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Results 17301-17310 of 184,431 sorted by author
Gorey, Wexford County, Ireland, 16 May 1793. Writes that “A sincere desire of benefiting the World . . . is the chief if not the only motive of this address and I am well assured . . . that any thing proceeding from such a principle will at least meet with your every attention.” He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Dublin “the beginning of the year 1784 being about 22, from...
By hard Study, close applycation and long experiance I have found out a Successfull method of cure for that dreadfull disorder that cruel scorge to mankind the yelow fever. In a great number of cases in which I have used it, it has been successfull. I verily believe that it will if applied be Successfull in any part of the world. I am well aware that the disorder has baffled the united...
I have written to Mr. McHenry, as has Genl. Tracy, recommending a Mr. Horace Stone of this place, for a 2nd Lieutcy. in the Army. If there be any vacancy in any of the old Regts. or should one occur soon in Col. Taylor’s , it is Wished very much that Mr. Stone may have the Appointt. He is a fine, manly, brave young fellow of about 23, and is thought highly of by the Officers of the Army...
I take the Liberty to Wright to you to Inform you that I Came hear for the union of proverdenc Rhode Island Capt. Romertir from Rotterdam. I was discharged on friday and went out to take A littel plisur & did not return te Sunday I wen up stars to put on sum close my close was of the Chest with my ship mates & I was very much in Luicker & did not no what I did I went out to the gardens and was...
Cambridge, 20 April 1776. Requests payment for service as a chaplain in the Continental army. “I left my congregation 200 miles without a single dollar for my support . . . I laboured near 4 months without provision or pay but charge but three being ill some part of the time. . . . I deliver’d in my Bill to General Sulivan, who promis’d to deliver it to Your Excellency but by his sudden march...
I am instructed by the eig[h]th Regt. of Virginia Militia, which convened in Lexington Rockbridge County on the 14th Inst. to forward to you the enclosed address. I take the liberty of accompanying it with an abstract view of the strength & arms of the Regt which I had the honor on that day to command. In performing this duty sir I am not less obedient to my own feelings than to the wishes and...
The bearer hereof, Capt. Thos. Denny, a gentleman of Education and respectable talents, waits on you, for the purpose of informing you, that in consequence of Capt. Chandlers designation, as an Officer in the standing Army— The Worcester Volunteer Cadet Infantry company have elected him to command the same. If you should be pleased to commission him, we have no Doubt from the knowledge we have...
I have rode some hundred miles in consequence of my brother Ethan Allen (commonly cal’d Colo. Allen) being taken prisoner near Montreal 25th Sept. last[,] waited on Your Excellency at head-quarters in Cambridge in Decm. last, since that waited on Genl Schuyler on the same business, he read me a paragraph of Your Excellency’s letter directing him to enquire what was become of Colo. Allen, and...
The presiding officer of an university most probably being the proper person for one to address on business pertaining to it, and understanding that your honor fills the place of rector of the University of Virginia, I have come to the conclusion of very respectfully requesting of you a copy of the catalogue of the studies pursued both before and after entering the university: the fact being...
It is with the greatest reluctance that I now apply to your Excellency on a Matter which has given you much trouble, nothing but real injury would have urged me to this application—On the 1st of April 1781. was commanded to Boston where continued ’til last March when join’d the 10th Massachusetts Regiment found Mr Cary Rank’d as Capt. Lieut. of the late Colonel Marshall’s Regiment and myself...