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Results 174471-174480 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
1744711774. Thursday. Septr. 22. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Chew, Chief Justice of the Province, with all the Gentlemen from Virginia, Dr. Shippen, Mr. Tilghman and many others. We were shewn into a grand Entry and Stair Case, and into an elegant and most magnificent Chamber, untill Dinner. About four O Clock We were called down to Dinner. The Furniture was all rich. —Turttle, and every other Thing—Flummery, Jellies, Sweetmeats of 20...
When Israel Chapin, the U.S. agent to the Iroquois nations, informed the War Department in January 1802 that a delegation of Seneca Indians would be setting off on a visit to Washington, he identified Cornplanter as the head of the group. Similarly, when newspapers, which took little notice of the deputation, mentioned its passage through Pittsburgh, they described the group as consisting of...
174473[Diary entry: 4 November 1772] (Washington Papers)
4. Dined at the Speakers and Supped at Mrs. Vobes. Jane Vobe had changed her mind about leaving Williamsburg, and by February of this year had opened a tavern called the King’s Arms, across the street from the Raleigh, in the house where John Carter had been living ( Va. Gaz. , P&D, 6 Feb. 1772). She remained in business there until about 1785. In the council today was presented a petition...
174474July 21. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Sullivan Lathrop and Bass carting earth into the Yard from the Ground which is to be thrown into the High Way over against my House. The old Appletree, probably an hundred Years of Age is to fall. Billings and Thomas Lathrop mowing in the Meadow. Six hogsheads of Lime, 50 Gallons each were brought home Yesterday for Manure. I have it of Mr. Brackett, at 15s. the Hdd. I am reading Dr. Watsons...
174475[Diary entry: 23 May 1795] (Washington Papers)
23. Raining moderatly till Noon—W[in]d S. W.
174476[Diary entry: 29 September 1769] (Washington Papers)
29. A Breeze from So. West in the Morning with some appearance of Rain—but clear & calm in the afternoon.
174477Orders, 20 December 1755 (Washington Papers)
A Return to be given in immediately of the Recruits now in this town, by the several Officers who enlisted them; mentioning their height, age, trade, &c. The Officers to see that the Sergeants who understand the manual Exercise, do drill the Recruits, at least twice a-day. LB , DLC:GW .
174478[Diary entry: 5 October 1795] (Washington Papers)
5. Do. Easterly good deal of Rai[n].
174479Octr. 18th. 1761. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
Arose at 6. Read in Popes Satyrs. Nil Admirari &c. I last night read thro, both of Dr. Donnes Satyrs versifyed by Pope. Was most struck with these Lines Bear me some God! Oh! quickly bear me hence To wholsome solitude the Nurse of sense Where Contemplation prunes her ruffled Wings And the free soul looks down to pitty Kings. Prayer! A post ulant —Hands uplifted, and Eyes. A very proper Prayer...
174480[Diary entry: 26 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
26. Clear but cool the Wind blowing fresh from the No. West till the Eveng.