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Results 176391-176400 of 184,431 sorted by author
Last Night I received Information that Messr Clarke & Nightingale of Providence had imported a Quantity of Gun Powder, Lead & 500 Stand of Arms: Upon which I have dispatch’d Capt. Baylor one of my Aids de Camp to treat with those Gentlemen for the whole Importation if not otherwise dispos’d of. I have directed him to wait upon you immediately on his Arrival & must beg the Favor of your Advice...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 14, 1779 . Reports that deputies from Delaware Nation have arrived in Camp and have been referred to Congress. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
176393[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Cool with the Wind at No. West but not very hard.
I have received your Favor of 26th of Septemr—I should have esteemed it a fortunate Circumstance to have had the Pleasure to have fell in with you on my Rout to Virginia. The 50 Men, engaged for three Years & the War, of the Maryland Line which you mention, I could wish should be moved on as soon as may be; equipped in the best manner you are able to effect—The Nine Months Men are not so...
176395[Diary entry: 9 July 1768] (Washington Papers)
9. Clear, warm, & still abt. Noon. Afterwards cooler Wind being risen from the Southward.
I have the pleasure to transmit Your Excellency the enclosed copy of a letter from Brig. Gen. Wayne, which this moment came to hand. I congratulate you upon our success—and what makes it still more agreeable, from the report of Capt. Fishbourne who brought Gen. Wayne’s letter, the Post was gained with but very inconsiderable loss on our part. I have not yet obtained the particulars of the...
176397[Diary entry: 6 August 1787] (Washington Papers)
Monday—6th. Again met in Convention agreeably to adjournmt. & recd. the report of the Com[mitt]ee. Dined at Mr. Morris’s and drank Tea at Mr. Meridiths.
If you propose to go to the Annapolis Races—will accept of a Seat in my Phaeton—&, if the weather permits be here this afternoon I can give you a lift there & shall be glad of your Company. I shall, if I can, take an even start with the Sun tomorrow so as to reach Annapolis in good time. I hope this Letter will find you in better health than when I saw you last. I am with very sincere regard...
176399General Orders, 6 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
As the late movements of the enemy will require some change of our present disposition, the General most earnestly requests, that the men who have been at the Hospital, and out of Camp on any other account, may be immediately collected and join their respective regiments. It is with the utmost astonishment and abhorrence, the General is informed, that some base and cowardly Wretches have, last...
Permit me to introduce the bearer, Mr Fairfax, to your acquaintance & civilities. He is the Son of the Revd Mr Fairfax—nearly related to Lord Fairfax—and God-son to your Hble servant. But that which will be his best recommendation, is his own merits—He is a young Gentleman of fortune and goes to Philadelphia for the laudable purpose of compleating his Studies. With respectful compliments and...