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Results 17251-17300 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I nominate William Jones } Citizens of the United States residing at Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania. Stephen Girard Pierce Butler James A Buchanan, a Citizen of the United States residing at Baltimore in the State of Maryland John Jacob Astor a Citizen of the United States residing at New York in the State of New York to be five of the Directors of the Bank of the United States in...
Captain Hamilton has requested me to state what I know respecting the characters of Doctors William Flood & William E Cochran of New Orleans, supposing that you might not be acquainted with them. The first of these Gentlemen has resided in Louisiana ever since I was a citizen of that country, and has held the first rank as a man distinguished by his professional talents, his integrity and...
Your two favors of the 7 th & 9 th have come to my hands & I return you many thanks for them. I calculated from your letter that you would be absent until the early part of May, & therefore did not acknowlege its reciept immediately. This will be anterior to your return & will wait for you at Monticello , where I hope you will arrive at the time expected & in good health. You will find there...
Four days ago, I received your favor of Feb. 8. from which I am led to hope that I may soon receive from you another letter which you wrote Jan. 31. and which as it comes through France must probably be somewhat longer on the way. My own letters to you as well as to my friends generally have not been fortunate, and as my last con tained some facts, which it may be important for you to know, I...
I rec d . last week your Letter of the 2 d . Inst., with the Pamphlets mentioned in it. Such has long been the State of my health, that I can neither read nor write much at a Time without Fatigue. the Subject of these papers being interesting, I shall peruse them gradually. Whether I shall be able to do more is at present uncertain. Be pleased to present my acknowledgm ts . to the Author of...
J’ai eu l’honneur de vous adresser dans le mois de Decembre dernier, mes reflexions Sur les Banques des Etats unis, ecrites en mauvais Anglais; j’aurois pu Sans doute vous les transmettre en francais. Je viens aujourd’hui vous communiquer dans cette derniére langue un ecrit Sur le même Sujet. Je le crois utile á votre patrie et desire beaucoup qu’il obtienne votre Suffrage. J’ai l’honneur...
§ To Robert and Mrs. Brent. 22 April 1816. “Mr. & Mrs. Madison requests the favor of Mr and Mrs Brent to dine with them on Thursday next at 4 o’clock. An answer is requested.” RC ( NN : Lee Kohns Memorial Collection). 1 p.; printed invitation, with blank spaces for names and date, filled by John Payne Todd.
The Revd. John H. Rice called on me today, with a view that I might present him to you. He is on his way to New York, to attend a general meeting of the bible societies of the UStates, and the object of his call was, to solicit such countenance to them, as yourself & the others, in the principal offices of the govt., might be disposed to give, not as members of the govt., but individuals...
I am here on a visit of a few days to my remaining parent, enjoying as much happiness as a son can, under her kind roof. I am sure it will afford you pleasure, madam, to hear that her health is perfectly good, and her situation in all things comfortable and happy. Hearing me say I intended to write to you, she requested that I would present to you her affectionate and cordial remembrance....
Whereas it has been represented to me that Thomas and Joel Holden, of the State of Massachusetts, are imprisoned in the Common Jail of Boston, upon an execution issued against them on a judgment in the District Court of the United States for the District of Massachusetts, at the suit of the United States, and it has been made to appear to me that the said Thomas and Joel Holden are entirely...
I have the honour to enclose, herewith, Nominations for the promotions and appointments required by the Naval Service of the United States. I have the honour to be, &c. Letterbook copy and letterbook copy of enclosure ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). JM forwarded the nominations, listing forty-nine names, in two messages to the Senate on 20 Apr. 1816 ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations,...
Last Washington mail brought me the enclosed letter (returned) from Gen. John Smith of New York. Mr. Astor has never spoken to me on the subject. It would please me that he should be gratified in that respect. It will promote the filling of subcriptions, and he has a fair claim to that honorific distinction. In April 1813, when the federalists of New York refused to subscribe to the 16...
