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Results 176401-176430 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
176401 Madison, James Porter, David From James Madison to David Porter, 7 December 1822 1822-12-07 I have recd. with your note of the 28. Ult: the right volume of your Journal; and have looked...
176402 Maverick, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Maverick, 7 December … 1822-12-07 I have this day as p r direction forwarded by water to Richmond to Col Peyton a Box cont 250...
176403 Jefferson, Thomas Smith, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 8 December 1822 1822-12-08 I have to thank you for your pamphlets on the subject of Unitarianism, and to express my...
176404 Colman, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Colman, 9 December 1822 1822-12-09 Herewith are enclosed the two letters of Mr Jefferson, which you were kind enough to entrust to...
176405 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Southard, Samuel L. From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Samuel L. … 1822-12-09 Mrs. ADAMS requests the honor of Mr Southard’s company at Tea, on Tuesday Evening, the 10 of...
176406 Adams, John Watson, Elkanah From John Adams to Elkanah Watson, 10 December 1822 1822-12-10 I thank you for your kind letter of the 4th: Instant. I wish that time may bring forth as able a...
176407 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Charles Francis From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Charles Francis … 1822-12-10 Your Letter came yesterday and was received with even more pleasure than they generally are from...
176408 Barbour, Philip P. Madison, James To James Madison from Philip P. Barbour, 10 December … 1822-12-10 I received your letter with the one from Mr. Taylor enclosed; I fear it will be not practicable...
176409 Johnson, Junius Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from Junius Johnson Jr., 10 December … 1822-12-10 Permit a stranger to take the liberty of asking a favor at your hands. Aware of your devotion to...
176410 Johnson, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Johnson, 10 December … 1822-12-10 Few Occurrences could have afforded me more Pleasure than the Receipt of your kind and friendy...
176411 Walsh, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Walsh, 10 December 1822 1822-12-10 I venture to intrude to the extent of a single page on your kind attention. The place of Civil...
176412 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John To John Adams from Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 12 … 1822-12-12 12. December Mrs Frye called today to see me and I went with her to the Kings Picture Gallery and...
176413 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John From John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 12 December 1822 1822-12-12 I have written to my brother this day, informing him that I have consented that you and Charles...
176414 Waterhouse, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Waterhouse, 12 December … 1822-12-12 I have just read in one of the Boston News-papers, a paragraph to this effect—that through the...
176415 Jefferson, Thomas Brockenbrough, Arthur S. From Thomas Jefferson to Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 12 … 1822-12-12 In inclose you a letter recieved yesterday from our engraver in New York. I shall write to Col o...
176416 Jefferson, Thomas Clinton, DeWitt From Thomas Jefferson to DeWitt Clinton, 12 December … 1822-12-12 I thank you, Dear Sir, for the little volume sent me on the Natural history and resources of N....
176417 Jefferson, Thomas Cutting, John Browne From Thomas Jefferson to John Browne Cutting, 12 … 1822-12-12 Th: Jefferson salutes D r Cutting with antient & friendly recollections, and with a mind which...
176418 Jefferson, Thomas Greenway, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Greenway, 12 December … 1822-12-12 By your favor of the 3 d inst. I find that you cannot have recieved mine of Apr. 17. 1821. I...
176419 Jefferson, Thomas King, Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin King, 12 December … 1822-12-12 I have duly recieved your favor covering the drawing of your equilateral level. I think it...
176420 Jefferson, Thomas Peyton, Bernard From Thomas Jefferson to Bernard Peyton, 12 December … 1822-12-12 You will recieve from N. York for the University a box of 250. engravings of it’s plan. the...
176421 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 12 December … 1822-12-12 I yesterday rec d bill of lading from Peter Maverick of New York, for 1 Box, containing 250...
176422 Randolph, Thomas Mann Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Mann Randolph, 12 … 1822-12-12 I have to day seen a M r Mauray of this place who has about 4 or 5 quarter casks, of the...
176423 Adams, John Yates, John V. N. From John Adams to John V. N. Yates, 13 December 1822 1822-12-13 I have received this Morning from the Post Office by an unknown hand a slip of an Albany...
176424 Madison, James Johnson, Junius Jr. From James Madison to Junius Johnson Jr., [ca. 13] … 1822-12-13 I have recd. your letter of the 10th. & should comply with its request but that I have no copy of...
176425 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 13 … 1822-12-13 Your letter of the 21 st Nov. was not rec d untill wednesday last, Gen l Cocke by whom it was...
176426 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John To John Adams from Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 14 … 1822-12-14 & Miss Mason Capt & Mrs. Crane Mr. Kerby with several others Members of Congress—Mr. Petry came...
176427 Adams, John Johnson, Alexander Bryan From John Adams to Alexander Bryan Johnson, 14 December … 1822-12-14 I have received your favor of the 7th. instant. If I agree with you that human knowledge ceases,...
176428 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John To John Adams from Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, 14 … 1822-12-14 14th December. We were all so exhausted that we determined to keep quiet all day at home....
176429 Lear, Benjamin L. Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin L. Lear, 14 December … 1822-12-14 At the request of my friend Captain Hull of the navy, I have been Endeavouring to settle, at the...
176430 Constâncio, Francisco Solano Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francisco Solano Constâncio … 1822-12-14 It was my intention on coming to the United States, to have been myself the bearer of the two...