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Results 176391-176400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In conformity to your request I have been to the Encampment at Scotch plains and examined the Hutts erecting there for the Accommodation of 11, 12, & 13 Regimts. and also the Timber for Building them. It appears there is not sufficient timber & boards, for to complete the necessary Hutts Hospital, Guard House & Qt Masters Store House all which I conceive, proper to be erected— There is nothing...
The President of the United States instructs me to request, that you will cause an inquiry to be immediately made, through some of the Officers of the Customs, into the damage sustained by the detention of the Brig William of Glasgow, a prize to a French Cruiser, while She was detained by Government for examination, whether she was not captured within the protection of our coast. It may...
It will be necessary to the perfect understanding of the case you referred to me this morning, to know the day on which the goods of the Betsey from Liverpool were entered and whether they are now in a situation to be exhibited. It will be agreable to me also to see such papers, relative to this case, as may be in your hands. When you possess me of these things, I will give the subject due...
Upon the receipt of your letter of the 17th I called upon General Hand for the Brigade order to which you allude, who laid it before me, with the several letters which had passed between you and him on the subject and a Copy of the sentence of the Division Court Martial upon Mr Norcross—the issuing Commy. That the Men were without provision on the parade the 5th does not admit of a doubt—Genl...
I take the liberty to enclose you a small pamphlet, written and published by myself.— It is a hasty production, but if it affords you satisfaction, or amusement, I shall feel myself amply recompenced. I remain, With respect, Yours &c. &c. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
The Hornet to be commanded by Capt Dent is the vessel that is to take the despatches. To accomadate Mr Gallatin New-York is the port whence she is to sail. The enclosed Afflicting letter compells me to leave Washington abruptly—I have left at my office all necessary instructions. Yr St DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I congratulate you on the loan, scanty as it is, for the University; in the confidence that it is a gift masked under that name; and in the hope that it is a pledge for any remnant of aid the Establishment may need in order to be totus teres atque rotundus . Can you not have the hands Set to work without the formality of a previous meeting of the Visitors? I have rec d no notice from Richmond...
From the best account that I have been Able to get the enemy have no design of Moving Their main body farther than their presant incampment, about Volentins hill, they keep out Strong Forraging parties up as high as dobs’s ferry and on the other Side to wards House, they have taken off large Quantitys of wheat in the Straw and all the hay that is in that Country which is carryed Immediatly on...
The bearer hereof Mr Young is a young man that came a perfet Stranger to me about three years ago enquireing for employmt as an Assistant or Clerk And from his appearance then I thought there was something promiseing in his looks or that bid fair for doing well haveing at that time no occation for any person my self I recomended him to Doctr Ross who I had heard say wanted such a person, he...
Letter not found: to Samuel Washington, c.20 Nov. 1776. In his letter to Samuel Washington of 18 Dec. , GW wrote: “I think my last to you was from Hackinsack about the 20th of Novr .”