George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Richard Gridley, 20 October 1775

From Colonel Richard Gridley

Cambridge October 20. 1775

The foregoing Inventory of Ordnance & Stores are what I judge to be absolutely Necessary for this Army: Many Small things are omitted being Mentiond, as the Company of Artificers can make them, and many things can be supply’d by the Neighbourhood if wanted: It is impossible to give an Exact List of what may be wanted on all occasions: I have endeavour’d as much as the time woud permit, to Collect the Essential Matters for the Army; which are humbly Submitted by Your Excellencys Most Obedt Humbe Servt

Richd Gridley Chief Engineer

ALS, DNA: RG 93, Manuscript File, no. 20717; ALS, DNA:PCC, item 58; copy, DNA:PCC item 169. The ALS in PCC is endorsed in part “Enclosed in report of the Comee of Conference.”

Index Entries