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Results 17351-17400 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
17351 Washington, George Cooke, Nicholas From George Washington to Nicholas Cooke and Jonathan … 1775-10-24 The inclosed Information, being of the highest Importance, I thought it proper to transmit it to...
17352 Washington, George Falmouth Committee of Safety From George Washington to the Falmouth Committee of … 1775-10-24 The Desolation, and Misery, which ministerial Vengeance had planned, and, in Contempt of every...
17353 Washington, George Agreement with John Fisk, 24 October 1775 1775-10-24 Articles of agreement between George Washington Esqr. Commander in Chief of the Continental Army,...
17354 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 24 October 1775 1775-10-24 My Conjecture of the Destination of the late Squadron from Boston in my last has been unhappily...
17355 Jones, Pearson Enclosure: Deposition of Pearson Jones, 24 October 1775 1775-10-24 Falmouth Monday October 16: 1775. The Canceaux Ship of Sixteen Guns Commanded by Capt. Mowatt, a...
17356 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 24 … 1775-10-24 [Watertown, Mass.] 24 October 1775 . Recommends officers in Col. Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge’s...
17357 Inhabitants of North Yarmouth and New Gloucester Washington, George To George Washington from the Inhabitants of North … 1775-10-24 We the Inhabitants of North Yarmouth and New Glocester in the County of Cumberland beg Leave to...
17358 Washington, George Woodhull, Nathaniel From George Washington to Nathaniel Woodhull, 24 … 1775-10-24 Your Favour of the 12th Instant I duly received, and thank you for inclosing Captain Thompsons...
17359 Madison, James Receipt to the Treasurer, [24 October 1775] 1775-10-24 Received twenty pounds for the Use of Colo. James Maddison for collecting Arms by Warrant from...
17360 Jefferson, Thomas Eppes, Francis From Thomas Jefferson to Francis Eppes, 24 October 1775 1775-10-24 Since my last, we have nothing new from England or from the camps at either Cambridge or St....
17361 Adams, John Octr. 25th. 1775. Wednesday. 1775-10-25 Mr. Duane told me at the Funeral of our late virtuous and able President that he, Mr. Duane, had...
17362 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 I have been highly favourd this week past. No less than 5 Letters I have received from you. It is...
17363 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 A Method of collecting Salt Petre from the Air which is talked of here is this. Take of Lime and...
17364 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 Governor Ward of Rhode Island has a son about five and twenty years old who has been so far...
17365 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 Upon the Receipt of the Intelligence of Dr. Church’s Letter, Dr. Morgan was chosen in his Room....
17366 Gordon, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Gordon, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 I begin upon a half sheet, as a quarter may possibly not hold what I have to write, but should I...
17367 Otis, Col. James Adams, John To John Adams from James Otis Sr., 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 I Recived your favor of the first Current and Note the Contents and in answer say that I am...
17368 Quincy, Josiah Adams, John To John Adams from Josiah Quincy, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 I have now before me your obliging Letter of the 6th: Instant. It came to hand with another for...
17369 Tudor, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 I wrote you by the Post 3 Weeks ago but have not been honour’d with a Line since your Returnto...
17370 Winthrop, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Winthrop, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 I received your Favor by Mr. Lynch. I was very sorry I had no opportunity of Shewing respectto...
17371 Washington, George General Orders, 25 October 1775 1775-10-25 Otway Byrd Esqr. is appointed to act as Aid-de-Camp to Major Genl Lee, during the Absence of...
17372 Cooke, Nicholas Washington, George To George Washington from Nicholas Cooke, 25 October … 1775-10-25 Captain Whipple returned here from his Voyage to Bermuda on Friday last. He had received...
17373 Washington, George French, Christopher From George Washington to Major Christopher French, 25 … 1775-10-25 I now set down to give a final Answer to your Application respecting your Swords—Dr Franklin...
17374 Adams, John [Thursday October 26. 1775.] 1775-10-26 On Thursday October 26. 1775. The Subject again brought on the Carpet, and the same discussions...
17375 Knox, Henry Adams, John To John Adams from Henry Knox, 26 October 1775 1775-10-26 Encourag’d by your kindly mentioning my name in your Letters to several Gentlemen this way I now...
