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Results 17401-17450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
17401 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 29 October 1775 1775-10-29 I cannot exclude from my Mind your melancholly Situation. The Griefs of your Father and Sisters,...
17402 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 29 October 1775 1775-10-29 Human nature with all its infirmities and depravation is still capable of great things. It is...
17403 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 29 October 1775 1775-10-29 There is, in the human Breast, a social Affection, which extends to our whole Species. Faintly...
17404 Washington, George General Orders, 29 October 1775 1775-10-29 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
17405 Washington, George Cooke, Nicholas From George Washington to Nicholas Cooke, 29 October … 1775-10-29 Your Favour of the 25 Inst. came safely to hand. Capt. Whipple’s Voyage has been unfortunate, but...
17406 Hastings, Eliphelet Washington, George To George Washington from Ensign Eliphelet Hastings, 29 … 1775-10-29 Cambridge 29 October 1775 . “The Circumstances of your petetioners family is Such Occasiond by...
17407 Washington, George Lee, Richard Henry From George Washington to Richard Henry Lee, 29 October … 1775-10-29 As you will be fully informed of every matter and thing relative to the army, by your own...
17408 Sullivan, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John … 1775-10-29 I arrived here in about twenty four hours after I Left you have Collected Powder So as to make up...
17409 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 29 … 1775-10-29 Since I had the pleasure of addressing you last no material occurrence has happened in our Camp....
17410 Washington, Lund Washington, George To George Washington from Lund Washington, 29 October … 1775-10-29 On Sunday last I got three Letters from you dated the 2d 7th and 9th of Octbr —Mrs Washington...
17411 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress] 1775. … 1775-10-30 Ross. We cant get Seamen to man 4 Vessells. We could not get Seamen to mann our Boats, our...
17412 Adams, John [Monday October 30th. 1775.] 1775-10-30 Monday October 30th. 1775. The Committee appointed to prepare an Estimate, and to fit out the...
17413 Washington, George General Orders, 30 October 1775 1775-10-30 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
17414 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 30 October 1775 1775-10-30 The Information which the Gentlemen who have lately gone from hence can give the Congress of the...
17415 Pearson, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Pearson, 30 October … 1775-10-30 Wilmington [Del.] 30 October 1775 . Requests an appointment in the army. ALS , DLC:GW . Pearson...
17416 Washington, George Reed, Joseph From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Joseph … 1775-10-30 After you left this yesterday Mr Tudor presented me with the Inclosed—as there may be some...
17417 Storrs, Experience Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel Experience … 1775-10-30 Cambridge , 30 October 1775 . Ens. Isaac Farewell wishes to be discharged from the army “on...
17418 Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. Washington, George To George Washington from Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 30 … 1775-10-30 I have received your two last favours, and thankfully accept the early intelligence given by that...
17419 Trumbull, Joseph Washington, George To George Washington from Joseph Trumbull, 30 October … 1775-10-30 I have been very unhappily detained here by Sickness; which has been very severe, but by the...
17420 Washington, George Warren, James From George Washington to James Warren, 30 October 1775 1775-10-30 At the Instance and Request of the Committee of Cape Ann, I dispatched Major Mason, to survey and...
17421 Washington, George Washington, Lund From George Washington to Lund Washington, 30 October … 1775-10-30 Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 30 Oct. 1775. On 12 Nov. Lund Washington wrote to GW :...
17422 Watson, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Watson, 30 October … 1775-10-30 Major Tupper the bearer of this will inform your Excellency in what manner he has conducted with...
17423 Troup, Robert Jay, John To John Jay from Robert Troup, 30 October 1775 1775-10-30 I was, this Day, informed by a Carman, that you had requested him to supply you with Wood...
17424 McDougall, Alexander Jay, John To John Jay from Alexander McDougall, 30 October 1775 1775-10-30 I have many matters of importance to communicate to you, respecting our own Safety and the...
17425 Adams, John Warren, Mercy Otis From John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren, 31 October 1775 1775-10-31 I received, this day with great Pleasure your Favour of the Twelfth and fourteenth Instant —and...
17426 Palmer, Joseph Adams, John To John Adams from Joseph Palmer, 31 October 1775 1775-10-31 Herewith you have a Copy of the Account of the Battle of Charlestown; the other matters will be...
