution for Schedule of Tax Rates on Documents, 2 June 1784 ) “originated from Madison” ( Boyd, Papers of Jefferson Julian P. Boyd et al., eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (18 vols. to date; Princeton, N. J., 1950——). , VII, 260–61). Tazewell was chairman of the committee appointed 28 May to draft a...
176434Friday 28th of July 1780. (Adams Papers)
This morning we got up at about 5 o clock. We breakfasted upon tea and the Horses being come at about 6 o clock we sot away from Compiegne. We had very good roads. We dined in the carriage and went as far as Valenciennes. At a small city call’d Cambray we were stopped to be search’d but by the means of a half a crown conducted into their hands we passed along. At Valenciennes we were stopped...
On 5 June the Senate amended “An act for the more effectual protection of the Southwestern frontier settlers,” providing for raising a regular infantry regiment of 1,140 men instead of relying on militia. The amendments revived the debate in the House over the perceived threat of a standing army ( Annals of Congress Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States … (42 vols.;...
176436[March 1779] (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, in order to take Leave of the Ministry. Had a long Conversation, with the Comte De Vergennes, in french, which I found I could talk as fast as I pleased. I asked him what Effect the Peace of Germany would have upon our War. He said he believed none, because neither the Emperor nor King of Prussia were maritime Powers. I asked him, whether he thought that England would be...
I hereby testif.—that Jacob Baur has lived with me in this City, since christmas last past, in the quality of Valet de chambre and Butler. that he has discharged the duties of the above [trusts] with fidelity, promptness and sobriety; and that in all respects he has demeaned himself so as to merit my approbation. DS , DLC:GW . The scribe apparently wrote “wusts.”
I resume my pen, in reply to the curious epistle, you have been pleased to favour me with; and can assure you, that, notwithstanding, I am naturally of a grave and phlegmatic disposition, it has been the source of abundant merriment to me. The spirit that breathes throughout is so rancorous, illiberal and imperious: The argumentative part of it so puerile and fallacious: The misrepresentations...
176439[Diary entry: 28 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 28th. Thermometer at 52 in the Morning—58 at Noon and 54 at Night. Clear all day with the Wind at So. Wt. in the Morning and No. Et. in the Evening. Went to Pohick Church—Mr. Lear & Washington Custis in the carriage with me. Mr. Willm. Stuart came from Church with me & Mr. Geo. Mason Junr. came in soon after.
176440[Saturday August 17. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Saturday August 17. 1776. Congress resumed the Consideration of the Report of the Committee, to whom was referred Brigadier General Woosters Letter requesting an Inquiry into his Conduct, while he had the honor of commanding the Continental forces in Canada, which was read as follows: That Brigadier General Wooster produced Copies of a Number of Letters, which passed between him and General...
§ Presidential Proclamation. 1 January 1816. Revises building terms and conditions for the city of Washington. Suspends the first and third articles of the 17 Oct. 1791 building regulations until 1 Jan. 1817. Adds an exception that “no wooden house covering more than three hundred and twenty square feet, or higher than twelve feet from the sill to the eve [ sic ] shall be erected, nor shall...
176442[Diary entry: 7 June 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 7th. Mercury at 70 in the Morng. 68 at Noon and 67 at Night. Wind at East and Cloudy all day, with fine Rain at times. Mr. Dulany, Mr. Saml. Hanson, and Mr. Roberdeau (Son to Genl. Roberdeau) as also Doctr. Stuart came here to Dinner. The three first went away after it—the latter stayed all Night. Mr. Lux returned in the evening. Mr. Roberdeau is Isaac Roberdeau (1763–1829), oldest...
176443General Orders, 10 July 1775 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial of which Col. William Prescott was president, having tried William Pattin of Col. Gridley’s regiment, and found him guilty of “threatening and abusing a number of persons, when prisoner in the Quarter Guard:” The Court sentence the prisoner to ride the wooden Horse, fifteen minutes. The General approves the sentence, and orders it to be put in execution at the head of...
176444[September 1761] (Adams Papers)
Spent Evening at Zabs with the Parson. Wibirt . I have seen a Picture of Oliver Cromwell, with this Motto under it— Careat successibus opto Quisquis ab Eventu, facta notanda putat. I pray that he may want success, who thinks that Deeds are to be estimated from their Event, their success. Oliver was successful but not prudent nor honest, nor lawdable nor imitable. A certain Romish Priest had...
17644512th. (Adams Papers)
I Dined with Townsend at Mrs. Hooper’s. Amory went to Portsmouth on Monday, with several of his friends. They return’d this day to dinner at Davenport’s. We called to see them; and sat with them drinking and singing till five o’clock, when they went for Ipswich. I pass’d the evening with Pickman, at Doctor Smith’s. Townsend, went there with us, but found himself so unwell, that he went home...
No. 1. } a { 11. or 13.E.1. stat. of Acton Burnel. allowing recognisances before a mayor to have effect of jdmts. & goods for defect of buyers to be delivd. to creditor at appraised value. b 13.E.1.c.1. the stat. of merchants. supplementory of the last. c 14.E.3.c.11. supplementory No. 2. prohibition to export wool, leather, lead. 14.R.2.c.5. do. No. 1. { d.
176447Enclosure II, 31 December 1784 (Jefferson Papers)
To form a general Idea of the Trade of South Carolina it is necessary to have a retrospect of what that Trade was before the Revolution, from which view a conclusion may be drawn of what it may be again, when the Country comes to be fully peopled. During the course of the War upwards of 20,000 Negroes were carried away by the British or died of the Small pox, Camp Fevers &ca. within their...
176448[Diary entry: 26 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Began to cut my Timothy Meadow. GW discharged Eliab Roberts today, paying him £5 13s. ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 277).
Washington’s surrender of his commission at a formal audience granted by Congress was a symbolic event of the highest significance. The documents presented in the present series are evidence enough that Congress as well as the Commander-in-Chief fully appreciated the nature of the occasion. Nevertheless, though this event at Annapolis on 23 Dec. 1783 has not received the attention accorded...
176450[Diary entry: 15 September 1787] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 15. Finished the business of the Convention all to signing the proceedings to do which the House set till 6 Oclock. Spent the evening at my lodgings.