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Results 1751-1800 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
1751[Monday April 13. 1778] (Adams Papers)
Monday April 13. 1778 This morning the Dutchess Dayen and her Daughter the Marchioness de La Fayette came to Passy to visit me, and enquire after the Marquis. This Morning Dr. Franklin, Mr. Lee and myself met in my Chamber and signed and sent the following Letters which I had written and had copied for Signature, in Answer to Letters received. The Papers you mention are in the disposition of...
1752[April 14. Tuesday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 14. Tuesday 1778. I returned the Visits which had been made me by the American Gentlemen. This I found was an indispensable Punctilio, with my Countrymen in France. Great Offence had been taken by some of them, because Dr. Franklin had not very exactly performed this important Ettiquette, especially by those of them who had come over to Paris from England.
1753[April 15. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 15. Wednesday. 1778. Dined with Madam Helvetius. One Gentleman and one Lady, besides Dr. Franklin, his Grandson and myself, made the Company. An elegant Dinner. This was a Lady of established Reputation also: The Widow of the famous Helvetius, who, as Count Sarsefield once said to me, if he had made a few millions of Livres the more as one of the Farmers General, and written a few Books...
1754[April 16. Thursday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 16. Thursday 1778. From my first Arrival in France I had employed every moment of my time, when Business and Company would permit, in the Study of the French Language. I had not engaged any Master and determined to engage none. I thought he would break in upon my hours in the necessary division of my time, between Business, and Study and Visits, and might often embarrass me. I had other...
1755[April 17. Fryday.] (Adams Papers)
April 17. Fryday. We dined home with Company. Mr. Platt and his Lady, Mr. Amiel and his Lady, Mr. Austin, Mr. Alexander &c. There were two Alexanders, one a Batcheller, the other with a Family of several Daughters, one of whom Mr. Jonathan Williams afterwards married. They lived in a House not far from Us, were from Scotland, and had some connection with Mr. Franklin, which I never understood...
1756[April 18. Saturday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 18. Saturday. 1778. This morning, the Father of General Conway, a venerable Personage from Ireland originally as I presume, came to visit me and enquire concerning his Son and American Affairs in General. Dined at Mr. Bouffets, who spoke a little English. The Company consisted of Mr. Bouffets Brother, Mr. Veillard, Mr. Le Fevre, The Abbe des Prades, Mr. Borry and others. On our return...
1757[April 19. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 19. 1778. Dined at home with Mr. Grand, our Banker, his Lady, his Niece and Ward Mademoiselle L’Abhard, his Sons, Mr. Austin, Mr. Chaumont and a great deal of other Company. Mr. Ferdinand Grand was a Protestant from Switzerland, who had a House in Paris and a small Country house near Us in Passi. Himself, his Lady, Niece and Sons composed as decent, modest and regular a Family as I ever...
1758[April 20. Monday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 20. Monday 1778. My Son had been with me since Saturday. This was delicious repast for me: but I was somewhat mortified to find that this Child among the Pupills at School the Pension and my American Servant among the Domesticks of the Hotel, learned more french in a day than I could learn in a Week with all my Books. Dined with the Dutchess D’Anville, at the Hotel de Rochefaucault, with...
1759[April 21. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 21. Tuesday. 1778. Dined at Mr. Chaumonts, with the largest collection of great Company, that I had yet seen. The Marquis D’Argenson, The Count de Noailles, the Marshall de Mailbois, the B r other of Count de Vergennes, Mr. and Mrs. Foucault, the Son in Law and Daughter of Mr. Chaumont, who were said to have a fortune of four or five thousand Pounds Sterling a Year in St. Domingo, Mr....
1760[April 22. Wednesday 1778] (Adams Papers)
April 22. Wednesday 1778 Dined at home and spent the day on Business with Mr. Lee.
1761[April 23 Thursday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 23 Thursday. 1778. Dined at home with Company.
1762[April 24 Fryday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 24 Fryday 1778. Dined at Mr. Buffauts with much Company.
1763[April 25. Saturday.] (Adams Papers)
April 25. Saturday. Dined at Mr. Chaumonts with Company.
1764[April 26. Sunday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 26. Sunday 1778. Dined at home.
