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Results 1761-1770 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wrote you from Hartford, New York and once from Philadelphia: but have not yet had the Pleasure of a Letter from you Since I left home. The Night before last We had a deep Snow, which will probably extinguish all remaining apprehensions of Infection. We hear of no Sickness and all Seem at their Ease and without fear. The Presidents Speach will Shew you an Abundance of Serious Business which...
Why! this is very clever— Every Monday and every Thursday brings me regularly a Letter, which Softens the Tædium Vitæ The Ennui of Life, in this Wrangling disputacious Metropolis. So! We are to have a Quincy Academy! With all my Heart—I am willing to pay my Quota of the Expence. But Something more than a School House will be wanting for so desirable a Purpose. Oh that I had a Bosom to lean my...
I doubt not Madam, you have Letters from Mr. Adams of later Date than what we have received but that Fact will not prevent your Expectations of Something from me in the Way of retailed Politicks: — He has sent as I imagine but few duplicates of what are actually on Board Gillon. He dated May 16 and Augst. 3d. from Amsterdam, July 11. 14. 15 from Paris. He thinks Britain altogether insincere as...
I Yesterday dined in Company with M. Talleyrand de Perigord and M r Beaumez, the former late Bishop of Autun and both Members of the late Constituent assembly in France. Talleyrand made the Motion for confiscating the Property of the Clergy: which, has made him so obnoxious to the Court of Vienna, that they have persuaded the British Court to order him out of England although he had been...
Your barrels & Trunk, for which you inclos’d me a Bill of Loading some days since arriv’d safe Yesterday.— I hope the business of Congress will permit you soon to leave Phila a. before the extreme hot weather comes on.— Our House of Rep. Yesterday pass’d a Resolution, Unanimously , to instruct our Sen. & Rep. in Congress, to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States,...
We have a Turn of Weather as cold as any We have had through the whole Winter. The Violence of the North West Wind which has thrown down Chimneys and blown off Roofs in this City, We suppose has prevented the Eastern Mail from crossing the North River and deprived me of my Thursdays Letter as yet. I hope it will come to day. A Thousand and one Speeches have been made in the H. of Rep s. upon...
Your kind Letter of the 15th. December came to me last week, and should I pretend to describe the innate Plesure I felt on the perusal, words would be wanting in the description. I most ardently wish to see you, and hope it will not be many years before I shall have that pleasure. I realy wish that those customs you speak of were indeed adopted here. I have more reason to wish it than many...
In addressing a small publication to the President, I am naturally led to congratulate You upon your recovery from your late tedious indisposition. May you long continue to enjoy your present health, and to add by your kindnesses, to the happiness of all Connected with you.— Your Son Thomas calls now & then to see us, but not so Often as we wish. He is fixed in a part of the city which does...
It has been impossible to get time to write you.— Morning, Noon, and Night, has been taken up with Business, or Visits.— Yesterday the President was Sworn, amidst the Acclamations of the People.— But I must refer you to Gazettes & Spectators.— I write this abed.— M r Allen del d. me, Yesterday your Letter.— I like very much your Plan of coming on, with Charles and Thomas, before Commencement....
The enclosed will need your utmost candour, but as I am not able to write it over again being Still in very low health & kept so long upon Sal Vol. & Lavender that the Smell & taste of both is hateful to me & the sight of a Phial disagreable, I hope you will excuse it. The very kind Letter that I reciev’d from you when you was in France to which I fear you never reciev’d any reply; emboldens...