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Results 1741-1750 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
1741Orders, 21 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
A Court Martial to sit immediately, to try those who were confined for being absent from their alarm-post last night. Captain Stewart, President. I do hereby promise to any persons who engage now to go out as Volunteers, without any expectation of pay; that they shall be furnished with provision and ammunition from the public Stores, sufficient for the time they shall be upon the Scout—To draw...
1742Council of War, 21 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War, Held at Winchester, 21st of April. Present Colonel George Washington, President. Governor Innis } { Captain Stewart Captain Mercer Lieutenant Eustace Members Captain Peachy Lieutenant Lowry Lieutenant Hall Lieutenant Gist Lieutenant King Colonel Washington having called the several above members, laid before them the disagreeable accounts he just then received by various...
By several Expresses just arrived from the Officers and Inhabitants between this and Fort Cumberland, their situation seems most deplorable; for they have neither provision, nor a sufficient force at either place, to go out to collect any; and consequently, must run themselves into the jaws of the Enemy, or perish in their places with Hunger: and I dare believe your Lordship is sensible, that...
I have just now received several Expresses who bring the most shocking accounts of the distressed condition, not only of the few poor families that yet remain back of this place; but of the Rangers that Garrison the small Forts: as nothing but a large and speedy reinforcement can save them from utter destruction! I must desire that you will not lose one moment in drawing together all the men...
You will please, immediately on receipt hereof, to send up upon Horses, what powder belonging to the Country may be at Fredericksburgh—Should there be none of the Countrys, get two Barrels from the Merchants; which charge to my Accompt. If that quantity can not be procured, send any lesser quantity that can be got. I beg you will lose no time herein; by which you will oblige Yours LB , DLC:GW...
You are hereby desired if possible, to retreat with what men and provision you have to Edwards’s; and to Escort what families have put themselves under your protection. But if you find this impracticable without a reinforcement, on your applying to Captain Harrison at Edwards’s, a Detachment will be sent to assist you. You are not to fail in bringing off all the Stores you can. I am &c. LB ,...
It is out of my power at this juncture to supply you with any Provision. Therefore I would have you apply to Edwards, to whom I write. Acquaint him, that whatever he expends, he shall receive a reasonable satisfaction for: and hint to him, that without his compliance the Garrison now there, must depart to this place. You are likewise ordered (on Mr Hubbard, at Enocks, signifying his want of...
Captain Harrison informs me, his Provision will fall short in a few days. It is impossible for one at this time to grant him a supply. I must desire, therefore, you would assist him. For whatever he expends, I will take care you shall receive a reasonable satisfaction. If you fail in this point, I am under an absolute necessity of Ordering his Detachment to this place. Yours &c. LB , DLC:GW ....
Mr Swaringham intending up tomorrow for Winchester gives me an opportunity of expressing my great concern for the Death & Defeat of Capt. Mercer and for the dismal apprehension that those who yet Survive the Indian Massacre must necessarily be under And indeed my friend I must add that this Concern is greatly aggrevated when I find by your letter to Colo. Carter that you have suffered your...
175021 [i.e. 22] Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Cloudy, black morning. Cleared away very pleasant about 9. Dined at Capt. Stearns’s, with the Officers of the Militia in this Place. Spent the Evening at Mr. Greenes.