1765[Monday April 27. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
Monday April 27. 1778. Dined with Mr. Boulainvilliers, at his house in Passi, with Generals and Bishops and Ladies. In the Evening I went to the French Comedy, and happened to be placed in the Front Box very near to Voltaire, who was then upon his last Visit to Paris, and now attended the representation of his own Alzire. The Audience between the several Acts, called Out, Voltaire! Voltaire!...
1766[April 28. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 28. Tuesday. 1778. Breakfasted at home with Mr. C h aumont, Mr. Dubourg, Mr. Chaumont the Son, Mr. Franklin and his grandson. Mr. Dubourg was a Physician, a Batcheller, a Man of Letters and of good Character but of little Consequence in the French World. Franklin had been introduced to him, in his first Visit to Paris, and Dubourg had translated his Works into French. He must have been...
1767[April 29. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 29. Wednesday. 1778. Dined with the Marshall De Maillebois, with a great deal of Company. Here also We were shewn the Marshalls Amie seated at the Table, with all his great Company. Mr. Lee and I had a good deal of conversation with her. Mr. Lee spoke french with tolerable ease. I could say little: but I understood her as well as any one I had heard in french. It appeared to me that the...
1768[April 30. Thursday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
April 30. Thursday. 1778. Dined with the Marshall Duke de Mouchy, with the Duke and Dutchess D’Ayen, The Marchioness de la Fayette, their Daughter, The Vicountess de Maillebois, her Sister, another Sister unmarried, The Prussian Ambassador, an Italian Ambassador, and a vast Collection of other great Company. I saw at Table a handsome Lady and perceived that she spoke a little English. As I...
1769[May 1. Fryday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 1. Fryday. 1778. Dined with the Duke D’Ayen, the Brother of the Duke de Mouchy and the Father of the Marchioness de la Fayette. The House, the Gardens, the Walks, the Pictures and Furniture all in the highest Style of magnificence. The Portraits of the Family of Noailles, were ancient and numerous. Among them was a Picture of Noailles the Ambassador, in England at the time of the Regency...
1770[May 2. Saturday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 2. Saturday. 1778. Dined at Mr. Izzards, with Mr. Lloyd and his Lady, Mr. Francois Francès a French Gentleman who had served in England as Charge D’Affairs for so many Years, that the Language was become very familiar to him, which enabled him to be often usefull to the Americans in Paris. There was much other Company and after dinner We went to the French Comedy, where We saw the Brutus,...
1771[May 3. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 3. 1778. The Business of the Commission had been delayed and neglected in a manner that gave me much uneasiness: Franklin and Lee had been reluctant to engage in it, as I suppose, knowing that they should differ in every thing and both of them as yet uncertain which Side I should take. I had now procured my blank Books, and I took the Letters which We had received into my own hands, and...
1772[May 3. 1778] (Adams Papers)
This day May 3. 1778 We had Company to dine with Us, Mr. Izzard and his Lady, Mr. Lloyd and his Lady, Dr. Bancroft, and many others. Dr. Franklin and Mr. Izzard were upon such terms that the former would not invite the latter. I was determined that I would not enter into their Resentments, and therefore said to the Dr. that I would invite Mr. Izzard and his Family, which I did accordingly and...
1773[May 4.] (Adams Papers)
May 4. Dined at Mr. Chaumonts with his Family, and other Company.
1774[May 5. Tuesday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 5. Tuesday 1778. Dined at home without company, which was a great rarity and esteemed by me a very great Blessing. While I was at dinner alone, my Servant brought me a Letter addressed to Messieurs Franklin, Lee and Adams, Deputies of the United States of America at Passi, and endorsed De Vergennes. I opened it and found it in French, a litteral translation of which is as follows. I have...
1775[May 6. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 6. Wednesday. 1778. Franklin told Us one of his Characteristic Stories. A Spanish Writer of certain Vissions of Hell, relates that a certain evil Spirit he met with who was civil and well bred, shewed him all the Apartments in the place. Among others that of deceased Kings. The Spaniard was much amused at so illustrious a Sight, and after viewing them for sometime, said he should be glad...
1776[May 8. Fryday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 8. Fryday. 1778. Dr. Franklin and Mr. Lee went with me to Versailles to attend my Presentation to the King. We visited the Count de Vergennes at his Office, and at the hour of eleven, the Count conducted Us, into the Kings Bed Chamber, where his Majesty was dressing. One Officer putting on his Coat, another his Sword &c. The Count went up to the King and informed him that Mr. Adams was...