He has just entered his 15th year is about 5 feet high, Square built and stoops a little in his shoulders has a fair skin and ruddy complexion light brown hair cut short large blue eyes but not prominent dark brown eye brows rather large eye lashes of the same colour and very long, his nose short and inclined to turn up his lips too short to cover his teeth which makes him keep generally his...
There has been no court on the account of the judge not comeing down he sent a mesenger to the court house on monday stating that he was very ill but that he would try and be down on wednesday but yesterday M r Booker received a letter from him stating that he was quite Disabled and could not attend but that he would have a call court to try my father s will we were ready to come to a trial...
In my letter of the 2 d inst. I stated, according to your request what occurred to me on the subjects of Defence and Education; and I will now proceed to do the same on the remaining subject of your’s of Mar. 22. the construction of a general map of the state. for this the legislature directs that there shall be I. a topographical survey of each county. II. a General survey of the Outlines of...
Self, Self, is very often the first consideration I therefore begin my Letter by Saying I have had three good Nights. the Tincture of essence of hops, has contributed to them but it gives me the head ache. the weather is so worse than wintry, that I dare not encounter it abroad, so am deprived of exercise I ought to take.—the P has been Sick ever since Saturday with a most sad cold, taken on...
We are waiting with great anxiety to hear again from Quincy, and pray that they may bring us favourable accounts of your health—We have none later than of 19. February, which came by the New Packet, and which were received nearly a Month since. Mr and Mrs Tarbell are gone with Mr: and Mrs O. Everett, and Captain Stuart to France. We have a constant succession of our Countrymen coming and...
The inclosed has just been handed to me from Mr. Latrobe. You will say to him what you think proper on the subject. Accept my esteem & friendly respects RC and enclosure ( Vi : Board of Public Works Papers). RC addressed and franked by JM ; docketed by Nicholas. The enclosure is Benjamin Henry Latrobe to JM , 16 Apr. 1816 .
I Nominate, John Swart, of New York to be Collector of the direct tax and internal duties for the Seventh district of the Same State in the place of George Tiffany resigned. Jacob Tysen, of New York, to be principal assessor for the 26th district in the same state in place of David Mersereau resigned. William P. Moore of Virginia to be principal assessor for the 26th, district of the same...
Your letter of the 12th reached me only the day before yesterday, and not willing to make a hasty decision, I have delayed an answer till to day. I feel very grateful for your kind offer, which I know to have been equally owing to your friendship for me and to your views of public utility. I decline it with some reluctance because I think that I would be more useful at home than abroad and I...
The bearer Mr. N. Andrews purposes setting off to-morrow for Washington City, in hope of obtaining the office of Chaplain, on board of a frigate or seventy four Gun Ship, in the service of the U.S. If ministerial talents, and literary acquisitions—If loyalty to the Government of this Country, and ardent zeal in the cause of pure Republicanism—If heroism in days of peril, and courageous...
I wrote thee, some time since, concerning an Essay of mine, which I proposed to have sent to thee for examination, before I should publish it: & I am now to explain why that Paper was not sent to thee as I intended. Presuming thy time would be all occupied at that time, I sent it to thy friend Jefferson to read, requesting him to return it to thee, as soon as might be convenient, & to favor me...
It being presumed that further information may have changed the views of the Senate relative to the importance & expediency of a Mission to Naples, for the purpose of negociating indemnities to our Citizens for Spoliations committed by the Neapolitan Government, I nominate William Pinkney Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Russia, to be Minister Plenipotentiary to Naples...
I Nominate William R. King, of North Carolina to be Secretary of the Legation to Russia. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 14B–A1). In John Payne Todd’s hand, signed by JM . The Senate approved the nomination on 23 Apr. 1816 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings, Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828). 3:46).
I nominate, Nehemiah R. Knight of Rhode Island to be Collector of direct taxes and internal duties for the Second Collection district of the same State in the place of William B. Martin resigned. RC ( DNA : RG 46, Executive Proceedings, Nominations, 14B–A1). In John Payne Todd’s hand, signed by JM . The Senate approved the nomination on 23 Apr. 1816 ( Senate Exec. Proceedings, Journal of the...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred the Resolution of the House of Representatives, requesting the President to cause to be laid before that House information relative to the duties laid on Articles imported from the United States into the British Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick; relative to the Duties on Articles exported to the United States from the said...
