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Results 1751-1800 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Horace arrived last week after a passage of 85 days—I hope she brought Letters for you. as I learn the captain was charged with dispatches for the President. I inquired if there was any thing for you; but could not find that there was, as vessels Saild at the same time for Baltimore. perhaps mrs Adams made use of that conveyance I have a Letter from her of 2d June, and one from him of the...
For Several Months past, I little thought my Dear Friend, that I Should have been the Sunium to Sympathise with you; in the affliction you are call’d to Suffer by the Death of your excellent, and beloved partner, and my Friend, & Relative—Whom from his earliest years, I have loved as a Brother; whose Fathers house in my youth; was a home to me; as my Fathers was to him. Intimately connected,...
Self, Self, is very often the first consideration I therefore begin my Letter by Saying I have had three good Nights. the Tincture of essence of hops, has contributed to them but it gives me the head ache. the weather is so worse than wintry, that I dare not encounter it abroad, so am deprived of exercise I ought to take.—the P has been Sick ever since Saturday with a most sad cold, taken on...
I this morning received Your Second Letter, by way of journal. we have all been highly entertaind. it makes me a Sharer with you, in your various occupations—brings me acquainted with Characters, and places me at your fire Side. one Single Letter conveys more information in this way, than I could obtain in a whole Session of Congress.—I hope you will continue this method altho you will receive...
I received last Evening your Letter by the hand of mr Adams, and the little matters accompanying it. you executed my commission quite to my satisfaction. accept my thanks in return. I have regreted that you have had such wet Streets in Town, after having experienced so much confinement at Quincy. To know that we can go, and come at our pleasure, is a privilege, even when we do not use it, and...
with the only and beloved daughter of my late venerable and respected Friend I pour the tear of Sympathy, and with a full Heart participate in the Sorrowfull event which has deprived her of one of the most tender and affectionate of parents, one of the best of Mothers—one of the kindest Friends—one of the pleasentest companions and one of the most exeniplary of women. To me she “was a Friend...
We have had in the Week past the coldest Weather that has been through the winter, yet we have not had Snow enough through the Season to cover the ground. I expet Febry and March will pour upon us the whole quantity which the cold must have engenderd through the Winter. The Season has been very healthy. few cold’s or coughs. George after spending a fortnight with me and getting quite rid of...
Received Quincy July 27th 1809 of John Q Adams Esqr the sum of fifty-three Dollars and twelve Cents, in full for interest on $1700 from the 18th: January to the 7th August 1809. $53.12 MHi : Adams Papers.
The solemn and impressive scenes through which I have passed the last week, were too affecting to me to commit to paper. I thank God for that support and consolation which now enables me to address the only son of my dear departed brother and sister, endeared to me by every tie of affection and consanguinity, whose lives were a worthy example to all their posterity, and whose deaths were a...
I thank you for your care of my Letters those that I mist, which you put in the Book were found. Mr Beal deliverd your Note. I had a Letter a fortnight Since from Adelaid in which She Says, mr Hellens Health has been the cause, why the connection is deferd I have my doubts whether it will ever take place. Abbe mentiond to me that Eliza Guild had written you that She heard E M—was engaged to S,...
I have to acknowledge your favours of 23 April No. 86 of the 15 May No 87, and yesterday by mr Bond your Letter of May 20th No 88, and the Review and news paper The Reviews you will charge, as your Father requests, with the other Books which you Send him I inclose to you a Strip of a newspaper which contains some account of our National Jubilee, an event of more consequence to America, than...
I owe to your Friendship, a Letter of thanks for the interest you take in whatever concerns me or mine. I know your Sympathizing Heart will hasten to pour the balm of consolation into the afflicted Bosom of your Friend, when you learn that my dear and beloved Sister is numberd with the dead. this is an event which my mind was in a measure prepard for, from her long Sickness, but I had not...
So long a period Should not have elapsed before I had congratulated you upon your new Character as wife and Mother if a very dangerous Sickness with wich I have been visited had not prevented. I have been chiefly confined to my bed for the last fortnight with a Lung fever which has reduced me very low. I am able now only to Sit up part of the day and have not been able to read or write untill...
