Results 1731-1740 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
To the care of Doct r Parker who I am told will be a safe conveyance, & who has promised to deliver ’em himself, I inclose you two Letters from America—one of which particularly from M r S Adams I was desired to keep ’till I could see you or trust it only in safe hands—the other is from M r Dalton— I heard upon my first arrival in Ireland which was in Feb y that you were in England, & hoped to...
In addition to the articles contained in the Memo. given to you some time since, I pray you to procure, and send by Captn Steward the following. A Wimble bit—compleat. Pickled Walnuts & India Mangoes none were sent before. Thompsons Seasons and Gutheries Geography and the Art of Speaking. Some Pamphlets which have been sent to me since I came to Town; and Books purchased for my amusement...
17 August 1813 , “ Treasury Department, General Land Office .” “Yesterday I received from the Register of the Land office at Fort St. Stephens, in the Mississippi Territory, the enclosed letter, which I am under the necessity of troubling you with, having no authority to direct a removal of the public records or property, from the place designated by law. “Mr. Samuel Smith, the receiver of...
Since We addressed you the 27 January last; returning you with protests for non acceptance and non payment your remittance £39.17.10 1/2 on Wm. Anderson , We have your esteemed favor of 31 of same month, covering another remittance for account of Mr. P. Mazzei, in Wm. Hodgson’s Bill at 60 days sight on Robinson Sanderson & Rumney of Whitehaven payable in London, with Which We will do the...
Your letter of the 8th. is just recd & with it a copy of the Printed Circular on the same subject. I forward both to the Faculty of our University who are prohibited by one of its Statutes “from receiving into it any person who has been a Student at any other incorporated Seminary, but on producing a Certificate therefrom, or other satisfactory evidence, with respect to his general good...
I received yesterday your Letter of Novbr 27th. and was rejoiced to learn that you and the Children were well. I was just contemplating writing a Letter to my son to chide him for not writing to inform me, how George was grown, and improved, what he said when he saw his pappa again, and how mister John came on, whether he is as grave as his Brother George was how Master Georges socks fitted...
Its extremely disagreeable to me, that my first address to you, shou’d be on such an occasion, as the following detail, which is that immediately on the capture of the English Ship of war Drake, off the harbour Carrickfurgus, in Ireland Captn. Jones was pleased to appoint me (his first Lieutenant,) to the command of her for Brest, giving me instructions, a correct copy of which I inclose, and...
I have left Lewis’s large map with a servt. to be carried to your office tomorrow morning. it is the 29. half sheets which contain very accurately his survey of the river & no more. mr King being with me this morning I gave them to him to be reduced to a scale of 20. miles to the inch for engraving. Mr. Pringle has declined the place of Attorney general, it is therefore now in my power to...
From the best information I can obtain the emoluments of the Consulship of Lisbon does not amount to three hundred pounds sterling ⅌ Annum, and the place is a Very expensive one to live at. I therefore will not give you the trouble of mentioning me to the President on that subject.—If I Could be brought into his View for such appointment as he should think proper, under the Excise law that is...
1740[Diary entry: 8 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
8. After breakfast Mr. Pendleton & Mr. Crawford went away as Miss Mason & Miss Scott did yesterday.