17376 Franklin, Benjamin Greenleaf, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Greenleaf, 26 October … 1775-10-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society I intended to have called upon you yesterday at Watertown,...
17377 Washington, George General Orders, 26 October 1775 1775-10-26 As several of the Officers have not yet signified their intentions respecting the requisitions...
17378 Massachusetts Council To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 26 … 1775-10-26 [Watertown, Mass.] 26 October 1775 . Recommends officers in Col. Ebenezer Bridge’s regiment for...
17379 Parker, David Washington, George To George Washington from David Parker, 26 October 1775 1775-10-26 Many & various are the Difficulties Which I have to encounter by the Confinement to wch I am...
17380 Washington, George Schuyler, Philip From George Washington to Major General Philip … 1775-10-26 Your several Favors of the 12th & 14th Instant came safely to Hand, though not in the proper...
17381 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1775-10-26 At two this Afternoon, an Express from General Montgomery arrived at this Place, Copy of his...
17382 Wheatley, Phillis Washington, George To George Washington from Phillis Wheatley, 26 October … 1775-10-26 I Have taken the freedom to address your Excellency in the enclosed poem, and entreat your...
17383 Wheatley, Phillis Enclosure: Poem by Phillis Wheatley, 26 October 1775 1775-10-26 The Pennsylvania Magazine: or, American Monthly Museum , 2 (April 1776), 193. The letter and poem...
17384 Jay, John McDougall, Alexander From John Jay to Alexander McDougall, 26 October 1775 1775-10-26 I have rec d . your Letter by M r . Clough and you may rely on my paying due Attention to your...
17385 Arnold, Benedict Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Benedict Arnold … 1775-10-27 My last of the 13th Instant from the Portage to the Dead River, adviseing your Excellency of our...
17386 Adams, John [Notes of Debates in the Continental Congress] 1775. … 1775-10-27 R. R. Livingston. Cloathing will rise tho Provisions will fall. Labourers will be discharged. One...
17387 Washington, George General Orders, 27 October 1775 1775-10-27 In making out the Pay Abstracts for the Month of September; the Colonels and commanding Officers...
17388 Washington, George Massachusetts General Court From George Washington to the Massachusetts General … 1775-10-27 Gentlemen: The continued accumulation of price, and the scarcity which prevails throughout the...
17389 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 The Fall of Dr. Ch urc h, has given me many disagreable Reflections, as it places human Nature...
17390 Adams, John Warren, James From John Adams to James Warren, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 Our Association, against Importations and Exportations, from and to Gr. Britain, Ireland andthe...
17391 Hichborn, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Hichborn, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 If tears of blood were to follow my pen, they wou’d but faintly marke the distressing anxiety I...
17392 Morton, Perez Adams, John To John Adams from Perez Morton, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 I am directed by the Major part of the Council of this Colony, to acquaint You, that by Virtue of...
17393 Morton, Perez Adams, John Enclosure: List of Superior Court Justices, 28 October … 1775-10-28 Honble. John Adams Esqr. William Cushing Esqr. William Read Esqr. Honble. Rob. Treat Paine Esqr....
17394 Tudor, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Tudor, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 I received your Letter of the 12th. Instant by Mr. Tracy. But the One you mention to have sent me...
17395 Warren, James Adams, John To John Adams from James Warren, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 I did not hear till Yesterday in the Afternoon that Coll. Reed had any Intention to leave us so...
17396 Washington, George General Orders, 28 October 1775 1775-10-28 The General Court Martial whereof Col. Bridge was President is dissolved. It is recommended to...
17397 Cooke, Nicholas Washington, George To George Washington from Nicholas Cooke, 28 October … 1775-10-28 When we removed Part of the Live Stock from Block Island in July last a Number of Cattle were...
17398 Langdon, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Langdon, 28 October … 1775-10-28 [Cambridge] 28 October 1775 . Certifies that Sgt. Edmund Foster “is a Candidate for admission...
17399 Washington, George White, Anthony From George Washington to Anthony White, 28 October … 1775-10-28 Sir,—I could not let Mr. White depart this Camp without paying you the tribute of a Letter. When...
17400 Adams, John 1775. Octr. 29. Sunday. 1775-10-29 Paine brought in a large Sample of Salt Petre, made in this City, by Mr. Ripsama. It is very...