I desired Louissa to call and See you, and to tell you that I would Send for you to Quincy if you was able to come out. She writes me that your buisness is such that you think you cannot come. a Sick Man Should lay asside all buisness if possible. you had better do so for Louissa Says you was too Sick to remove at present but as Soon as your dr will permit you to come, I have a chamber and...
I received a Letter yesterday from mrs Johnson, informing me that Capt Bandrige, in the frigate President, was to Sail with dispatches to St Petersburgh. I embrace the opportunity, tho not more than ten days since I wrote you largely, by a vessel bound to Gottenburgh. Mr Smith a Brother of Mrs Charles Millar took charge of the Letters. Yet to learn that We are all alive and Well, by whatever...
Do you think my Dear Girl, because you are married, that you are to lay asside your pen, and neglect your correspondents? No. No. you ought to be Stimulated to great exertions, for your fancy is now to keep at home, where all your joys and happiness are to center. here you have ample reason to be satisfied, with a partner whose Character, all Tongues, pronounce—Truly Estimable I consider it a...
I was much pleased at receiving your Letter of March 14th. It was a much longer interval than had occured before, without receiving a line from you. but Mrs Quincys kindness in always mentioning you to my sister had relieved me from the fears that you might be sick. it is with Sincere Satisfaction that I learn from your own hand that your Health is much mended. When a Man enjoys good Health,...
I had determined yesterday, to Sit out this morning with Louisa, and make you a visit of a day, and leave her with you, but now I think it my duty to turn another way and personally to Sympathize with my afflicted Friends, mr and mrs Smith in Boston. his feeble health was much reduced by the heat of the last week: and by a bleading at the mouth, which has placed his life at great hazard—but...
It would be ungratefull in me not to feel & pleased thank you for the interest you take in the Return of my Son to his Country to his parents and Friends; I do rejoice in the hope of Seeing him, yet with Sense Some trembling least my sanguine hopes may be blasted. we know not what a day my bring forth. he has been preserved through many dangers to which voyages across the ocean are always...
I thank you for the pamphlet sent me and think the writer more sinned against than sining. I will keep it, so charge me with it. I am glad to find Caroline at Home, after her Letter to me from N York in whih she mentions the packets getting upon the Rocks, and their taking a Boat to go on shoar I trust, that the packet was founderd did you hear so? She does not mention the circumstance as...
I am indebted to you for several very entertaining Letters, while I have not any thing in return to amuse you with. Some marriages amongst the young folk are taking place, miss E Gerry last week to a Major Townsend. Susan was at the visit party. She is well married it is Said. a daughter of doctor Hoolbrooks to a mr Vincet, Brother to mrs E Everet who was lately in England. miss Hoolbrook is...
The inclosed Letter I received a few days Since to forward by the first opportunity. my last Letter was addrest to Mrs Adams, and went by a vessel direct for St Petersburgh belonging to Loring & Curtis, which Saild in April. This will inform you that your sons are both well. your Father and myself as well as old Age can expect to be. neither of us Deaf dumb or blind as yet, trembling and...
I received your note this morning. mr A forgot to leave it last Evening; I am not much disappointed that there were not any Letters from mr ulating upon the Time when he the Milo left England. I could not Suppose mr A. had received his credentials so as to enable him to go there The Milo must have brought us some later news from Paris than we have yet had, but English papers are little to be...
I Send your Mother a Bottle of Hermitage wine which on Serching the cellar we found. I hope it will prove a cordial to her. it is more mild than port, and excellent for herI pray it may be blest to her restoration MWA : Adams Papers.
You have been so good in writing to your Father and Brother that I ought not to complain that you have not particularly addrest a Letter to me, tho I wanted to know how George was grown, and whether he rememberd you and what he had to say to you. John I think you told me was quite different in his temper and disposition, more sturdy and harder to manage. these are subjects much more...
