Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from John Allen, 22 July 1799

From John Allen, 22 July 1799

Litchfield, July 22. 1799.


I have written to Mr. McHenry, as has Genl. Tracy, recommending a Mr. Horace Stone of this place, for a 2nd Lieutcy. in the Army. If there be any vacancy in any of the old Regts. or should one occur soon in Col. Taylor’s, it is Wished very much that Mr. Stone may have the Appointt. He is a fine, manly, brave young fellow of about 23, and is thought highly of by the Officers of the Army stationed here.

In whatever manner you, Sir, act in inducing Appointments, I pray you to give the weight of your Influence in favour of this young man—it will be remembered as a particular obligation on your most Obedient and Most humble servant

John Allen.

Gen. Hamilton

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). On the cover H wrote a draft of his reply: "Answer—I advise him to suggest the character to Col Taylor in order that he may express his opinion. The opinion of the Col of the Regt with respect to the candidates is thought desireable—" There is an "X" mark beside the line in the first paragraph beginning "of this place, for a 2nd Lieutcy....."

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