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Results 17251-17280 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have had the extreme pleasure of recieving your two letters of the 26th. of March & 13th. of April—the first was recieved & delivered to me by the American Envoys—the second was put into my hands by a Gentleman who I believe has the direction of the Flag ship which brought it—he promised to give me notice of his departure that I might write by him & I intended to have written to you at...
Yours of the 8 th was r ec eiv e d in due time, & would have been acknowledg’d before this had I not been at a loss what to say in reply to it.— The Note enclos’d is accepted with pleasure & with thanks, but I should do myself injustice, not to add, that the disposition which prompted this act & the very friendly regard which it manifests on your part are more gratifying to my feelings than...
I dare Say there is not a Lady in America treated with a more curious dish of Politicks, than is contained in the inclosed Papers. You may Shew them to discrete Friends, but by no means let them go out of your hands or be copied. Preserve them in Safety against Accidents. I am afraid We shall have another Campaign: but do not dispair however of a Peace this Winter. America has nothing to do...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With great Satisfaction I received your most acceptable Letter of August 29. by the Hands of your amiable and intelligent Grand-son, who does much Honour to the Family he sprung from. I admire of all Things the Continuance of the Vigor of your Mind and Body, which enables you to write as clearly, distinctly, sensibly, and accurately as you did almost half a...
I have received your favor of the 16th & read the letter of Mr B. H. Phillips, our consul at Curacao of 20th July, & the papers inclosed with it, which I now return. It is right to communicate these documents to Mr. Van Polaner & to Mr Murray, and to remonstrate in clear language to the government, of the Batavian government against the partiality of the govenor & councils & the scandalous...
I am very glad you like my letter of the third October, 1815 and hope you will like all of, them, as they come. I have lived in, la rue de Richelieu &, I have been to Passy and Au teuil, and to the place de Carousal, and from there I came here to visit Grosvenor Square, with my Father, and Mother; but as to Amsterdam, Leyden, and the Hague, I dont know where they are. I hope some time or other...
My letter of May 13. acknoleged the reciept of your’s of Nov. 30th. Since writing that, I have recieved yours of Apr. 29. and June 30. addressed to myself and July 14. to Mr. Remsen. As none of these acknolege mine of May 13. I now inclose you a duplicate of it, fearing the first has miscarried. In this you will find the sentiments of our government on the subject of your recognition....
Your letter of the 3 d is at hand. I have little doubt that I shall recieve an answer from mr Stewart , either yielding to my request , or stating the reasons why he may wish to retain the portrait longer in his possession. whatever these may be, I should not refuse him, nor indeed in any case press a compliance beyond the request I have made. I will inform you of his answer whenever it shall...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’eus l’honneur de vous remettre le 18 de juin dernier un petit mémoire Concernant mon parent mr. vigeral qui fut pris par les Anglais Sur un corsaire américain le 5 mars 1778. Il fut Conduit a Portsmuth, et de la transféré à Winchester. On n’a point eu de Ses nouvelles depuis la fin du mois de mars 1779; et depuis Cette époque il n’a pas été possible...
I had last Evening the Pleasure of recieving your Letter of the 20 th . Inst:— The Appology contained in it is so handsomely made, that I accept it; notwithstanding the well founded opinion, that there are but few occurrences which can with propriety, excuse our not writing those Letters which ought to be written.— The complaint in your wrist was a disagreable one, and I am glad you are now...
Paris, 9 Aug. 1787 . William Frederick Ast, ignorant of the present status of the account of the United States, has presented two drafts on TJ, one for 495.₶ 17 for Barclay and another for 1,800₶ for himself. Grand asks TJ to write to Ast on this subject; he will refer to such a letter in his own to Ast. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; in French, in a clerk’s hand, signed by Grand; endorsed. Not recorded in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <St. Malo, January 26, 1777, in English: The writer, an Irishman and Recollect friar, addresses his letter to Franklin as “Irish Gentle-Man” and informs him that he has a needy relative named Geene, Ginny, or Jeanne Franklin, the widow of “your Brother Robin Francklin” of Limerick. The letter is endorsed, apparently by Temple, “Jane Franklin pretended.”>
I have been for some time desirous of getting a few particular plants from mr M c Mahon , the gardener, of Philadelphia , which can only be removed at this season, & by the stage, as no other conveyance is quick enough. but without the care & patronage of some passenger they would never get to me. understanding that you will be returning to our neighborhood immediately, & by the stage, I...
I was yesterday favd with yours of the 28th of March giving me information of such of the movements of the enemy as had come to your knowledge. The real design of their preparations upon the sound being as much a secret as when I wrote to you upon the 27th ulto, I can only repeat to you now what I thought most advisable then, which was, to keep the detachment of Continental troops at New...
[ Philadelphia, May 12, 1792 . On May 18, 1792, Tench Coxe wrote to “A Committee of the Merchants of the City of Philadelphia” and referred to a letter “from the Secretary of the Treasury of the 12th: instant” to Allibone. Letter not found. ] LC , RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1792–1793, National Archives.