It is with Sincere pleasure that I acknowledge your Letter of Febry 23d this day received, a Letter endeard to me, comeing from the Son, of a Friend whose memory I cherish, whose loss I have not ceased to mourn, and whose frequent, and intelligent correspondence I highly valued To her Children, who must rise up, and call her blessed, her price was far above Rubies. Her only, her beloved, her...
A long and Severe fit of Sickness must plead my excuse for so long delaying the acknowledment of Mr vander Kemps very polite and flattering Letter, in which he has estimated the little civilitis due shone to him, not as a homage due to his Character and worth, so conspicuous to every intelligent mind, but as acts of Superoragation— the only regret I feel is that I fear I Shall never have an...
you will I know excuse my not haveing written to you more than once; when you learn the additional care and anxiety I have had in my Family by the Sickness of Louisa, who has had two other allarming attacks of pukeing blood, more than half a pint each time, and a much larger quantity passing down. She is much reduced, and for several days unable to leave her Bed—She is now able to sit up...
I hope you have received your mittins, and your Brother his, which Mrs. Foster took a fortnight since and promissed to send to you, but I fear she has not found a conveyance. I am the easier because your Aunt wrote me that she had provided for you. I thank you for your Letter which was so much better written than your Brothers, that I could not keep saying you had learnt more good hand writing...
I was never more at a loss what to say to you than at the present moment, to accuse you of neglect I cannot, I will not, for I do not believe it possible—yet so unfortunate have I been, that not a line has reachd me from you of a later date than the first of last May, two packets have since been received containing Letters for your Father your Brothers & your children, but not a solatary line...
Truly my dear sister I blush and am asshamed that I have not written to you in replie to your Several kind Letters; I will not hunt for excuses, or pretend the extreem heat of the weather prevented, altho it was so oppressive that I could not do any thing but fan and pant. I have repeatedly said well I must write this day. abbe have you written—No Mam why have you not, you have leisure? “I do...
I am very Sorry to learn that your Mother is so unwell, as Susan represents her. let me hear from her tomorrow. I have been out all day to meeting, and do not feel the worse for it. I do not expect to hear from utica untill next week I think I shall from Caroline. I have written to her three Letters three weeks going; none of which has She yet acknowledgd. I know She will be anxious to let us...
I am ready to join in the exclamation of Eloissa when she said “Heaven first taught Letters, for some wretches aid” For how very wretched should I be, but for the intercourse which Letters afford, to soften the pains of absence, and mitigate the pangs of seperation from near and dear Friend’s? how large a portion of these joys and sorrows have fallen to my lot, through Life, are known only to...
Do you know how long a time has elapsed since you wrote a single line to your Mother? You did not use to be thus neglectfull of your pen: I am myself frequently tardy, but I believe unless the post has failed: that I have written twice, Since I recieved a Letter from you. Caroline has written once to me: and once to Susan so that my mind has been releived from the apprehension that you were...
We have lost an excellent Neighbour and Friend in the death of Mr Black, for more than a Year he has Sufferd great bodily disease but for the last Month, a fever in concequence of his other complaints Seizd upon him, and put a period to his days—he was patient and resignd, and like a good Man who has better hopes beyond the grave, Cheerfull and pleasant to his last tour . Thus have two of my...
I received the Silk and chalk this mor’g on Wednesday. I wrote you and inclosed to you mr Adams Letter of 25 Novbr to me. Charles was just going to the post office with it when mr Shaw drove up, and Stoped him. I opend the Letter to show him and gave it him with my cover upon his promise to perform part of what I had committed to you. he was then to leave the Letter with you. in that you will...
I received yesterday your Letter of the 4th April. I was grieved to find by it, that your spirits are so deprest, and your health so infirm. you have had great calls upon your fortitude, and the trial of your virtues, since your seperation from your Friends— we know upon what terms we hold our existance here. the Christian looks beyond this State of trial for the reward promissed to those who...
How have your Lungs borne this severe cold weather? mine have hitherto sustaind it better than the last winter, but we have advanced only a little way yet. The Barn is compleated and the accounts all payed, the amount 920 Dollars. 4ct. there is some timber & stuff amounting to about 15 dollars included in the amount which is thought best to leave for repairs to the old Barn Mr Foster had some...
