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Results 1761-1790 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It has been determind here in a Council of War, that it would be most advisable for you to...
Your Letr of the 19th by Mr Rutherfurd came to my Hands Tuesday last, but Yours of the 16th by...
176323 [i.e. 24] Saturday. (Adams Papers)
A cloudy morn. All my Time seems to roll away unnoticed. I long to study sometimes, but have no...
1764Orders, 24 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
Evening Orders. Captain Stewart is to see that the Carpenters and all the Soldiers off Duty, set...
Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy...
Yesterday I received yours by Mr Kirkpatrick, and am sorry to hear the Reflections upon the...
176724 [i.e. 25] Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Astronomers tell us, with good Reason, that not only all the Planets and Satellites in our Solar...
1768Orders, 25 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
As the roads at present are so much infested, I do not think it safe to send the things you wrote...
I rec’d your Favor with the enclosd Estimate of your present Corps and proposd Regulation for...
177125 [i.e. 26] Monday. (Adams Papers)
The Reflection that I penned Yesterday, appears upon the review to be weak enough. For 1st. we...
1772Orders, 26 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Regimental Court Martial to sit immediately for Trial of George Livingston. Lieutenant Eustace,...
If you receive this before you leave Edwards’s, I would have you proceed with a Detachment of...
1774Memorandum, 26 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
The Commissary at Conogochieg is ordered to deliver Mr Grub five days Flour, for forty men. LB ,...
I received your several Letters yesterday, and am very glad to hear that all our Garrisons are...
I recd Yr Letter by this Express last Night, & this Morning laid all the Letters before the House...
177726 [i.e. 27] Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
We had a few soft, vernal Showers to Day.
1778Orders, 27 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
I sent an Express to Fort Cumberland on Tuesday last, who is just returned with the enclosed...
In my last I omitted to observe one thing touching the defence of our Frontiers by a chain of...
I recd yr Second and third of the 22d of this instant since which I have not had leisure to...
1782Orders, 28–29 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
Colonel Washington Orders, that no Officer presume on any pretence whatever, to impress any...
178327 [i.e. 28] Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
A cool but pleasant morning. Dined at Mr. Paines. Drank Tea at Mr. Putnams. Walked with him to...
178428 [i.e. 29] Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Fast day. Heard Mr. Maccarty. Spent the Evening at Mr. Putnams. Our proper Business in this Life...
Your Letter of the 24th was delivered me by Capt. Peachy, which Letter with his Information gives...
178629 [i.e. 30] Fryday. (Adams Papers)
A hazy, dull Day. Reading Milton. That mans Soul, it seems to me, was distended as wide as...
1787Orders, 30 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Court martial to sit immediately for Trial of John Colins, corporal, and Richard Dun. LB ,...
1788[May 1756] (Adams Papers)
A rainy Day. If we consider a little of this our Globe we find an endless Variety of Substances,...
The bearer of this will God willing be my son Landon whose inclinations for the Army have been...
On Thursday the 29th of May [April] 1756 divers expresses being first sent to the County...