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Results 176251-176280 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Middlebrook, New Jersey ] February 15, 1779 . States that British are about to move on Staten...
Are the cross roads between the Sussex and Morris-town Roads Surveyed? If they are I wish to have...
Your letter of the 27th Ult. came duly to hand. For the information contained in it—and for the...
By the advice of the Council the inclosed Confessions of Thomas Logwood , and a Communication...
I hold myself exceedingly obliged to your Excellency for your favor of the 15th. The intelligence...
On receipt of your Excellency’s Favour of the 27th ult. I went to Ringwood, and visited the...
The inclosed memorial has been this morning handed in to the Faculty, but as they conceive that...
176258General Orders, 28 October 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable Congress have been pleased to promote Brigadiers General Robert Howe, and Alexander...
I had the pleasure of receiving in due time your letter of the 15th instant. The Suggestions it...
176260[Diary entry: 21 April 1767] (Washington Papers)
21. Began to Plant Corn in the Neck & at the Mill.
Certain expressions of mine, used in debate on friday last , having been interpreted by some as...
This will be deliverd to you by the children who leave me this day. I hope they will return to...
a Cherokee Indian is just arrived here & has put the ten indians waiting at this place for...
Whereas I the Subscriber Sudingley Enter’d the Service in my Zeal for the Publick Safetey in...
A constant succession of company, is all I have to offer in vindication of my appearant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg leave to Acquaint your Excellency that there is a...
This Anniversary is So well known to you, that you will not wonder; that it always returns with a...
This letter is confidential, but not official. it is meant to give you a general idea of our...
On the 12 th . October last Congress was pleased, on a Report from the Board of Treasury, to...
I am honored with your Favors of the 25th and 28th Instant. You may rest assured, no Man shall...
Printed in [George Whatley,] Principles of Trade, Fredom and Protection Are Its Best Suport:...
My last to you was dated 4 th: Ult: since which I have been honored with yours of the 15 th. July...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1763–1764 (Philadelphia,...
Private Dear Sir London 2d May 1790 You will find enclosed the Copy of what I took the Liberty to...
I received to day, yours of the 22d. That by Mr. Brush I answered as soon as received. You cannot...
Printed in The American Weekly Mercury , January 28, 1728/9. When Samuel Keimer forestalled...
The Members of Lodge No. 22 Solicit your Company, to Partake of a refreshment at Mr Gadsby’s...
I have laid before the President of the United States your letter of the 20th. instant,...
After a most fatigueing journey I arrived on friday Evening. I travel’d all the first night, &...
In addition to the information contained in the newspapers several travellers have passed thro’...