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Results 1731-1780 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
To the care of Doct r Parker who I am told will be a safe conveyance, & who has promised to deliver ’em himself, I inclose you two Letters from America—one of which particularly from M r S Adams I was desired to keep ’till I could see you or trust it only in safe hands—the other is from M r Dalton— I heard upon my first arrival in Ireland which was in Feb y that you were in England, & hoped to...
In addition to the articles contained in the Memo. given to you some time since, I pray you to procure, and send by Captn Steward the following. A Wimble bit—compleat. Pickled Walnuts & India Mangoes none were sent before. Thompsons Seasons and Gutheries Geography and the Art of Speaking. Some Pamphlets which have been sent to me since I came to Town; and Books purchased for my amusement...
17 August 1813 , “ Treasury Department, General Land Office .” “Yesterday I received from the Register of the Land office at Fort St. Stephens, in the Mississippi Territory, the enclosed letter, which I am under the necessity of troubling you with, having no authority to direct a removal of the public records or property, from the place designated by law. “Mr. Samuel Smith, the receiver of...
Since We addressed you the 27 January last; returning you with protests for non acceptance and non payment your remittance £39.17.10 1/2 on Wm. Anderson , We have your esteemed favor of 31 of same month, covering another remittance for account of Mr. P. Mazzei, in Wm. Hodgson’s Bill at 60 days sight on Robinson Sanderson & Rumney of Whitehaven payable in London, with Which We will do the...
Your letter of the 8th. is just recd & with it a copy of the Printed Circular on the same subject. I forward both to the Faculty of our University who are prohibited by one of its Statutes “from receiving into it any person who has been a Student at any other incorporated Seminary, but on producing a Certificate therefrom, or other satisfactory evidence, with respect to his general good...
I received yesterday your Letter of Novbr 27th. and was rejoiced to learn that you and the Children were well. I was just contemplating writing a Letter to my son to chide him for not writing to inform me, how George was grown, and improved, what he said when he saw his pappa again, and how mister John came on, whether he is as grave as his Brother George was how Master Georges socks fitted...
Its extremely disagreeable to me, that my first address to you, shou’d be on such an occasion, as the following detail, which is that immediately on the capture of the English Ship of war Drake, off the harbour Carrickfurgus, in Ireland Captn. Jones was pleased to appoint me (his first Lieutenant,) to the command of her for Brest, giving me instructions, a correct copy of which I inclose, and...
I have left Lewis’s large map with a servt. to be carried to your office tomorrow morning. it is the 29. half sheets which contain very accurately his survey of the river & no more. mr King being with me this morning I gave them to him to be reduced to a scale of 20. miles to the inch for engraving. Mr. Pringle has declined the place of Attorney general, it is therefore now in my power to...
From the best information I can obtain the emoluments of the Consulship of Lisbon does not amount to three hundred pounds sterling ⅌ Annum, and the place is a Very expensive one to live at. I therefore will not give you the trouble of mentioning me to the President on that subject.—If I Could be brought into his View for such appointment as he should think proper, under the Excise law that is...
1740[Diary entry: 8 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
8. After breakfast Mr. Pendleton & Mr. Crawford went away as Miss Mason & Miss Scott did yesterday.
I have been informed by Letter from the Count de Rochambeau, as well as by yours of the 14th, that your Exchange has taken place. You have Sir my sincere Congratulations on this Event, which cannot but be very agreeable to you. You will probably have some Concerns to attend to in Phila. before you leave that City—as soon as those are adjusted, you will please to proceed to & join the Army...
For amendment to the Constitution Louisiana as ceded by France is made part of the U. States. Congress may make part of the U. S. other adjacent territories which shall be justly acquired. Congress may sever from the U. S territory not heretofore within the U. States, with consent of a majority of the free males above 21 years, inhabiting such territory Ms ( DLC ). Undated; for conjectural...
I received your two kind favours last Evening of march 2 d & 8 th . the seasons I belive have been very near alike both here and with you. we have had several days of warm & muggy weather, the Ground thawing the slug & miller very industerous, and as the Scripture assures us that tis Lawfull to do good upon the Sabbeth, my people are employd in Annoying these destructive Enemies, who make not...
1744[Diary entry: 2 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
2. Clear, warm, and still, their being very little wind & that southwardly.
[ Algiers, 3 Nov. 1785 . Recorded in SJL as received 16 Dec. 1785. Not found.]
Captain Ford & Lady arrived here yesterday: they left Niagara the 13th ulto & came by the way of Oswego. He gives me some information of things which took place after we left that country, and which, as they probably will be new to you, I herewith communicate them. He says that Talbot, Brant and Shehan had arrived at Niagara some days before he sailed: that they informed the Governor, that as...
Mr. Carmichael American chargé des affaires at Madrid has been so good as to send me a copy of your letter to Mr. Giuseppe Chiappe, informing him that his Imperial majesty had ordered the Schooner Proctor , American property, taken by one of his cruisers, to be released with the most flattering marks of his friendship. I beg leave through your channel, Sir, to bear witness to his imperial...