1777[May 9. Saturday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 9. Saturday. 1778. This morning Mr. Joy, Mr. Johonnot, and Mr. Green Son of Mr. Rufus Green came to visit me. The American Ministers dined with Madam Bertin, at Passi. This Lady is married to a Nephew of Mr. Bertin the Minister, and he holds some lucrative office under the Crown. She has a fine Person and an excellent Understanding. Her Husband is however said to be a great Libertine worn...
1778[May 10. Sunday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 10. Sunday. 1778. Messieurs Brattle, Waldo, Joy, Johonnot, Green and Austin, dined with Us, at Passi. After dinner We walked in the Bois de Boulogne, as far as the new Seat of the Count D’Artois, which he called Baggatelle, where We saw Mr. Turgot, Mr. and Madam La Frété and much other Company, Sunday in this Country being devoted to diversions, Exercises and Amusements. There were more...
1779[May 11. Monday.] (Adams Papers)
May 11. Monday. Dined at Mr. Sorins, at Passi. Here, if I mistake not I dined with a Bishop, and another Gentleman and Lady. The Lady was known by the Husband to be the Mistress of the Bishop, and it was no Secret to any body. The Bishop was reported to have made some compensation to the Husband, by procuring him some little Employment and by contributing some what largely to the Expences of...
1780[May 12. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 12. Tuesday. 1778. Mr. Deane had left the care of his Son Jesse with Dr. Franklin and Dr. Bancroft, so that I had no longer any responsibility, on his Account. Mr. Vernon had chosen to remain at Bourdeaux, although I had proposed to him to come to Passi and assist me as my private Secretary, a Situation which would at least have borne all his Expences, and initiated him very early, into...
1781[May 13. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 13. Wednesday. 1778. Dined at Mr. Chaumonts, with a great deal of Company. After Dinner took a Walk to Chaillot to see Mr. Lee, who had a large Company of Americans to dine with him, among the rest, Mr. Fendell of Maryland and Dr. Smith, Brother of Mr. William Smith of New York the Historian. This Gentleman has been occasionally mentioned before.
1782[May 14. Thursday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 14. Thursday. 1778. Under this date, I find in my private Letter Book, the following in Answer to Letters received from Mr. McCreery Your two Letters of April 25, and May 3 are before me. I thank you for the trouble you have taken in searching for the Breeches. I have no suspicion of the Servants at your house. I rather conjecture that once, upon the road, when a few Things were taken out...
1783[May 15. Fryday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 15. Fryday. 1778. Dined at Mr. Grands with all the Americans in Paris. We received a Letter from the Count De Vergennes, a litteral Translation of which is in these Words. I have the honour, Gentlemen, to send you the Copy of a Letter, written to Mr. De Sartine, by the Consul of France at Madeira. You will see, in it, all the Circumstances of the Conduct, which an American Privateer, named...
1784[May 17. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 17. 1778. Dined at home. Dr. Dubourg, Mr. Parker and another Gentleman dined with me.
1785[May 18. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 18. 1778. We wrote the following Circular Letter to all the Seaports. Certain Intelligence having been received, that Eleven British Ships of War, vizt. one of 90 Guns, nine of 74 and one of sixty four Guns, are in the road of St. Hellens near Portsmouth, bound for North America, and the United States being in Allyance with France, you are requested as speedily as possible to convey this...
1786[May 19. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 19. 1778. We wrote to Congress, and to the Count De Vergennes. We have the Honor to inclose a Copy of a Letter received from Monsieur the Count De Vergennes, the Secretary of State for foreign Affairs, with a Copy of a Letter inclosed in it, for the Consideration of Congress, not doubting that Congress will give it all the Attention, that an Affair of so much importance demands. We have...
1787[May 19. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 19. Tuesday. 1778. We dined with Mr. De Challut, one of the Farmers General.... We were introduced into the most superb Gallery I had yet seen. The Paintings, Statues, and Curiosities, were as rich and costly as they were innumerable. The Old Marshall Richelieu, and a vast number of other great Company dined with Us. After dinner Mr. De Challut invited Dr. Franklin and me to go to the...
1788[May 20. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 20. Wednesday. 1778. I wrote the following Letter Your Favour of the 26 of April I duely received, and it is with the utmost pleasure, that I am able to inform you, that an Officer of the name of De Fleury, whom I suppose to be your Son, having never heard of more than one of that name, is in the American Army under General Washington, to whom he has recommended himself, by his signal...
