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Results 1731-1780 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1731 Washington, George Fairfax of Cameron, Thomas Fairfax, sixth baron From George Washington to Thomas, Lord Fairfax, 19 … 1756-04-19 The inclosed is the Copy of a Letter that came to my Hands by Express this Instant, which I send...
1732 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 19 April … 1756-04-19 Since writing my Letter of Yesterday’s date the inclosd came to hand by which your honr will be...
1733 Washington, George Harrison, Henry From George Washington to Henry Harrison, 19 April 1756 1756-04-19 You are hereby ordered to repair to Joseph Edwards’s Fort, and there to take upon you the command...
1734 Stark, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Stark, 19 April 1756 … 1756-04-19 Letter not found: from William Stark, 19 April 1756. On 20 April 1756 GW wrote to Stark : “I...
1735 Adams, John 19 [i.e. 20] Tuesday. 1756-04-20 A lovely Day after the Storm. Drank Tea at Major Chandlers. Walked with the Coll. to his Saw-mill...
1736 Washington, George Orders, 20 April 1756 1756-04-20 All the men off Duty, are to go out immediately to assist the towns’ people in cutting down the...
1737 Washington, George Stark, William From George Washington to William Stark, 20 April 1756 1756-04-20 I received yours, dispatched last night by Express, about two o’clock this morning. There is...
1738 Washington, George Harrison, Henry From George Washington to Henry Harrison, 20 April 1756 1756-04-20 I congratulate you on your safe arrival at Fort-Edward—If Ensign Hubbard applies to you for a...
1739 Washington, George Hubbard, Edward From George Washington to Edward Hubbard, 20 April 1756 1756-04-20 You will receive by the Bearer as much powder as I think will suffice: Ball, according to your...
1740 Adams, John 20 [i.e. 21] Wednesday. 1756-04-21 Charming Weather. The Fields begin to look verdant. The leaves begin to shew themselves on the...
1741 Washington, George Orders, 21 April 1756 1756-04-21 A Court Martial to sit immediately, to try those who were confined for being absent from their...
1742 Council of War Council of War, 21 April 1756 1756-04-21 At a Council of War, Held at Winchester, 21st of April. Present Colonel George Washington,...
1743 Washington, George Fairfax of Cameron, Thomas Fairfax, sixth baron From George Washington to Thomas, Lord Fairfax, 21 … 1756-04-21 By several Expresses just arrived from the Officers and Inhabitants between this and Fort...
1744 Washington, George Lee, Henry (1729-1787) From George Washington to Henry Lee and William … 1756-04-21 I have just now received several Expresses who bring the most shocking accounts of the distressed...
1745 Washington, George Fitzhugh, Daniel From George Washington to Daniel Fitzhugh, 21 April … 1756-04-21 You will please, immediately on receipt hereof, to send up upon Horses, what powder belonging to...
1746 Washington, George Hubbard, Edward From George Washington to Edward Hubbard, 21 April 1756 1756-04-21 You are hereby desired if possible, to retreat with what men and provision you have to Edwards’s;...
1747 Washington, George Harrison, Henry From George Washington to Henry Harrison, 21 April 1756 1756-04-21 It is out of my power at this juncture to supply you with any Provision. Therefore I would have...
1748 Washington, George Edwards, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Edwards, 21 April 1756 1756-04-21 Captain Harrison informs me, his Provision will fall short in a few days. It is impossible for...
1749 Carter, Landon Washington, George To George Washington from Landon Carter, 21 April 1756 1756-04-21 Mr Swaringham intending up tomorrow for Winchester gives me an opportunity of expressing my great...
1750 Adams, John 21 [i.e. 22] Thurdsday. 1756-04-22 Cloudy, black morning. Cleared away very pleasant about 9. Dined at Capt. Stearns’s, with the...
1751 Washington, George Orders, 22 April 1756 1756-04-22 LB , DLC:GW .
1752 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 22 April … 1756-04-22 This encloses several letters, and the minutes of a Council of War, which was held upon the...
1753 Washington, George Bell, David From George Washington to David Bell, 22 April 1756 1756-04-22 Waggons will be sent down to Conogochiege to bring some provisions to this place. Let the chief...
1754 Washington, George Advertisement, 22 April 1756 1756-04-22 I do promise and engage to all good Woodsmen, &c. who will enter into the Service of their...