Providence, May 12, 1791. Encloses “weekly Return of Cash” and “Two Drafts of the Treasr.” Acknowledges receipt of a “Thermometer, forwarded by the Collr. of New York.” ADfS , Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; copy, RG 56, Letters from the Collector at Providence, National Archives.
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Gardiner and his thanks for the handsome Map of the Alabama territory , which he has been so kind as to send him . the rapid advance of that portion of our country into notice and estimation renders it now entirely interesting. he salutes mr Gardiner with esteem and respect. PoC ( MHi ); on verso of reused address cover of Charles Willson Peale to...
With respect to prisoners of War mentioned in yr Excellency’s Letter of the 3d Instt—I beg leave to observe that it has been my wish from the beginning of the contest to the present day, that no distinction should exist with respect to them—that the whole should be considered on one general & liberal scale as belonging to the States, and not to this or that State—be exchanged according to...
I have the honor to transmit herewith to your Excellency, a Copy of my respects of the 28th. December, as also a Duplicate List of the few american vessels which arrived at this Port the last Six months of the year 1807. The two Schooners therein mentioned as laid up in consequence of the late difficulties with Algiers, were going home in Ballast since the Settlement of this Business, by Mr....
Carter’s Grove, James City County, 30 Mch. 1781 . Encloses names of six militia ordered by court martial to serve as regular soldiers for six months and adds: “I expected there would have been more.” Three have already gone off, and if there is no objection, “as there are some circumstances that make in Favor of the other three,” they will be delivered at the prison, “that by being near their...
I have just got back from Poplar Forest to which place I must return in 4. weeks. I am therefore anxious you should come immediately & do the small jobs wanting here. unless the cistern be done in time to dry, it will give way again in winter. I shall go to Poplar Forest the latter end of this month & not return till November, when it will be too late to work. I am in hopes the long notice you...
I am favd with yours of the 15th. According to my present Ideas and expectations my Quarters for the Winter will be at or near Middle Brook, at which place the Pennsylvania, Maryld and Virginia troops will be hutted. Should Mrs St Clairs ill state of health require your attention, after your Affair before Congress is determined, I shall have no objection to your remaining with her, while the...
175527. (Adams Papers)
Thanksgiving day. Dull weather.
With the most Sincere & highest Respect as Your Fellow citizen & a Stranger—I hereby address You as my Fellow Citizen, a Gentleman whom I have never had the pleasure to be personally acquainted with, but by Character, and as a Needy Man (I hope) on the most Excellent grounds I may with Propriety also Style You—my Friend, and therefore have used the freedom to trouble You with this Scrawl, in...
I have received your letter of the 30th of December, written at George-Town. I am very sorry that your business was so pressing as to deprive me of the pleasure of seeing you at this place, while you was in the neighbourhood of it. Doctor Stuart handed me the Indian fabricks which you did me the honor to send by him, and for which I beg you to accept of my warmest thanks. Altho’ they are not...
On Thursday next at one o’Clock, I mean to pay the last respect to the remains of my deceased Nephew, by having the funeral obsequies performed. Mrs Fanny Washington & myself would be very glad to see you, mistress Stuart & the Girls here on that occasion; for this reason, & knowing they have not the means of getting down, a carriage is sent for them: and I believe it would be extremely...
I recieved last night yours of the 16th. and sincerely congratulate you on your safe arrival at Richmond against the impudent surmises & hopes of the band of conspirators, who because they are as yet permitted to walk abroad, and even to be in the character of witnesses until such a measure of evidence shall be collected as will place them securely at the bar of justice, attempt to cover their...
The term having expired , during which the first and third articles of the terms and conditions declared by the President of the United States on the 17th. October 1791 for regulating the materials and manner of building and improvements on the Lots in the City, of Washington, have been suspended, we have taken the subject into consideration, and are of opinion that it may be expedient to...
The inclosed letters contain the latest intelligence received from our southwestern frontier. I did myself the honour to inform you on the first of the present month, that the state of Virginia retained in service the troops employed in the defence of the counties of Washington, Montgomery and Russel. This force consists of fifty rangers and four Scouts which were directed to be raised in the...
Literal copy of a patent given by Govr. Blount. No. 6. William Blount governor in and over the territory of the US. of A. South of the river Ohio, and Superintendant of Indian affairs for the Southern district, to all who shall see these presents Greeting. Know ye that in consideration of the proofs of fidelity and friendship which we have had of the Indian called Ittahoomastuble of the...
I inclose you Clarke’s memoranda. The following articles seem proper for Executive attention. An instrument vesting in the Collector of Natchez the powers of the Administrator, Treasurer & Contador. Instructions to Claiborne to suppress useless offices to remove any existing officers. to appoint others. It would be well these could go by next post. Would it not be well to send in what...
