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Results 17301-17350 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
17301 Greene, Catherine Adams, John From Catherine Greene to John Adams, 14 March 1796 1796-03-14 The Memorial of Catherine Green, widow of Major General Green respectfully sheweth That in the...
17302 Ridout, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Ridout, 31 August 1785 1785-08-31 I had the honor of writing to you the first of May last, by the Fanny Captain Smith bound to...
17303 Franklin, Benjamin Cochran, Robert From Benjamin Franklin to Robert Cochran, 12 June 1779 1779-06-12 LS : Princeton University Library; copy: Library of Congress I received yours of Augt 16. a long...
17304 Nesbitt, Jonathan Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jonathan Nesbitt, 23 December … 1783-12-23 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr: Nesbitts most respectful Compliments wait on Doctr...
17305 Smith, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Smith, 5 April 1803 … 1803-04-05 5 April 1803, Navy Department. Encloses a letter “this day received” from Israel Whelen in reply...
17306 Madison, James Southwick, Solomon From James Madison to Solomon Southwick, 21 April 1821 1821-04-21 I have recd. your letter of the 12th. with a copy of your address at the opening of the...
17307 Washington, George [Diary entry: 17 January 1772] 1772-01-17 17. Very hard frost in the Morng. Ground pretty well thawd in the Evening; which was pleasant—the...
17308 Girardin, Louis Hue Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Louis Hue Girardin, 24 January … 1824-01-24 Accept my deep and sincere thanks for Your Kind letter to M r Monroe, in my behalf. In the event...
17309 Franklin, Benjamin Lee, Arthur From Benjamin Franklin to Arthur Lee, 31 December 1779 1779-12-31 ALS : Amherst College Library I have not at present any Public Money in my hands; and all that I...
17310 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 15 March 1818 1818-03-15 Your’s of the 11 th came to hand last night only, and we have no mail setting out for Richmond...
17311 Jefferson, Thomas Bacon, Edmund From Thomas Jefferson to Edmund Bacon, 9 November 1807 1807-11-09 I now inclose you 250. Dollars, of which 100. is for James Walker, 50. for mr Maddox, and 100. D....
17312 Jefferson, Thomas Linctot (Lanctot, Lintot), Daniel Maurice Godefroy … From Thomas Jefferson to Linctot, 13 February 1781 1781-02-13 I received two Days ago your favor of Decemr. 5. 1780 from Fort Pitt. It was the more acceptable...
17313 Jefferson, Thomas Cabell, Joseph Carrington Thomas Jefferson to Joseph C. Cabell, 27 June 1810 1810-06-27 I inclose you a letter from Judge Cooper of Pensylvania , a political refugee with D r Priestley...
17314 Washington, George [Diary entry: 6 August 1770] 1770-08-06 6. Clear and Warm—with but little .
17315 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 11 … 1780-06-11 I am honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 6th conveying the very agreeable intelligence...
17316 Washington, George Custis, John Parke From George Washington to John Parke Custis, 3 August … 1778-08-03 Your Letter of the 15th Ulto from New Kent came to my hands by the last Post, and gave me the...
17317 Baker, John Martin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Martin Baker, 28 August … 1805-08-28 With the hope, and probability, that the Port of Mahon, will at some period be considered, and...
17318 Madison, James Lee, John H. James Madison to John H. Lee, 16 April 1829 1829-04-16 The inclosed letter conveys the information and opinions recd. from Mr. William R. Griffith of...
17319 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 26 April 1786 1786-04-26 I am happy to confirm what Mr Dalby will have informed you off, the Successfull Issue of his Suit...
17320 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 9 September 1803 … 1803-09-09 9 September 1803, Department of State . Requests that “remittances may be made to Baring & Co. at...
17321 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared From James Madison to Charles Jared Ingersoll, 21 … 1817-01-21 I thank you for your attentive favor of the 16th. which gave me the first intelligence of the...
17322 Jefferson, Thomas Commissioners, the District of Columbia From Thomas Jefferson to the District of Columbia … 1801-06-02 On consideration of the three plans presented by Capt Hobens for providing an apartment for the...
17323 Adams, John Adams, Thomas Boylston John Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 15 January 1787 1787-01-15 I am glad to find by your Letter that you are so well situated, at Mr. Sewalls, make my...
17324 Gavino, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Gavino, 23 May 1808 1808-05-23 Still deprived the honour of any of your Commands, I beg leave to referr to my last Respects No:...
17325 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, [7 July … 1792-07-07 Pray send me Mr. Hammond’s communications to you on Thursday and your letter to him in...