It looks like a want of those gratefull feelings which I am sure are inmates of my Heart, that three weeks have elapsed since I left my dear sister, and her Hospitable Mansion, and I have not written her a line to tell her that I was highly gratified with my ride and visit; that my Health and that of Louisas was much benifited by it, and that I have wanted to hear directly from my dear Neice,...
When I wrote last to you, I was at a loss What to say to you, to console, and reconcile you to your situation. the thought struck me to say, that some light might spring up, where we did not foresee it, and extricate you from your difficulties. Such a light appears to me to have arrisen in the midst of surrounding darkness, by the appointment of mr Adams an associate judge of the Supreem...
I send the Boys to your and your Fathers kind care. I hope they will not be obliged to stay long before they embark John thinks he must have a black handkerchief. the Ribbon you sent I took for my Bonnet. I want they should have their hair cut. If they do not go immediatly on Board, I would have them call at mr Smiths, at mr Quincys at mr Halls and mrs Otis’s keep them in good order, and make...
I most sincerely sympathize with you, and the bereved distrest Family at Washington. in the dispensation of heaven which has broken assunder the last paternal ligament; and left you the only Surviveing pillar, of the once numerous Edifice. To us, who in the course of nature expect, and hope to joint the Spirits of the just; are consolations, which to the bereved widow; and Children, are more...
I would not come to Town to day because I knew I should only add to yours, and my own agony, my Heart is with you, my prayers and blessing attend you, the dear Children you have left, will be dearer to me for the absence of their parents, and my care whilst, Providence continues to me my faculties, and my Life. If your Father and I Should be removed, they cannot fail of finding Friends and...
The moon shone so bright this morning that I rose, as it seems while it was yet Night, and allotted a portion to my Maidens, & set my whole house hold in motion, for you must know that we have Six Men at this day, three ladies, who love us so dearly that they must stay. a cold winter comeing & no Home, and wish the old Gentleman was but 25—I had a specimin of a compliment this morning from one...
The great quantity of snow upon the Ground has obstructed the travelling So much, that the post did not get in last week, and your Letter which Should have come by that Mail, did not arrive untill yesterday. The Nomination and appointment of mr Adams, had been announced in the public papers, and in Some private Letters, before I received yours— Supposing that his absence would be an...
Think not my Dear Daughter that I have been silent through want of feelings—I have sympathized with you under the repeated Shames you have been called to endure, in the last I have been no common sharer, I have wept with the relatives, over the remains of a Brave, unfortunate Benevolent Man, a kind affectionate & tender companion of her, whom he has gone to join in the World of Spirits,...
I have already written to you twice by this opportunity. I had not intended to have taken my pen the third time, but having received intelligence from Washington which I wish’d might be communicated to mrs Adams, and her Sister with that prudence and tenderness which so distressing an event calls for I thought it best to communicate to you the Sudden death of Mrs Hellen, who was at Church on...
your kind and Friendly Letter found me in great affliction for the loss of my dear, and only daughter, mrs Smith She had been with me only three weeks having undertaken a journey from the state of Nyork, desirious once more to see her parents, and to close her days under the paternal roof she was accompanied by her son and daughter. who made every exertion to get her here, and gratify what...
will you give me leave to introduce to your acquaintance the Rev’d mr Coleman, a gentleman who is setled in a Neighbouring Town my Neighbourhood, and who is travelling for his Health. both the president and myself your Friend have a high Respect and esteem for this Gentleman, who is what every Clergyman ought to be a liberal Christian, a Gentleman of Science taste & literature—and what I know...
Your Letters are always Common property with the Family to hear from you, and know that you are all well, is a mutual gratification to us all—Your Father is not so punctual in acknowledging Letters, dates and numbers as you are, so that your last Letter to him of Janry 14th No 56 is left for me to notice, and laugh, at your excuse for its brevity. I have received several from you of the like...