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Results 174471-174520 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Allow me to ask your kindness and hospitality for Joseph Coolidge Esq. He is a young gentleman of...
Mess rs Dinsmore & Neilson without consulting with me have proceeded to purchase scantling here...
The Ladies, and all the White Women, and all the White Females, in the United States. Are the...
M r Daniel Brent presents his most respectful compliments to M r Jefferson, and, in compliance...
I have considered maturely the change you propose in the library, and see no advantage in...
I recieved, a day or two ago, a small pamphlet on Materialism without any indication from what...
The last letter which I have had the pleasure of writing to you, was of the date of Octob: 9. in...
I arrived a few days since in this Country with a view to become a citizen—I can Scarce he...
This package has been in the hands of the Banditti on the Road from Mexico DLC : Papers of Thomas...
Pursuant to your request in your letter of Inst, & my reply to it, I now furnish you with a list...
I have for some time past been desirous that you should have an opportunity of perusing a Work,...
I now inclose you duplicates of my letters; the originals of which, were transmitted through M r...
My plan was to leave the City to-day, so as to get to Monticello on saturday. But finding I...
I am preparing the biography of my Father and am anxious to obtain all the information I possibly...
Agreeable to your standing order, hand herewith statements your quarterly a/c, to date, which I...
The letter which in yours of the 18 th you mention to have written to me in the last fall never...
You will please to let me address you, in all the simplicity of Republican Christianity, my...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the kindness of your favor of Mar. 24. it exactly answers the purposes...
I am really done, my friend, with Politics, notwthstg the doubts you express in your favor of...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the kindness with which you have been so good as to attend to my...
I thank you, dear Sir, for the information you have been so kind as to give me in your favor of...
It was with great pleasure I learnt that the good people of N. Orleans had restored you again to...
An Estimate of the cost of the Rotunda as far as the contracts that have been made towards the...
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University of Virginia held at the sd University on Monday...
In behalf of the members of the Jefferson Debating Society in this Town, I take the liberty of...
The claim of the State, for the allowance of interest, on monies borrowed & applied to the...
This will be delivered to you by my servant Archer, who comes down with the Horse you were so...
I beg You will excuse my Liberty to inform You, that some Time in the Month of May 1807. I had an...
To save the trouble, let thy clerk, or some young man say whether I can send thee a 3 dollar...
Notwithstanding the reduction which was made in the rents proposed, it appears that that on the...
articles of agreement between Daniel Piper and Frances his wife of the one part & Arthur S....
Your favor of Mar. 27. was duly recieved. the Visitors of our University will not make their...
Your letter of Jan. 11. did not reach me till the last of Feb. and as I then expected to have a...
Your favor of Mar. 17. from Richm d was duly recieved. I had with our revered friend G. Wythe a...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Farrar for the N o of the Boston Journal which he has been...
I am very thankful to you, Dear Sir, for the kindness with which you have attended to my late...
I inclose the letter dated Jan y 24. 1796—referred to in your memorandum. You will observe that...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 1 st instant, and am happy to learn that we are likely to...
Your favor of Mar. 29. is duly recieved, and I learn from it with great gratification that we are...
I have received your letter of the 9 th in which you propose to make absolute, the provisional...
Your Glass, from Boston, was forwarded several days ago, by a Waggon, to Charlottesville, care...
The very obliging letter you honoured me with, three years ago; so far emboldens me as to take...
You will have perceived by the Newspapers that the question of a Convention , has suddenly been...
Permit me with this letter to present you with a pamphlet entitled the American Free thinker,...
Your favor of Oct. 18. came to hand in December. our legislature was then in session, and I...
Your two dfts:, to Ja s Leitch, for $541.17/100, and $50 Dollars, have been presented & paid MHi .
Your favor of the 9 th ins t was delivered to me by my servant on the 11 th I deferred writing...
Yours of the 9 th was not rec d till the evening before the last, and c d not be sooner answered...
Apr. 16. 24. Wrote to B. Peyton for a Q r cask Sicily Madeira by waggon MHi .
Your most agreeable favor of the 10 th was recieved here two days ago. You say nothing of your...