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Results 1731-1740 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
The inclosed is the Copy of a Letter that came to my Hands by Express this Instant, which I send in Hopes that your Lordship will give Orders for raising not only a part of the Militia of this County, but of the adjacent ones also, & that with the utmost Expedition otherwise it is uncertain how far the Enemy may attempt to pursue their Victory—I have consulted Colo. Innis & the Officers of my...
Since writing my Letter of Yesterday’s date the inclosd came to hand by which your honr will be informd of a very unlucky affair. I immediately consulted Colo. Innis and such Officers of my own Regiment as were at this place on the necessary steps to be taken: they unanimously advisd that I shoud remain here with the 50 Recruits that are in Town for the defence of the place till the Militia...
You are hereby ordered to repair to Joseph Edwards’s Fort, and there to take upon you the command of all those different parties that are at that place. You are to use your utmost endeavours to protect the people, and be very circumspect in your conduct; taking care to do nothing without first advising with your Officers, and receiving their counsel. You are to be very careful that you are not...
Letter not found: from William Stark, 19 April 1756. On 20 April 1756 GW wrote to Stark : “I received yours, dispatched last night by Express, about two o’clock this morning.”
173519 [i.e. 20] Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
A lovely Day after the Storm. Drank Tea at Major Chandlers. Walked with the Coll. to his Saw-mill Farm.
1736Orders, 20 April 1756 (Washington Papers)
All the men off Duty, are to go out immediately to assist the towns’ people in cutting down the Bushes about Town. LB , DLC:GW .
I received yours, dispatched last night by Express, about two o’clock this morning. There is ammunition already sent up, but I send you more now. I hope ere this, Captain Harrison is safe arrived with you. Let him know it is my Orders, that he return the Horses he took up with him, per the first safe hand that is coming down: and that he transmit me constantly, what intelligence he may...
I congratulate you on your safe arrival at Fort-Edward—If Ensign Hubbard applies to you for a reinforcement, you are to detach to his assistance a party of ten men: and if you have the same application from Homer’s-Fort, let them have the like number; and a small quantity of ammunition, if it can be spared. Yours LB , DLC:GW . See GW to Harrison, 19 April 1756, notes 1 and 2 . Horner’s, or...
You will receive by the Bearer as much powder as I think will suffice: Ball, according to your own account, you have enough of. I am informed by the Bearer, that the Inhabitants at Enochs’s (where your party is garrisoned) are desirous of moving. I would therefore recommend that you may, if you can convey them, and such Stores as are in your custody, to retreat to Edwards’s. If you find this...
174020 [i.e. 21] Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Charming Weather. The Fields begin to look verdant. The leaves begin to shew themselves on the apple Trees, and Blossoms on the peach Trees. Drank Tea at Mr. Putnams. Spent the Evening at the Majors.