The Secretary of State has the honor of returning to the President, the papers respecting the Ship of War to be built in Georgia. Nothing seems to be further necessary on the part of the President, unless perhaps it be to say to the Department, which has the principal superintendance of the Business, that a minute attention to economy is peculiarly desirable; and that it is recommended, that...
The misterious conduct of the enemy at New York--and their appearance in force (as it is reported to me) at Crown point--with other circumstances unnecessary to detail--renders caution and vigilance extremely necessary at our Posts in the Highlands--I therefore desire that you will not delay a moment after your return to West point & to your command there in obtaining & reporting to me an...
the request I made you in the course last month you were good enough to tell me was at that time out of yr power to grant me—and I trust since yr arrival at the City yr finances are better and you will be so good as indulge me with the Loan of 50 or 100 Dollars—which sum will make me completely happy; and yr having to say from good authority that one of yr subjects are made happy from so small...
The Grand Jurors for the County of Plymouth in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, attending at the Supreme Judicial Court for said County, have been led by their own reflections on the course of events, and by the excellent and impressive observations of the Chief Justice in his charge at the opening of the Court, to contemplate the political situation of our Country. Mr Adams Many of us have...
ALS : Yale University Library In mine of June 10th. I acquainted you that I was about to make a Journey for the Establishment of my Health. I accordingly went to Pyrmont, where I drank the Waters some Days; but relying more on the Air and Exercise of Travelling, I proceeded to Hanover, and from thence thro’ Cassel to Frankfurt and Mentz, thence down the Rhine to Cologne, and so thro’ Treves to...
Botanic names. English names. No of Plants. No 1 Artocarpus integrifolia. Indian Jaack Tree. four plants 2 Garcinia cornea. Small Mangosteen. four do 3 Cycas circinalis. Sago Palm. two do 4 Laurus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon Tree. six do 5 ——
I Receiv’d your favor of the 2d Inst. and with [regard] to taking steps to procure the Cloathing, I had previous to Receipt of your Letter desired General [McDougall] to send an officer from each of the Regts from Massachusetts, to inquire into the state of it and make a Report as soon as possible, none of which has yet Returnd, but expect them every day—another officer was sent to Albany to...
1727324. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
On the grand Bank of N ew F ound L and .—A few days ago, We spoke an American Privateer, the General Lincoln; Captain Barnes. Wrote Letters by him to my family. Mr. Dana wrote. Mr. Thaxter, Mr. John, and several others. Heard, since I came on board, several Hints concerning W.; Son of ——. That he has made a great Fortune—by Privateering, by Trade, by buying Sailors Shares, and by gambling....
I have received your letter of the 23d—I am sorry for the uneasiness which happened in the regiment on Capt. Kearsly’s account, but as he really did resign he cannot be reintroduced contrary to the general sense of the other officers —At the same time, I should have been happy his resignation had not taken place, as he is certainly a valuable Officer and his quitting the army will be a real...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United States a Contract made by the Collector of New London, with Nathaniel Richards for supplying the Light house belonging to that Port. This Contract not having been originally made in a manner sufficiently explanatory of the business, was returned for the purpose of being put into such form as...
17276[Diary entry: 16 November 1788] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 16th. Thermometer at 42 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 50 at Night—Lowering all day with the Wind fresh from the So. Wt.—towards Night the Wind shifted to the Eastward, and in the course of it rained. Monsrs. Warville and Saint Tres returned to Alexandria in my Chariot.
It is of the utmost importance to prevent the Enemy’s Land Forces and Fleet from forming a junction, which it is almost morally certain they will attempt by seizing on Fort Island below Philadelphia, if it is possible, and thereby gain the Navigation of the Delaware by weighing and removing the Chivaux Defrize, which have been sunk for that purpose. This Post—(Fort Island) if maintained will...
I some time Since received a letter from Colo. Randolph of Tuckahoe requesting I would inform him what I knew of his right to Leatherwood land and as you are or will be his Lawer I trouble you with it which is as follows. There was leive granted by the Council to Colo. Peter Jefferson Charles Lynch and Ambross Smith to take up fifteen Thousand Acres of Land adjoining Randolph & Co. at the Wart...
25 June 1804, Charles County, Maryland. “Be so good as to excuse my intrusion upon your time & attention so much engrossed by the duties of the high Office you fill—while for a moment I request your favorable reception of the application of Mr. Alexr. S. Smoot to engage your interests in his behalf to obtain a clerkship in some of the Bureaus of the Government. Certificates in his possession...
I inclosed a packet to you for Tarlton Webb yesterday by the mail stage, because no printed papers can go by the horse mail which leaves this a day later with letters only. I recieved a letter from mr Bacon last night which obliges me to ask you to take a ride to Monticello to advise him in his operations on the garden. he has done 250. feet. should he go on in the same level we assumed at...