17326 Wilkinson, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Wilkinson, 15 October … 1799-10-15 [ Trenton, October 15, 1799. On October 31, 1799, Hamilton wrote to Wilkinson and referred to...
17327 Jefferson, Thomas Barziza, Lucy Paradise From Thomas Jefferson to Lucy Paradise Barziza, 24 … 1788-12-24 I have been honored with your letter of the 29th. of November, and happy since that to see the...
17328 Huntington, Samuel Washington, George To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 15 July … 1780-07-15 At seven P.M. this Day I am honored with your Excellency’s Favour of yesterday announcing the...
17329 Wolcott, Oliver Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Oliver Wolcott, Jr., 22 March … 1796-03-22 The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully transmits to The President of the United States two...
17330 Washington, George [Diary entry: 14 May 1772] 1772-05-14 14. Dined at Belvoir, and returnd in the Afternoon. Found Colo. Mason here.
17331 Jefferson, Thomas Huntington, Samuel From Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Huntington, 13 November … 1780-11-13 I take the liberty of enclosing your Excellency a copy of a letter I received from Colo. Wood. As...
17332 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 15 … 1779-12-15 The representations I had the honor to transmit in my letters of the 10th and 12th and those now...
17333 Hall, Josias Carvel Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Josias Carvel Hall, 25 April … 1799-04-25 The Officers, who mett at the City of Baltimore by Appointment on the 23d Inst have elected...
17334 Morgan, Charles Washington, George To George Washington from Charles Morgan, 6 December … 1796-12-06 I have Receiv’d all the Rents for you, that Colo. Cannon put into my hand Except Nine pounds...
17335 Filicchi, Philip Governor of Leghorn Enclosure I: Philip and Anthony Filicchi to the … 1793-10-21 We have the Honor to lay before Your Eccelency a Copy of the Certificate of the Oath taken in New...
17336 Singleton, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Singleton, 20 November … 1804-11-20 I receved your letter the 6 Insant date ed the 24 ult. and not Haveing it in my power to answer...
17337 Washington, Martha Shelbury, —— (Mrs.) Martha Washington to Mrs. Shelbury, 10 August 1764 1764-08-10 In an Invoice to Mr Cary I have directed all the Goods for Miss Custis’s use to be got from you...
17338 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 25 April … 1750-04-25 ALS : American Philosophical Society I wish I have before this advised my Worthy Friend that his...
17339 Goodrich, Elizur Adams, John To John Adams from Elizur Goodrich, 16 February 1801 1801-02-16 The Office of Collector of the Port of New Haven in the State of Connecticut having become vacant...
17340 Gates, Horatio Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates … 1778-02-14 Some new piece of Tyranny & Barbarity is constantly turning up on the part of the Enemy. The...
17341 Jefferson, Thomas Duane, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 8 August 1801 1801-08-08 By a new arrangement of the post between Washington and Milton, Charlottesville &c it now leaves...
17342 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 November 1770] 1770-11-03 Saturday 3d. We set of down the River on our return homewards, and Incampd at the Mouth; at the...
17343 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Lucy Abigail Adams to Lucy Cranch, 26 April 1787 1787-04-26 I write you a few lines my dear Lucy to thank you for your kind Letter, and to inform you that I...
17344 Adams, John Jenings, Edmund From John Adams to Edmund Jenings, 29 November 1781 1781-11-29 I have recd your favours of 14 and 26. I thank you for the Extract, and hope you will discover by...
17345 Washington, George Washington, John Augustine From George Washington to John Augustine Washington, 31 … 1776-03-31 Your Letter of the 24th Ulto was duely forwarded to this Camp by Colo. Lee. and gave me the...
17346 Stuart, David Washington, George To George Washington from David Stuart, April 1784 1784-04-01 I am sorry I was not at home yesterday, to have complied with your request, in sending a...
17347 Lufborough, Nathan Madison, James To James Madison from Nathan Lufborough, 28 January … 1802-01-28 28 January 1802, Comptroller’s Office. At Mr. Payne’s request, recommends him for a recent...
17348 Jefferson, Thomas Pintard, John Marsden From Thomas Jefferson to John M. Pintard, 3 January … 1793-01-03 Your favor of Oct. 5. has been duly recieved. The Consular fees recieved at Madeira and Lisbon...
17349 Labillière, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Labilliere, 8 December … 1781-12-08 Copy: National Archives I should be wanting in those glorious Principles of Gratitude and Love to...
17350 Cooper, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Cooper, [23 March 1800] 1800-03-23 Mr. Dallas, Mr. Duane and myself met to day, and after canvassing the most expedient method of...