George Washington Papers

To George Washington from the New Hampshire Committee of Safety, 18 October 1775

From the New Hampshire Committee of Safety

Colony of New Hampshire In Committee of Safety
[Exeter, N.H.] Octr 18th 1775


We have the Honr to acknowledge the Receipt of Yrs of the 15th Inst. & are deeply Sensible of Your Benevolence towards the Inhabitants of Portsmouth.

We have consulted the Committee of that Town & concluded to forward the whole Cargo except four hundred Barrels.

A Person of Integrity is appointed to weigh off & take an Account of the whole Cargo, to sell three hundred barrels thereof to the Inhabitants of Portsmouth & out of the Proceeds to pay the Sailors Wages.

Before the Receipt of Yrs Mr Moylan had settled the Method of Transportation. In Behalf of the Committee I have the Honor to be with the highest Esteem Yr Excellency’s most obedt Humble Servt

Wm Whipple

LS, in William Whipple’s writing, DLC:GW.

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