George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Lieutenant Colonel James Brickett, 23 October 1775

From Lieutenant Colonel James Brickett

23 October 1775. Certifies that Peter Webster is discharged from Col. James Frye’s regiment because he “appears Incapable of doing the Duty of a Soldier.”1

ADS, DLC:GW. Although this document is not addressed to GW, his discharge of Webster on this date indicates that it was sent directly to him.

1Peter Webster, a private in Capt. John Davis’s company in Col. James Frye’s Massachusetts regiment, was discharged on this date. On the reverse of this document is a certificate signed by the regimental adjutant, Thomas Kittredge, attesting that Webster “has been unwell for Two or Three Monthes past. By a Hemorage from his Lungs to so grate a degree that he has raised Two or Thre⟨e⟩ Quarts of Blood in a Week.”

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