I have been some time a debtor for your favor of Novr. 11th accompanied by a Copy of your Exposé. It reached me at a time when my attention had some particular calls on it; and I was so unlucky as to lose by an accident, the answer which I had prepared for a late mail. I now repeat the thanks it contained for your communication. I have read with pleasure the interesting lights in which you...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Pardon si je prend La liberté de vous ecrire, je vien d’aprendre que un nomé Graubner bourgois de paris, a eté ché vous Monsieur, pour vous importuner par a port [par rapport] une Lettre de change, de mon mary Le quelle a eté doné pour de l’anciene déte de mon bau frére qui a été au Service du Congré, je vous demande mille excuse a La place de mon mary,...
1766[Diary entry: 13 June 1775] (Washington Papers)
13. Dined at Burn’s in the Fields. Spent the Evening at my Lodging’s.
Tho’ I have not the honour of being acquainted with yourself, I am acquainted with your writings; and the pleasure these afforded, gave a desire of a more intimate correspondence. In the undertaking in which I am about to engage, I am not a little ambitious of its attracting the notice of worthy men; and I should think myself fortunate if the plan so far met with your approbation, as to induce...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Nantes, September 10, 1778: M. Montaudoüin has learned from Mr. Kergariou, commander of the French frigate Oiseau , that the Guernsey and Jersey privateers which infest this bay provision in Bilbao under pretense of being American. I hope this practice can be stopped.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VII . This prominent Nantes merchant, identified...
Mr. Shields has been so good as to call & let me know that he left you & my sister well last week, and to give me an opportunity of saying that we are well as usual also. I have not lost ground in point of health since my return to this place, but do not find it yet as firm as I hope time & temperance may render it. Mr. Shields is possessed of a hand bill containing the official certainty of...
The waggon will take you a load of flour this evening which please sell & inform me of the amount of its proceeds. A return load of plaister may be sent up with the articles mentioned in the memorandum annexed. ½ bushel Cranberries 1 bunch best quills 2 lbs black teas 2 lbs green } 5# Canister best green do. 1 Keg Lisbon Wine. Draft (DLC) .
I have received your Excellency’s letter of the 7th with the proceedings of a court martial enclosed, which proceedings the court were of opinion from the nature of the oath they had taken, they could not communicate to any person untill the commander in chief’s pleasure shuld be known, they therefore dispatched them to Head Quarters without my knowledge when your Excellency returned them to...
Le Havre, 1 Feb. 1788 . Two ships flying American colors arrived “yesterday” with 749 hhds. of tobacco shipped by Johnson & Muir in accordance with Morris’ contract with the farmers-general; the ships, the Sally and Potomac , left Annapolis 26 Dec.; it would be “surprising” if the farmers received the tobacco in spite of the resolution and convention passed at Berni. Is informed by the masters...
An Acct of Mrs Washingtons Expences from Virga to my Winter Quarters & back again to Virginia according to the Memms & Accts wch I have recd from her & those who accompanied her 1775 Lawful Decr To amount of her Expences from Virginia to Cambridge 85. 2. 6 1776 July To Ditto from New York to Virginia after the Enemy Landed on Staten Isld Including her Residence in Phila at Board for sometime
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Lewis and will attend the Rivanna company on Saturday at the Shadwell mills . RC ( CtHi : Hoadley Collection); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “M r Nicholas H. Lewis ”; endorsed by Lewis
Since my last letters, nothing worthy of writing about has occurred. That is not to say, however, that every day I have not had some occasion of acting for the general welfare of the cause and, therefore, of visiting the French embassy daily in order to receive intelligence and letters, or to provide extracts which sometimes are sent to the Cabinet, but more often, and even with regularity, go...
I am now arrived myself on the East side of the Delaware, and the main body of the Army is on the Other from whence it will cross as soon as possible. This would have been effected in part to day, had it not been for the rain and the very doubtful appearance of the morning, which prevented the Troops from moving till it was late. The Afternoon will be employed in passing the Artillery and such...
Since you did me the honor the other day to mention the subject of the Canal from the falls of Poto. to the Eastern branch, I have thought much on the subject, & satisfied you will excuse the liberty I am now takeing, have determined to address you a few lines—I see innumerable difficulties attending the plan you propose, one which you mentioned, the want of funds, The ground where you propose...
From being obliged to leave the City of Washington I fear I have delayed the communication which you had the goodness to promise me upon the subject of my dismission, from the service of the U. States, as a Lieutt of the Navy—Permit me to Observe that there can be no circumstance so likely to inflict a lasting wound upon the reputation of any man, as the one to which I have alluded and I am...
I beg Leave to return you my Thanks for the Loan of Peter—and I am happy that I have it in my Power to send him Home unhurt. Tarquin has recover’d the Laurells he lost at Alexandria—His Opponents were, old Cumberland, and Herod, the Property of Doctr Ross; both which he beat with great Ease. I have a fine 2 year-old Doe, perfectly tame, which I beg your Acceptance of. She shall be sent with...
AL : American Philosophical Society Capn. Barney has the honor of assuring his Excelly. Doctr. Franklin of his most respectfull Comps. & wth. pleasure accepts his polite invitation to dinner on Saturday next Addressed: A Son Excellence / Monsieur Le Doctr. Franklin / ministre Plenipotentiare / des Etats Units de / L’Amerique en / son hotel / a Passy The day after Barney arrived in Paris with...