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Results 176401-176450 of 184,431 sorted by author
176401[Diary entry: 17 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Somewhat Cool especially towards the Evening Wind being westerly.
176402[Diary entry: 10 December 1772] (Washington Papers)
10. At home all day.
I this moment received by Express from Genl Schuyler an account of the melancholy prospect and...
176404[Diary entry: 17 September 1799] (Washington Papers)
17. Morning clear—but little wd. & that No. Westerly. Mer. 66—calm all day. Mer. 80 at highest &...
Ringwood [ New Jersey ] January 27, 1781 . Informs Livingston that the mutiny has been completely...
176406[Diary entry: 14 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
14. Do. Northerly & fresh—cooler.
176407[Diary entry: 7 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
7. Mr. Adam went away after Breakfast. I continued at home all day.
Mr. Loring having been sent by Sir Henry Clinton to meet Mr. Boudinot or any other person...
176409[Diary entry: 4 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
4. Wind pretty fresh & somewhat Raw from the Southward.
Genl Washington presents his Complimts to Mr Livingston & Mr Jay—thanks them most cordially for...
176411General Orders, 10 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
A court of enquiry consisting of four members, & Major General Lord Stirling president, to sit at...
New Windsor [ New York ] July 11, 1779 . Discusses transportation of cannon. Df , in writing of...
176413[Diary entry: 1 May 1771] (Washington Papers)
May 1st. Wind tolerably fresh from the South East, with appearances of Rain but none fell.
I have not written to you since we parted, but had just sat down to do it when your letter of the...
By the President Of the United States of America. A Proclamation. Whereas by Virtue of Powers...
176416[Diary entry: 12 April 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 12th. Mercury at 50 in the Morning, 58 at Noon and 66 at Night. Clear all day; Wind until...
176417[Diary entry: 26 April 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Warm, still, & very smoky. In the Evening the Wind very fresh from the Southward.
Inclosed is a Copy of a relation given by a Mr Hoaksley Waggon Master Genl to the troops of...
I am to thank you for your favor of the 28th Ulto and its several inclosures—the intelligence...
The troops are to march [  ] at [  ] o Clock and move by the right, making a short halt at the...
Your Brigade is to guard the River Delaware from the Ferry opposite to Burdentown till you come...
By this Express, your Excellency will receive the requests of the Pay Master and Quarter Master,...
176423[Diary entry: 5 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
5. Little or no wind all day. In the evening it sprung up at No. Wt. Mer. from 30 to 36. A Mr....
176424[Diary entry: 20 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Friday—20th. Dined at home, and drank Tea at Mr. Clymers.
176425[Diary entry: 19 July 1771] (Washington Papers)
19. Warm with appearances of Rain but none fell.
176426[Diary entry: 13 March 1769] (Washington Papers)
13. Out a Surveying till Night with sevel. attending.
This will be delivered you by Major General Green. He and General Knox are sent by me to review...
I received your favour of the 2d, with its inclosure, last night—I am glad to find that your...
176429[Diary entry: 9 October 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 9th. Thermometer at 56 in the Morning—59 at Noon & 57 at Night. Clouds, Mists & Sunshine...
By an Express this Minute come to hand from Congress, We are informed, General How’s Fleet is...
176431[Diary entry: 16 October 1771] (Washington Papers)
16. Ditto—Ditto. Mr. West & Doctr. Rumney went away after Dinner.
176432General Orders, 4 July 1775 (Washington Papers)
Exact returns to be made by the proper Officers of all the Provisions⟨,⟩ Ordnance, Ordnance...
Immediately upon our leavg the C. at Geors. Ck the 14th Inst. (from whe I wrote to yo.) I was...
176434[Diary entry: 31 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
31. Morning clear. Mer. at 76. Calm—82 at highest & 78 at Night. Messrs. Willm. & George Craik...
I have determined to send Col. Van Schaicks regiment to Fort Schuyler to relieve Col. Ganseworth....
I have received your excellency’s letter of yesterday enclosing a copy of a representation to you...
This will be deliver’d to you by the Chevalier de Mauduit du Plessis, who was among the first...
176438[Diary entry: 19 September 1784] (Washington Papers)
19th. Being Sunday, and the People living on my Land, apparently very religious, it was thought...
The present distresses of the Army with which you are well acquainted, have determined me to call...
176440[Diary entry: 7 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
7. Mr. Martin Cockburn & Mr. Geo. Mason Junr. dined here. George Mason, Jr. (1753–1796), was the...
This Letter will be deliver’d you by Jonathan Eddy Esq. the Gentlemen from Nova Scotia who I...
Your two Favors of the 21st & 22d Instant with the inclosed papers are come to Hand. I lament,...
176443General Orders, 25 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
Peter McBride Matross in the 2d regiment of Artillery charged with "mutinous behavior," Joel...
Pompton Plains [ New Jersey ] July 13, 1777. Discusses supplies sent to Schuyler. Is astonished...
When you have crossed the North River with your regiment you will proceed to the neighbourhood of...
176446[Diary entry: 18 July 1795] (Washington Papers)
18. Breakfasted in Baltim[or]e—dined & lodged at Spurriers where my sick horse died. spurriers :...
By express this moment receivd from General Dickonson, the Enimy have crost over from Newyork &...
Your Favors of the 8. & 11th Instant are duly received the former I laid before the General Court...
176449[Diary entry: 25 October 1769] (Washington Papers)
25. Clear & tolerably pleasant Wind being moderate & So. Westwardly.
Herewith Inclosed are your Lordships discretionary Instructions —In addition to what you read in...