17427 Washington, George General Orders, 31 October 1775 1775-10-31 As many Officers, and others, have begun to inlist men for the Continental Army, without Orders...
17428 Gates, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Lieutenant Benjamin Gates, 31 … 1775-10-31 Whereas Your Petitionner Suddently Entred the service and in his Zeal for the Publick Safety of...
17429 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 31 … 1775-10-31 [Watertown, Mass.] 31 October 1775 . Recommends officers in Col. Ephraim Doolittle’s regiment for...
17430 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 31 … 1775-10-31 [Watertown, Mass.] 31 October 1775 . Recommends officers in the regiment commanded by Lt. Col....
17431 Quincy, Josiah Washington, George To George Washington from Josiah Quincy, 31 October … 1775-10-31 My worthy and dear Friend Doctr Franklin, the honble Mr Bowdoin, Doctr Winthrop, and Doctr...
17432 Kissam, Samuel Jay, John To John Jay from Samuel Kissam, 31 October 1775 1775-10-31 I was particularly happy my Dear Jay when I saw your name in the list of Deligates for the...
17433 Cary, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Archibald Cary, 31 October … 1775-10-31 I had the Pleasure of yours of the 17th Instant last night by Post, am much obliged to you for...
17434 Jefferson, Thomas Page, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Page, 31 October 1775 1775-10-31 We have nothing new from England or the camp before Boston. By a private letter this day to a...
17435 Adams, John [In Congress, November and December 1775.] 1775-11-01 On Tuesday November 28. 1775. The Congress resumed the Consideration of the Rules and Orders for...
17436 Adams, John [November 1775] 1775-11-01  At the Rising Sun in Second Street between Market and Chestnut Streets. 2 ozs. Cinnamon £0: 6: 0...
17437 Adams, John [List of Persons Suitable for Naval Commands, November … 1775-11-01 Captn. Isaac Sears Thos. Randall John Hanson Christopher Miller John Harrison. Dudley Saltonstall...
17438 Trumbull, Joseph Enclosure: Joseph Trumbull’s Estimate of a Daily … 1775-11-01 An Estimate of the Costs of a Days Ration, as allowed the Troops in the Service of the United...
17439 Hayward, Lemuel Adams, John To John Adams from Lemuel Hayward, 1 November 1775 1775-11-01 The small Acquaintance I have had with your Honor emboldens me to write you on an Affair which...
17440 Thomas, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Thomas, 1 November 1775 1775-11-01 I wrote you some time since the Gentlemen of the Committee from the Congress and presume’d to...
17441 Washington, George General Orders, 1 November 1775 1775-11-01 The General recommends it to those Officers, who have signified their Intention to continue in...
17442 Washington, George Baldwin, Loammi From George Washington to Loammi Baldwin, 1 November … 1775-11-01 Letter not found: to Loammi Baldwin, 1 Nov. 1775. At the end of a draft of a letter to GW, dated...
17443 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 1 … 1775-11-01 [Watertown, Mass.] 1 November 1775. Recommends staff officers in the regiment commanded by Lt....
17444 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 1 … 1775-11-01 [Watertown, Mass.] 1 November 1775 . Recommends officers in the regiment commanded by Lt. Col....
17445 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 1 … 1775-11-01 [Watertown, Mass.] 1 November 1775 . Recommends officers in Col. William Prescott’s regiment for...
17446 Tailer, Gillam Washington, George To George Washington from Gillam Tailer, 1 November … 1775-11-01 I beg leave to represent to you that I am a young person from Boston, where I have left my all. I...
17447 Adams, John [Thursday November 2. 1775] 1775-11-02 On Thursday November 2. 1775 Congress resolved that the Committee appointed to carry into...
17448 Washington, George General Orders, 2 November 1775 1775-11-02 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
17449 Council of War Council of War, 2 November 1775 1775-11-02 At a Council of General Officers held at Head Quarters in Cambridge 2d November 1775. Present The...
17450 Broughton, Nicholson Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Nicholson Broughton … 1775-11-02 by unfavorable Winds & weather we have been able to make but little head since our last —the 31st...