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Results 176241-176290 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
On the next page you will find the vote of the Senate on the passage of your bill. Of the four...
I have duly reciev d your favor of the 1 st asking my examination and opinion of the plan of mr...
I have thought it right to address the Enclosed directly to yourself. The Bill will...
How could you think, my dear friend, of appealing to me for materials for the history of N....
It affords me heart felt pleasure to inform you that your bill has passed the Senate, and is now...
Your very kind letters, with those of other friends were real soothers of a kind of uneasiness I...
Your letter of the 8 th has been rec d as was in due season. the former one to which you observe...
Your favor of the 17 th is rec d and I cannot sffly express to you my sense of the kindness with...
I have to acknolege the rec t of your favor of the 14 th and still more especially to acknolege...
Your favor of the 13 th was recieved yesterday. your use of my letter with the alterations...
My heart is delighted at the result of your application to the Legislature—Perpetual disgrace...
It was with infinite pain my D r Grandfather, that I saw your application to the legislature; the...
I mentiond in a letter which I lately wrote to you, that I had seen in a paper from Richmond, a...
Your letter upon the subject of an application to the Virginia Legislature, was handed to me by...
Although a stranger to you I have taken the liberty of addressing to you a letter with a view of...
Th: Jefferson has duly recieved mr Fisher’s favor of the 7 th and with it his pamphlet on the...
Yours of the 17 th was duly rec d . The awkward state of the Law professorship is truly...
In a letter which I wrote to the American Consul at Liverpool some time last year, I took...
Your esteem d favor of the 21 st is to hand, & contents observd. The dfts: you intend to draw...
Altho I Have Not Since My Return to france Received any direct letter from Monticello, I Have the...
Living among people who revere you as the author of the Declaration of American Independence, as...
I have been very much gratified by the letters rec d from you since I left Monticello; those...
The enclosed letter from M r Go relating to a subject interesting to you, and your family, I...
I have duly recieved your favor covering one from a Lottery office offering it’s services for the...
The enclosed letter has been handed to me, as the person first named of the commissioners to...
I thank you, kind Sir, for your very friendly letter of Feb. 22. it supposes in me claims on the...
In answer to your enquiries in behalf of my antient and highly esteemed friend and classmate...
I have duly recieved your favor of Feb. 15. and with it your beautiful map of S. Carolina, which...
I must apologize, for trespassing on the slight acquaintance, I have with you, in introducing to...
The professorship of law being vacant by the lamented death of M r Gilmer I take the liberty to...
I never felt myself under the same degree of restraint in taking up my pen to write to you—for...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Feb. 23. my grandson had before informed me of the friendly...
Col o Peyton is requested to get mr May to obtain of the best window glass of the Boston...
I enclose a bill for the brandy &c my dearest Grandpapa, by which you will see that we have still...
I have duly recieved your two favors of Feb.23. and 27. and am truly sensible of the interest you...
The approach of the semiannual meeting of the Visitors of the University renders it interesting...
I rec d in due time your affect te lre of Feb. 25. and read it with the pleasure one must always...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Fellows for the copy to has been so kind as to send him of...
M r Brown of Rhode Island, the bearer of this, has come to Albemarle for the purpose of paying...
I recieved in due time your favor of Mar. 1. covering one from mr Yates to mr Richardson in...
I take the liberty to transmit you herewith A Copy of “Outlines of Polit: Econ y ”—A...
The interest you are so kind as to take in the measures proposed for relieving me from...
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of 8 th instant, by the last mail, in reply to which...
The manifestations of concern taken by my fellow citizens in the difficulties which have befallen...
Understanding that a Professor of law is to be appointed at an early day. I beg leave to mention...
I Thomas Jefferson of Monticello in Albemarle, being of sound mind and in my ordinary state of...
1826. Mar. 17. Ursula’s Louisa Caroline Critta George Robert Edy’s Isabella William Daniel...
My Cousin L t Elmsley of the English Navy, Nephew of Admiral Hallowell & son of the late Chief...
Your two favors of Feb. 25. and Mar. 11. have been recieved. age and ill health rendering me...
I send you the rough draught for the Dispensary with the amendments formerly proposed by you, to...