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Results 1761-1770 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It has been determind here in a Council of War, that it would be most advisable for you to evacuate your Fort at Enocks’s; destroy it, and join Captain Harrison at Edwards’s, with your party, stores, and the inhabitants. As we are not acquainted with their situation at Cox’s, it was thought best that you should send the Sergeant there, a conditional order to join you at Enocks’s, or keep...
Your Letr of the 19th by Mr Rutherfurd came to my Hands Tuesday last, but Yours of the 16th by Express did not reach me till the day after. I am heartily sorry for the Death of Capt. Mercer, & the other poor Men that were killed with him, it appears to me that the Enemy drew them out after them, pretending to fly, in order to destroy them from their lurking Places; but it surprizes me that we...
176323 [i.e. 24] Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A cloudy morn. All my Time seems to roll away unnoticed. I long to study sometimes, but have no opportunity. I long to be a master of Greek and Latin. I long to prosecute the mathematical and philosophical Sciences. I long to know a little of Ethicks and moral Philosophy. But I have no Books, no Time, no Friends. I must therefore be contented to live and die an ignorant, obscure fellow. A...
1764Orders, 24 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
Evening Orders. Captain Stewart is to see that the Carpenters and all the Soldiers off Duty, set to work to-morrow morning by day-break, on the Breast-Work begun at the Court-House; and that they are diligent. He is to order some of the Subalterns (if necessary) to assist him, in visiting and directing the workmen. LB , DLC:GW . On 6 May 1756 “Daniel Hiver & Carpenters” were paid £6 12s. 3d....
Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy accounts. So that I am distracted what to do! nor is it possible for me to give the people the necessary assistance for their defence; upon account of the small number of men we have, or is likely to be here, for sometime. The Inhabitants are removing daily; and in a short time will leave this County...
Yesterday I received yours by Mr Kirkpatrick, and am sorry to hear the Reflections upon the conduct of the Officers. I could wish that their names had been particularized; that justice might be done to the innocent, and guilty! For, it is extremely hard that the whole Corps should suffer the most un-genteel reproaches, for the inadvertance and misconduct of a few. The deplorable situation of...
176724 [i.e. 25] Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Astronomers tell us, with good Reason, that not only all the Planets and Satellites in our Solar System, but all the unnumbered Worlds that revolve round the fixt Starrs are inhabited, as well as this Globe of Earth. If this is the Case all Mankind are no more in comparison of the whole rational Creation of God, than a point to the Orbit of Saturn. Perhaps all these different Ranks of Rational...
1768Orders, 25 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
As the roads at present are so much infested, I do not think it safe to send the things you wrote for until another opportunity. I must desire that you will be very diligent, and guard against a Surprize from the Enemy, as they will certainly attact you, if they find it possible to surprize you. You are to detach Ensign Crawford with twenty men, to reconnoitre the Country towards Hites, on...
I rec’d your Favor with the enclosd Estimate of your present Corps and proposd Regulation for 2000 Men to be formd into two Battalions. Those I have talkt with Seem to approve of the Scheme and wish it may be Effected. The Proceedings below Stairs go on slowly notwithstanding on hearing of the many and repeated Invasions of our Enemys, They appear alarmd and are for immediate Dispatch, Yet a...