1755 Washington, George Carter, Charles From George Washington to Charles Carter, 22 April 1756 … 1756-04-22 Letter not found: to Charles Carter, 22 April 1756. On 27 April Carter wrote to GW : “I recd yr...
1756 Carter, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Carter, 22 April 1756 1756-04-22 Your favour without date came to my hands yesterday; from a conversation with Lt Rutherfold I...
1757 Adams, John 22 [i.e. 23] Fryday. 1756-04-23 A pleasant Day. I can as easily still the fierce Tempests or Stop the rapid Thunderbolt, as...
1758 Washington, George Orders, 23 April 1756 1756-04-23 LB , DLC:GW .
1759 Council of War Council of War, 23 April 1756 1756-04-23 At a Council of War, Held at Winchester, April 23d 1756 Colonel George Washington, President....
1760 Washington, George Harrison, Henry From George Washington to Henry Harrison, 23 April 1756 1756-04-23 It has been determined here in a Council of War, that it would be most advisable for you to...
1761 Washington, George Hubbard, Edward From George Washington to Edward Hubbard, 23 April 1756 1756-04-23 It has been determind here in a Council of War, that it would be most advisable for you to...
1762 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 23 April … 1756-04-23 Your Letr of the 19th by Mr Rutherfurd came to my Hands Tuesday last, but Yours of the 16th by...
1763 Adams, John 23 [i.e. 24] Saturday. 1756-04-24 A cloudy morn. All my Time seems to roll away unnoticed. I long to study sometimes, but have no...
1764 Washington, George Orders, 24 April 1756 1756-04-24 Evening Orders. Captain Stewart is to see that the Carpenters and all the Soldiers off Duty, set...
1765 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 24 April … 1756-04-24 Not an hour, nay, scarcely a minute passes, that does not produce fresh alarms and melancholy...
1766 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 24 April 1756 1756-04-24 Yesterday I received yours by Mr Kirkpatrick, and am sorry to hear the Reflections upon the...
1767 Adams, John 24 [i.e. 25] Sunday. 1756-04-25 Astronomers tell us, with good Reason, that not only all the Planets and Satellites in our Solar...
1768 Washington, George Orders, 25 April 1756 1756-04-25 LB , DLC:GW .
1769 Washington, George Bell, David From George Washington to David Bell, 25 April 1756 1756-04-25 As the roads at present are so much infested, I do not think it safe to send the things you wrote...
1770 Fairfax, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Fairfax, 26–27 April … 1756-04-26 I rec’d your Favor with the enclosd Estimate of your present Corps and proposd Regulation for...
1771 Adams, John 25 [i.e. 26] Monday. 1756-04-26 The Reflection that I penned Yesterday, appears upon the review to be weak enough. For 1st. we...
1772 Washington, George Orders, 26 April 1756 1756-04-26 A Regimental Court Martial to sit immediately for Trial of George Livingston. Lieutenant Eustace,...
1773 Washington, George Harrison, Henry From George Washington to Henry Harrison, 26 April 1756 1756-04-26 If you receive this before you leave Edwards’s, I would have you proceed with a Detachment of...
1774 Washington, George Memorandum, 26 April 1756 1756-04-26 The Commissary at Conogochieg is ordered to deliver Mr Grub five days Flour, for forty men. LB ,...
1775 Washington, George Stephen, Adam From George Washington to Adam Stephen, 26 April 1756 1756-04-26 I received your several Letters yesterday, and am very glad to hear that all our Garrisons are...
1776 Dinwiddie, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 26 April … 1756-04-26 I recd Yr Letter by this Express last Night, & this Morning laid all the Letters before the House...
1777 Adams, John 26 [i.e. 27] Tuesday. 1756-04-27 We had a few soft, vernal Showers to Day.
1778 Washington, George Orders, 27 April 1756 1756-04-27 LB , DLC:GW .
1779 Washington, George Dinwiddie, Robert From George Washington to Robert Dinwiddie, 27 April … 1756-04-27 I sent an Express to Fort Cumberland on Tuesday last, who is just returned with the enclosed...
1780 Washington, George Robinson, John From George Washington to John Robinson, 27 April 1756 1756-04-27 In my last I omitted to observe one thing touching the defence of our Frontiers by a chain of...