George Washington Papers

General Orders, 21 October 1775

General Orders

Head Quarters, Cambridge, Octr 21st 1775

Parole Franklin.Countersign Lynch.

The Officers of Col. Gridley’s regiment, and Major Crane’s Corps of Artillery,1 who are inclined to engage in the service of the United Colonies, for one Year from the day of the expiration of their present term of service, are to deliver in their Names and the Rank they now possess to the Adjutant General to morrow Morning at ten OClock; such as disincline to remain any longer in the service, to give in their names also, and the reasons for their declining the service.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1John Crane (1744–1805) commanded the Rhode Island artillery detachment that had joined the army in May. On the establishment for 1776 Crane became a major in Col. Henry Knox’s Continental artillery regiment, and from 1777 to 1783 he served as colonel of the 3d battalion of Continental artillery.

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