1789[May 21. Thursday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 21. Thursday 1778. The disputes between the Parties had by this time become so well known to me, and their violence had arisen to such rancour, that what ever was done or said by Dr. Franklin or by me, when I agreed with him in Opinion was censured and often misrepresented by one Party, and whatever was done or said by Mr. Lee or Mr Izzard, and by me when I thought they were in the right...
1790[May 21. Thursday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 21. Thursday. 1778. Dined at home.
1791[May 22 Fryday.] (Adams Papers)
May 22 Fryday. We sent the following Letter. Mr. Joseph Parker of London has made Application to Us concerning a Claim, that he has of Property in a certain Vessell, which has been as he informs Us, in the Custody of the Public, since the Spring of the Year 1775, requesting Us to write to your honours, on the Subject. From what some of Us know and all of Us have heard of Mr. Parker, We have...
1792[May 23. Saturday.] (Adams Papers)
May 23. Saturday. We wrote this Letter A Pilot being wanted to conduct an Advice Boat to America, if you have in your Ship, a suitable Person that can be spared, the Commissioners request, that you would permit him to go on that Service. We have the honour to be, Sir your most obedient humble Servants Dined at home with Company. To “Capt. John Paul Jones,” as LbC indicates. RC ( DLC : John...
1793[May 24. Sunday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 24. Sunday 1778. I was so uneasy at the difficulty of getting any Business done and at the distracted Condition of our Affairs, that I thought it my duty to write in a private Capacity to the Commercial Committee of Congress. I find that the American Affairs, on this Side of the Atlantick, are in a State of disorder, very much resembling that, which is so much to be regretted on the other....
1794[May 25. Monday.] (Adams Papers)
May 25. Monday. Business as well as disputes increased and multiplied upon Us, and there was nobody to do any Business but me so that I found it necessary to decline invitations abroad and dine at home as much as possible, to answer the public Letters, but after I had written them I had trouble and delay enough in getting them signed by my Colleages. This day the following were written Your...
1795[May 26. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 26. Tuesday. 1778. Dined at the Seat in the Country of Monsieur Bertin, a Secretary of State. Madam Bertin, the Lady of the Ministers Nephew, invited Dr. Franklin, Mr. William Temple Franklin and me to ride with her in her Coach with four Horses, which We did. This was one of the pleasantest rides, I had seen. We rode near the Backside of Mount Calvare, which is the finest Hill near Paris,...
1796[May 27th. Wednesday.] (Adams Papers)
I must now, in order to explain and justify my own Conduct give an Account of that of my Colleague Dr. Franklin. It is and always has been with great reluctance, that I have felt myself under the Necessity of stating any facts which may diminish the Reputation of this extraordinary Man, but the Truth is more sacred than any Character, and there is no reason that the Character of Mr. Lee and...
1797[May 29. Fryday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
When I dined again at Monsieur La Frétes at the foot of Calvare. And, We saw a great Rarity in France, Madam La Frete had four Sisters who dined with Us. Monsieur Rulier Rulhière who had always dined with Us at that House, the same Gentleman who wrote the History of the Revolution in Russia, and who also had written an History of the revolutions in Poland, dined there to day. He offered me the...
1798[May 30. Saturday 1778.] (Adams Papers)
Dr. Franklin, who had no Business to do, or who at least would do none, and who had Mr. William Temple Franklin for his private Secretary, without consulting his Colleagues and indeed without saying a Word to me, who lived in the same house with him and had no private Secretary, though I had all the Business to do, thought fit to take into the Family a French private Secretary, a young Man of...
1799[June 2. Tuesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
Went to Versailles, and found it deserted, the Court being gone to Marli....We went to Marli, met the Count de Vergennes and did some Business with him, then went to Mr. De Sartine and after doing some business dined with him. His Lady was at home and dined with the Company. The Prince de Monbarry Montbarey , then Secretary of War, dined there. After dinner went to the Spanish Ambassadors, the...
1800[June 3. Wednesday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
On this Day We sent the following Letters. We have received sundry Letters from Lt. Simpson, and sundry Certificates from Officers and others, concerning his Behaviour in General, and particularly upon that Occasion, in which he is charged with disobedience of Orders....Without giving or forming any decided Opinion concerning his guilt or innocence of the Crime laid to his charge, We may...