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Results 17301-17350 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Permit me the honor of presenting you with the copy of an Essay on Naturalization and Allegiance...
Apprehending that our respect of the 19 th ult o may have miscarried we beg to wait upon you with...
With a view to the more convenient management of the important and growing business connected...
Your last favor is recieved just as I am setting out for a possession 90. miles Southwardly, from...
On a settlement with John Nelson on the 16 th of April 1809. there was then due to him from me...
From the account you were so good as to furnish me I make out the inclosed statement for the last...
Sir —When you were first elected president of the union, the republican party had great hopes...
hear is a Nomber of Semen that Surved thar tim On Board of the Flotilla in Newyork Station in the...
It is not without considerable difficulty that I persuade myself to intrude upon your time. The...
This is a Plat of 68 acres of land lying in the County of Albemarle on the South side of Carters...
I have received your letter of yesterday communicating your purpose, of resigning the Department...
I have the honor most respectfully to address you in behalf of Doctor Walter V. Wheaton, who...
Col: Hawkins, will accept the offer as of agent, for the boundary under Porter, and there is...
You will perhaps be Surprized at the Liberty I take in addressing you, but being governed by...
Under Cover you have $3 25 100 having Overpaid Cha s Stewart that sum to day for Butter. I had...
Je saisis avec Empressement une Occasion favorable, celle de Monsieur hide de Neuville...
It had escaped my recollection till this moment that you had desired me to send you the copy of...
Desirous to See some of my Philadelphia and New york friends, I Left Norfolk on the 24 th ulto...
Correspondo á la favorecida de U d 20 de Ag to ult o acompañandole la adjunta Carta de D n...
Th:J. to W. Short. The inclosed was omitted by accident to be forwarded to you in my last. it is...
I have to acknolege your two favors of Feb. 16. & Mar. 2. and to join sincerely in the sentiment...
Your indifference, as to the result of the Elections to the Presidency of the United States, and...
We wait with much anxiety for Letters, to reassure us on account of your health; although the...
On the receipt of your letter, I made enquiry of Mr Latrobe concerning the young French Engenier...
I nominate Jacob D. Williamson, of Virginia, to be principal Assessor of the 8th collection...
I nominate James Trecothick Austin, of Massachusetts to be agent on the part of the United States...
As it is not my intention to pass another winter in Washington, I think it a duty to give you an...
In reflecting on the subject on which you did me the honor to converse with me this morning, the...
§ Presidential Proclamation. 8 April 1816, Washington. Proclaims the treaty with the Cherokee...
I have to acknolege your two favors of Feb. 16. & Mar. 2. and to join sincerely in the sentiment...
The candor and Integrity of Your Heart, Manifested in Your Letter to me , has induced me for to...
Upon this day solemnized to me, by the anniversary of the death of my beloved Sister, and by the...
For Several Months past, I little thought my Dear Friend, that I Should have been the Sunium to...
During my present Residence in Europe, I have had the pleasure of receiving one Letter from you,...
Filippo Mazzei che si onorava dell’amicizia Sua ha cessato di vivere nel 19. del decorso mese di...
I have too long neglected to remit you the amount of your account , which I believe is 24. D 68 c...
I recieved, by our last mail only, your favor of Mar. 19. reminding me of a very ancient and very...
Your favor of Mar. 11. is just now re cieved. on the death of mr Wayles , I sorted and arranged...
I have referred asking the favor of you to return my thanks to D r Drake for the copy of his...
I have to acknolege your favor of Mar. 14. and will answer it’s several enquiries. le mot de...
Your favor of Mar. 13. has been duly recieved. I forwarded to mr Appleton a duplicate of the...
In this quiet place where I came to attend the sickbed of a relation, I address once more my Dear...
The Petition of Cap. John Hazelton is respectfully submitted to the President. The authority of...
Title. ‘A Treatise on Political Economy by the Count Destutt-Tracy , member of the Senate and...
A Note communicated to the Editor. Our author’s classification of taxes being taken from those...
I take the liberty of submitting to your consideration some remarks on perception, which altho’...
Your favor of Mar. 6. did not come to hand until the 15 th . I then expected I should finish...
I have really placed myself in a very mortifying situation before you with respect to Tracy ’s...
In compliance with an intention *The object of carrying this intention into effect, by...
I received your favour of the 1 st instant yesterday in Petersburg ; and I beg leave to return my...