The undersigned consider it their duty to draw the attention of the Executive to the situation of the State of Tennessee, which they have the honor to represent, in regard to the Indian claim still existing to lands within its chartered limits. The western section of the State embracing its whole width from North to South; and from the Mississippi to the Tennessee river, and towards the...
Your favor of Mar. 30. was recieved just as I was setting out for this place, 90. miles S.W from Monticello . I inclose an answer to the acceptable letter of your daughter. the sensibility expressed in hers for services so moderate shews a heart of great sensibility susceptibility, and which under your careful instruction promises to make happy parents and friends. I am glad you have explained...
I thank you, my excellent young friend, for your kind letter of Mar. 7. the heart must be of uncommon sensibility which feels so strongly slight degrees of merit in others. if I have ever been useful to your father , it was by doing what was much more useful to the public for whom I acted, by availing them of the services of a faithful and able citizen. it is not then to me, you are indebted,...
I sincerely condole with you, Madam, on the loss of your worthy father , of which your letter gives me the first information. to the public he bade fair to be very useful by his inexhaustible ingenuity; and to his family he must have been inestimable. these afflictions are our common lot; and they come from a hand to which we must bow with resignation. the example of virtue and industry he...
The inclosed letter is for a daughter of the late D r Bruff , who wrote me a pathetic letter on the death of her father. altho I considered him as an ingenious and virtuous man, and always shewed him that I wished his success, yet there never was any particular acquaintance between us beyond the drawing of a tooth or two. I do not therefore exactly see the scope of the letter. but whatever it...
I lay before Congress copies of a convention concluded between the United States and the Cherokee Indians on the second day of March last, as the same has been duly ratified and Proclaimed, And I recommend that Such provision be made by Congress as the Stipulations therein contained may require. RC , two copies, and enclosure, two copies ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 14A–D1; and DNA :...
I nominate, Beverly Daniel, whose commission has expired to be Marshal for North Carolina for the term of four years. Isaac Cox Barnet, of New Jersey, to be Consul at Paris. Thomas English, to be Consul at in Dublin in Ireland. Thomas Auldjo, to be consul at Cowes in England. John Levett Harris, of Pennsylvania to be consul at St Petersburg. Joseph Ficklin of Kentucky, to be consul at St...
“If the system already devised, has not produced all the effects which were expected from it, new experiments ought to be made, when every effort to introduce among them (the Indian savages) ideas of exclusive property in things real as well as personal shall fail, let intermarriages between them and the whites be encouraged by the government. This cannot fail to preserve the race, with the...
Having a good opportunity to write to England, I will gladly avail myself of it, to make such enquiries, as might conduce to promote the object of the Governor of Virginia, in procuring a Professional Man of character & eminence to direct the improvement of the State by roads & Canals. It would however be necessary, perhaps, that I should mention the terms likely to be granted to the Principal...
This Letter Will Be delivered By Mr Geo. Flower Who is Going over With an intention to Settle in America . I know Him to Be one of the Most desirable Acquisitions the U.S. Can Make. His departure from England is Suspended Untill a Line of introduction from me to You Can Reach Him. While it Shows the proper Sense He Has of Your Acquaintance, I find in it a Very pleasing Gratification, as Mr...
We will communicate to Mess r Van Staphorst what you have done us the honor of writing to us under date of the 7 t ins t and ’till we can receive their further directions we think we may Say that these friends will not object to the further extension you desire while they must be assured, as we ourselves fully are, that at the expiration of the Several terms, which you are pleased to fix, you...
The departure of a vessel for the U: States , in the course of an hour, allows me only the time to say, that I have just return’d from paying the last tribute of affection, to my inestimable friend, m r mazzei , who died yesterday in Pisa — The first symptoms of his disorder, appear’d about a week since, by an erisipola on his legs, which it seems, his physicians were unable to prevent...
