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Results 17571-17580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your Favour dated the 27th of Decr was delivered me by your Nephew Major George A. Washington—the 7th day of this month—I gave Him a Perticular acct of your Estate under my Care as well my opinion in answer to your Benevolent Letter, which I expect will be Communicated to you should you at any Time desire any thing from me in my Power I shall think it my Duty to Pay Perticular attention to...
I am induced from a Principle of filial Duty to say that I am the Son of the late Col. Hugh Hughes of this State who served under the United States as Dy Qr Master General in this State & who failed in getting his Pay of Congress for his Services during the War, which were zealously & disinterestedly performed for Sir, had not that been the Case he would not have left my Mother & five Sisters...
I took the liberty some days since to Suggest the Selecting 2′500 or 3′000 of our best Armed and most Disciplined Troops (exclusive of the Reserve) who should hold themselves in Readiness on the Approach of the Enemy to make a Regular and Vigorous Assault on their Right or Left flank—or such part of their Army as should then be thought most expedient—and not wait the Attack from them. This Sir...
I have received $25.82 Interest for 1 April On your funded debt which is to your credit. Mr Latimer our Collector informed me there were four packages in the Custom house directed for you Which he would deliver to me as he knew I did your business—Capt. Ellwood being ready to sail I have put them on board his Vessel and you have the bill of Loading inclosed. I am with Great respect Dr Sir Your...
I communicated to Mr. M. the evening I was with him the papers you sent by me for Mr. D. He was clearly of opinion nothing further ought to be done. D. was decisively of the same opinion. This being the case then there was no ground for consulting L. or B. and accordingly nothing has been said to them. Your book was later coming out than was to have been wished: however it works irresistably....
On the 7. instant my respected father, the late Collector of this district, deceased, by which event the duties of his office have devolved on me as his deputy. Sickness in the family, which has terminated the life of my only brother and threatened that of my only child , has delayed for a few days my giving notice of the Vacancy in this district. I am desirous of being appointed to succeed my...
Receiv’d of M rs Adams one hundred dollars in Payment for a Portrait painted by me RC ( Adams Papers ). For Stuart’s portrait of AA , see Descriptive List of Illustrations, No. 6, above.
Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Representatives. In meeting you at the present interesting conjuncture, it would have been highly satisfactory, if I could have communicated a favorable result to the Mission, charged with negociations for restoring peace. It was a just expectation from the respect due to the distinguished Sovereign, who had invited them by his offer of...
17579[Diary entry: 4 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
4. Tolerably calm in the Morning but Windy and cool afterwards with Rain in the Afternoon & Night.
I had the renew’d Pleasure to receive your Epistle brought down by Captn Mercer. I suppose the Govrs Orders to dismiss our Militia after Harvest were conditional in Case You had Men enô in the Regiment to garrison the little Fortresses and repel the skulking invading Enemy. However I am glad the Militia are on their Return, thô by their many and frequent Desertions They discover that a good...