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Results 175591-175620 of 184,431 sorted by author
175591General Orders, 23 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
Major Gibbs having been in the late arrangement of the Army appointed to, and having joined the...
Presuming that Colo. Fitzgerald according to his promise has communicated to you the vote of the...
When Mr Blagden came here yesterday with your favor of the 25 inst., and the plans,...
175594June—1798 (Washington Papers)
1. Morning—clear & pleasant—Wind Southerly, & Mer. at 62. Cloudy more or less all day. Mer. 70 at...
175595[Diary entry: 9 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
9. Clear and Cool the Wind Westwardly.
175596[Diary entry: 11 April 1769] (Washington Papers)
11. Warm clear and pleasant with the Wind tho not much of it Southwardly.
If my Letter from Albany by the Count del Vermé has reached you, it would inform you that I had...
[ Middlebrook, New Jersey, May 25, 1779. ] Instructs Wadsworth to remove stores from sea coast...
I am informed by Major General Howe that there has been hitherto no communication between you and...
I am arrived at this place and just in time to acknowledge (in a hasty manner by this days...
I am to thank you for your Favour of the 4th Instt inclosing the Advices from England of 26th...
175602[Diary entry: 23 February 1775] (Washington Papers)
23. Doctr. Craik staid all day. Mr. Rutherford came to Dinner & also stayd all Night. A Mr. Corse...
175603[Diary entry: 7 April 1772] (Washington Papers)
7. Clear and tolerably pleast. in the Forenoon. In the afternn. appearances of Rain and Wind...
Since my last to you, which I think was written on this day week, I have received your letters of...
The Weather is so bad that the Troops will not march this Evennig as was proposed—you will...
175606[Diary entry: 4 August 1772] (Washington Papers)
4. Rid to the Ferry Plantation and returnd from thence.
The late movement of the Enemy, and the probability of their having designs upon the Jerseys...
175608[Diary entry: 29 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
29. Went to the same place again, & Returnd also to Dinner. In the Afternoon Doctr. Rumney came...
175609[Diary entry: 7 October 1772] (Washington Papers)
Octr. 7. Finished getting and Securing my Fodder at the Ferry Plantn.
[ New Windsor, New York, February 13, 1781. ] Thanks them for their contributions to Army. Df ,...
The detachment under your command with which you will immediately march towards the enemy’s lines...
175612[Diary entry: 8 June 1799] (Washington Papers)
8. Morning still heavy & cloudy. Mer. at 65 and wind at So. Et. but variable. Sprinkling at times...
175613[Diary entry: 18 April 1795] (Washington Papers)
18. George Town.
175614[Diary entry: 26 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
26. Rid into the Neck. Found Mr. Stedlar here upon my Return. Mr. Geo. Alexander dined & lodgd here.
West Point, July 25, 1779. Discusses the Board’s plan for repairing shoes. Df , in writing of H,...
The lively interest which I take in your welfare, my dear Sir, keeps my mind in constant anxiety...
Letter not found: to William Bartlett, 13 Nov. 1775. On this date Bartlett wrote to GW : “I...
175618[Diary entry: 23 September 1788] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 23d. Thermometer at 58 in the Morning 72 at Noon and 72 at Night. But little Wind and...
175619[Diary entry: 9 September 1795] (Washington Papers)
9. Breakfasted at Christiana dined at Elkton & lodged at Charles town.
175620[Diary entry: 23 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
23. Breakfasted at Caroline Ct. House and reachd Fredericksburg abt. 4 Oclock in the Aftern....