I nominate Timothy Upham, of New Hampshire, to be Collector of Portsmouth, in the place of Joseph Whipple deceased. John F. Parrott, of New Hampshire, to be Naval Officer for Portsmouth. William Hammond of Rhode Island, to be surveyor of the port of North Kingstown, in the same State. Bridges Arrundell of North Carolina, to be Collector of the port of Beaufort in the same state in the place of...
Major Thompson belongd to a Pena. brigade in the revolutionary war, when I knew him. He was I think a subaltern. I have seen him often, since I came here, & apparently in indigent circumstances. I have always thought well of him, without any minute knowledge of him. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML). Enclosure is John Thompson to Monroe, 15 Apr. 1816 (1 p.), seeking any appointment that...
The very polite attention of Mr Jackson, Your Envoy at this Court, and the highly liberal manner wherein he has been pleased to afford me information, relative to a variety of matters interesting to those purposing to settle in the United States, induce me to take advantage of his kind offer to transmit this address. I was intended for the Engineer Branch of the Army, but prefer’d the...
The office of Surveyor of the port of Darien by the late resignation of Thomas McCall Esquire has become Vacant. I am desirous of obtaining this appointment and being Under the impression that the Nomination to it is Made by yourself I take the liberty of soliciting your assistance in the accomplishment of this Wish. Not having the honor of an acquaintance with You, as a Testimonial in My...
The preceding, Sir, is a copy of my letter written to you , the day following the death of m r mazzei.—I now inclose you, the legal attestation of his decease; an attested Copy of his will; together with a letter from the guardian of his daughter, as to the disposal of the property in your hands.—all these acts I have confirm’d in my official capacity, and which I presume, are the only...
Estratto dalle Minute degli Atti ricevuti dal Dottor Giovanni Bonci Notaro Pubblico residente in Pisa Al Nome di Dio Amen. L’anno del Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo mille ottocento quattordici, Indizione Romana Seconda, e questo di tre del Mese di Decembre, sotto il Pontificato di Sua Santità Pio Settimo , e Sua Altezza Imperiale, e Reale il Serenissimo Ferdinando Terzo Principe Reale d’Ungheria, e...
The enclosed from Genl. Ripley, was intended for my own inspection only; but as it is interesting in many views, and especially as his objects can be effected only by your being acquainted with them & his reason, in their favor, and your se[e]ing it, can do no harm to him or any other person, I send it to you. I send also Mr Bagots reply to my note respecting the British Commissrs. for the...
je prend la liberté de vous adrésser Monsieur Geo. flower Agriculteur Anglais qui veut aller exercer son activité et ses talents Sur une terre où l’industrie est cert Sûre de ne point trouver d’obstacles, et où l’homme peut retirer une juste récompense de ses travaux. M r flower que j’ai eu occasion de connoître particuliérement en france est doué d’un dégré de Sagesse et de raison qu’on...
“If the system already devised, has not produced all the effects which were expected from it, new experiments ought to be made, when every effort to introduce among them (the Indian savages) ideas of exclusive property in things real as well as personal shall fail, let intermarriages between them and the whites be encouraged by the government. This cannot fail to preserve the race, with the...
This letter will be handed you by Dr Walter V. Wheaton my brother in law and late a Hospital Surgeon in the army. He is a candidate to be retained under the new law, and I take the very great liberty of commending him to your notice and protection. His reputation in the service and the strong testimonials he has received from those who were witnesses of his zeal and labours enables me to say...
Mr. Dallas has signified to me that it being his intention not to pass another Winter in Washington, he has thought it his duty to give me an opportunity of selecting a Successor during the present session of Congress; intimating a willingness, however, to remain, if desired, in order to put the national Bank in motion. Will it be most agreeable to you, to proceed on your mission to France; or...
I Have taken the liberty Some time Ago to Mention to You the Eager Wishes of a friend of Mine, Charles de perron, Who Being a Stranger to the Business of dynasties, But Rather partial to the National flag, the only one He Has Served Under, Would be Happy to Be admitted to a few Campaigns, as a Volonteer in the Navy of the U.S. I Made Him the Representations Which I Never fail to offer to all...