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Results 1731-1740 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have recd. your letter of the 10th. instant. As I could say nothing that would throw light on the merits of your claim and ought not to presume that a mere expression of my good will could influence the decision on it. I can perceive no ground on which I could properly take the step you suggest. I cannot but persuade myself that on a full consideration of the subject you will concur in the...
I had the Pleasure, yesterday, of receiving your letter of the 14th instant, and am honor’d by your Commands—Transcripts of the Reports of Mr. Jefferson, which you request, will be made from our Records, with the permission of Mr Clay, and sent to you with all convenient despatch. I soon discovered that it would be much easier to have this done, than to make a Research for the Printed Copies...
Whilst Mr. Jefferson was Secretary of State he made several Reports to Congress relating to our Commerce & navigation. In one of them, he was led to a comparison of the war & peace freights & ensurences, and to an estimate of the encouragement that could be afforded to our own navigation with reference to that comparison. I do not find among my preserved papers a Copy of that Document. If you...
I have duly recd. your letter of the 10th. inst. on the subject of Mr. Trist son in law to Mrs. Randolph, of whose qualifications for a Clerkship in the Department of State you wish me to judge. This young gentleman is I believe, regarded by all best acquainted with him, as possessing a fine understanding, as respectable for his scientific and literary accomplishments, as of strict honor &...
I have this moment recd. yours of the 10th. In my answer to the preceding one which I addressed to Warminster, I stated my reasons for deciding that if a publication of the letter on the Tariff power could be useful, it ought not to take place until the approaching close of the Presidential contest, should separate the two subjects in every mind, and procure for the former a more cool &...
I have just recd. the inclosed letter, under cover of one from Mr. Clay to me. Be your decision on the subject of it what it may, it gives me pleasure that an option is afforded. It appears to be an expectation that in the event of your becoming a resident in Washington a removal of Mrs. Randolph thither would take place. But I know not that such a condition could be implied if her personal...
Mr Schultz, presents his compliments to Mr Madison, late President of the Convention, and requests the favor of, transmitting Mr S. late communication, concerning the prosperity of Virginia, to some Printer: as it was intended for the Public good. With great respect and esteem your fellow citizen RC (DLC) . Docketed by JM.
I am detained here as a witness in the suit of Mrs. Carter & Mr. Galt, but hope to be released by tomorrow. Shortly after I received your Letter of Sepr. 18, relative to the Tariff, I replied to you, and whilst I acknowledged the great satisfaction afforded by that letter, I begged your permission to send it to the press. Since the date of my reply, I have under proper precautions, shewn the...
(Confidential) I have been informed, through a respected channel, with which I presume you are acquainted, that it would conduce greatly to the comfort of Mrs. Randolph, the daughter of Mr. Jefferson, if her son in law Mr. Trist was appointed to some Clerkship in one of the Departments here; and that, in that event, she would establish herself in this City. A vacancy having recently occurred...
As I am about to leave London, I have transferred to Mr. Barbour the funds of the University of Virginia, which were placed under my control on the departure of Mr Gallatin. I enclose a sketch of the account of the Messrs. Baring, from which the disbursements made under my direction will fully appear. I have the honor to be, with profound respect, Dear Sir, Your most obedient faithful Sert. W....