George Washington Papers

From George Washington to George Clinton, 16 July 1779

To George Clinton

Head Quarters [New Windsor] 16 July 1779

Dear Sir,

I have the pleasure to transmit Your Excellency the enclosed copy of a letter from Brig. Gen. Wayne, which this moment came to hand.1 I congratulate you upon our success—and what makes it still more agreeable, from the report of Capt. Fishbourne who brought Gen. Wayne’s letter, the Post was gained with but very inconsiderable loss on our part. I have not yet obtained the particulars of the affair. I have the honor to be with great respect and esteem Your Excellency’s most obed. serv.

Go: Washington

P.S. General Wayne received a slight wound in the Head with a Muskett Ball; but it did not prevent him from going on with the Troops.

LS, in Caleb Gibbs’s writing, sold by Christie’s, Sale No. 1770, 5 Dec. 2006, no. 324. The postscript of this letter is in the writing of GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison.

Clinton replied to GW in a letter of 18 July written at Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: “I have had the Pleasure of receiving your Excellency’s Favor of the 16th Instant with the very agreable Intelligence from Stoney Point. I most sincerely congratulate your Excellency on this most important and successful Event, and shall be much obliged to you for the Particulars and the situation of the Enemy on the oposite side of the River” (LS, DLC:GW; ADf, sold by Christie’s, Sale No. 1770, 5 Dec. 2006, no. 324).

1The enclosure, which was a copy of the first letter of this date from Wayne to GW, was sold by Christie’s, Sale No. 1770, 5 Dec. 2006, no. 324.

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